Addicted to aas? No. Addicted to homebewing? Yes.


New member
In my pre-homebrew cycling I always used the time on=time off approach and most of the time it was more time off. Now ever since I started homebrewing I'm always wanting to try different stuff I make and my time off has rapidly shrunk to hardly any. Anyone else with this problem? Maybe we should start H.B.A. (home brewers annonymous).
I think I've brewed enough for a lifetime :D no need for anymore brewing. My last brew will be injectable oral Tren.
DocJ said:
In my pre-homebrew cycling I always used the time on=time off approach and most of the time it was more time off. Now ever since I started homebrewing I'm always wanting to try different stuff I make and my time off has rapidly shrunk to hardly any. Anyone else with this problem? Maybe we should start H.B.A. (home brewers annonymous).
I had this problem up until my ALT came back >800. But I still think about it. ;)
pineapple said:
I think I've brewed enough for a lifetime :D no need for anymore brewing. My last brew will be injectable oral Tren.
Calling it 'oral tren' is very deceiving. Methyltrienolone is its own distinct hormone.
mranak said:
Calling it 'oral tren' is very deceiving. Methyltrienolone is its own distinct hormone.
Ok then we can call it MT. And I'm gonna make an injectable version of it, for my cattle. :D
mranak said:
I hope your cattle have livers made a steel.
Yeah I decided not to make it after seeing the price. I dont want to pass on the cost to the consumers that eat the beef.
Damn i had this same problem for a while. Ive pretty much rifled through every compound out there.. And ended up in a great place... Test/tren/masteron enanthate land :0) No more orals or unnecessary compounds for me.. I was on for quite a while, minimum was 250mg test a week.. I actually came off completely for 2 months a little while back.. Im back on the goodies now..
hi. im beach. im a homebrewaholic. i just cant stop. im gonna get fake powder and solvent. just to feed my craving for that scientist feeling i get....
Same prob here. Hard to come off with literally 100's of grams of powders just waiting to be given a life of their own. I feel bad for all of that powder sitting dormant and lifeless. I don't even bother planning out the length of my cycles anymore. I just get tired of one stack and when the itch to create gets too intense... well you guys know the rest. I am an addict. It seems to have something to do with the low cost and constant availability. Hey Mranak what is ALT?
hammer21 said:
Hey Mranak what is ALT?
A liver enzyme. A certain amount is to be expected in the blood, but elevated levels often indicate that damage is actively (or recently) being done to the liver.

The liver has an amazing ability to regenerate, but damage over time will scar the liver, decreasing its ability to do its job.