Acne and ostarine (25 characterssssssssss)


New member
So quick question, how normal is it to develop acne on an ostarine run? I ran it for about 8 weeks in the summer and my acne exploded. The thing is, I ran helladrol right after. I was cocky and stupid, I know. My problem is I can't figure out which gave me the acne, helladrol or ostarine. I'm leaning towards hella. I'm also thinking about running ostarine again in the summer but I worry about the acne sides.
So quick question, how normal is it to develop acne on an ostarine run? I ran it for about 8 weeks in the summer and my acne exploded. The thing is, I ran helladrol right after. I was cocky and stupid, I know. My problem is I can't figure out which gave me the acne, helladrol or ostarine. I'm leaning towards hella. I'm also thinking about running ostarine again in the summer but I worry about the acne sides.

I've experienced some acne on osta using a brand other than SS. Led me to believe there was something else in the bottle. Osta is 100% anabolic and 0% androgenic so acne should never be an issue. Was it SS osta or some off brand?
Are you completely sure it's pure? I've heard of other companies causing it (makes you wonder what's in it) but I've never had any issues with SarmsSearch osta.