About using Helios. how I should rotate the injection sites for the helios

Ive read alot on dosages for helios, which is subcutaneous injected clen/yohimbe hcl.

Ive been using oral clen/yohimbe hcl for a few weeks now and my body has adjusted. I have ketofin for prolonging use.

My interest is in how I should rotate the injection sites for the helios. I am 16% bf 220lb, and would like to target primarily a small amount of breast fat, lovehandles which never seem to get smaller, the lower abdominal fat, and upper abdominal fat. The order of importance to me was listed from highest to lowest.

I want to know how often I should pin the same spot, and by targeting multiple areas will i be diluting the effect. For example should i pin the breast fat once daily for the extent of use?

I am on a CKD diet with test tren winstrol and t3.
I'm fairly sure I've read all the major posts regarding Helios, which isn't well used in the community from what i gather. I was looking for it for a year before one of the sponsors started carrying it.
Some talk about switching from say the left side to the right,
But most talk about splitting the dosage down into several injections, pining say each lovehandle in the morning then once you raise the dosage you have 4 injections to work with, so 2 spots on each side of the body.

I still haven't found any link explaining how often I can pin the same area, I really want the breast fat gone, its barely there but I notice it. Also I was thinking the MOST NOTICIBLE FAT ON MY BODY is in fact on my arms, conceiling the muscles there. Perhaps the arms are a good place to disolve fat as I would get the most noticible bang. Afterall I wont be walking around with my shirt off all day, I bounce ppl I don't dance nekkid.
Im fairly sure theres a thread on here that talks about pinning your dose in 3 or so different spots of the target area. I have not used it so I'm no expert.

Example lower abs disect them into three parts pin three different spots totaling 1 whole dose.

May have been Zeeks thread on all you need to know about helios