Adding anavar to TRT on summer shred


New member
Hi Guys

So iv been on TRT for a while now, on 125mg injections every 5-7 days depending on how I feel (prescribed, head accident caused pituitary liaison)

I was going to add Anavar to my cutting cycle in the next week or two...

Obviously no PCT required but -

Should i buy some underground T and upp T dose for a bit (6-8 weeks) to get the best results, and if so should I add an AI? (don't currently need one) or just go off symptoms?

Your already completely shut down,, you could just add the var without it having any effects on hpta.
Of course blasting more test is always good to IMO :)
Yea if u add test there's always that possibilty of needing to manage e2 and all that. Bloodwork will tell the tale...
You could definitely do that. I would maybe bump the test up to 300-500 for a little extra muscle preservation...but that would require an AI.

There's also SARMS. Since you're on trt you could add an osta/s4 stack which promotes great fat loss and hardening. Very similar results to anavar and probably cheaper to run as well.
You could definitely do that. I would maybe bump the test up to 300-500 for a little extra muscle preservation...but that would require an AI.

There's also SARMS. Since you're on trt you could add an osta/s4 stack which promotes great fat loss and hardening. Very similar results to anavar and probably cheaper to run as well.

Could look at as an option, havnt done any research on those things tho... any starters? they dont effect hpta axis from what i know? androgen receptors are changed?
Could look at as an option, havnt done any research on those things tho... any starters? they dont effect hpta axis from what i know? androgen receptors are changed?

its not a bad option..

im personally a big fan of var... but whatever you choose.. var or sta/s4 (both great options) take your test level up a bit.. up your adex to combat estrogen.. and get your nutrition proper.. thats the most important part
Yea if u add test there's always that possibilty of needing to manage e2 and all that. Bloodwork will tell the tale...

^^This. Not many vets here even discuss going off symptoms though I'm sure some have been in this game a long time and probably can. That being said some symptoms of high and low E2 are the same so as tbone said Bloodwork will tell you what you need to do.
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its not a bad option..

im personally a big fan of var... but whatever you choose.. var or sta/s4 (both great options) take your test level up a bit.. up your adex to combat estrogen.. and get your nutrition proper.. thats the most important part

Iv done a bit of reading and the SARM route looks favourable, due to it being less harsh on the liver and not effecting my hpta system (just incase the doc wants a random blood test)...

seen a few ostra,s4,gw stacks...

only concern is safety of these research chems... any input?
^^This. Not many vets here even discuss going off symptoms though I'm sure some have been in this game a long time and probably can. That being said some symptoms of high and low E2 are the same so as tbone said Bloodwork will tell you what you need to do.

very true, got a blood check up in 2 weeks and ill be starting my stack post that...
Iv done a bit of reading and the SARM route looks favourable, due to it being less harsh on the liver and not effecting my hpta system (just incase the doc wants a random blood test)...

seen a few ostra,s4,gw stacks...

only concern is safety of these research chems... any input?

Here check these links out. Mildly suppressive to the HPTA...nothing close to steroids as far as shutdown.
SARMS Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators | Sport Bodybuilding And Steroid Use
If your already on TRT and want to use Var and have access to more test then go for it. up it to 500mg a week total (Trt test and your extra) be prepared to add a little more AI if needed. Remember your Doctor works for you.
If your already on TRT and want to use Var and have access to more test then go for it. up it to 500mg a week total (Trt test and your extra) be prepared to add a little more AI if needed. Remember your Doctor works for you.

Thanks probabily my most likely option, not sure on the safety of serms long term seen some cancer discussion with not much conclusive evidence either way... but hey most things give us cancer these days!
But yeh seeing as being shut down isnt an issue im not worried about var...

and same ideas with the increased T and adding var, im not currently on an AI and in the UK docs wont pescribe it (they will just lower T dose) so ill have to add that myself...

Hopefully once i have my next blood test that will be it for 6 months till my next checkup

how long would i need on the TRT dose T and no Anavar for both to have no expression on my blood results?

concerned from reading with the long term sides, s4 effect on vision and possible links to cancer (Although i appreciate was high dose on rats but still)

Yes the dose they were giving rats was putting them at saturation levels exponentially higher than what humans are taking. The cancer was related to GW-50 which is not a SARM, but a PPAR agonist which switches your body's preferred fuel source to fat and increases endurance and rate of fat loss. The vision sides from S4 are negligible and typically only occur at high doses. I noticed a slight yellow tint at night when running 75mg/day. This side effect is completely harmless and goes away immediately after stopping. Other then that the nly side effects is lean gains, fat loss, and muscle hardness :)
Thanks probabily my most likely option, not sure on the safety of serms long term seen some cancer discussion with not much conclusive evidence either way... but hey most things give us cancer these days!
But yeh seeing as being shut down isnt an issue im not worried about var...

and same ideas with the increased T and adding var, im not currently on an AI and in the UK docs wont pescribe it (they will just lower T dose) so ill have to add that myself...

Hopefully once i have my next blood test that will be it for 6 months till my next checkup

how long would i need on the TRT dose T and no Anavar for both to have no expression on my blood results?


Var would not show any increase in T or really effect your E either. Women and even adolescent children with muscle wasting disease take it. As far as the extra test and how long for it to clear depends on the ester you use TNE or test no ester would clear the quickest but I would not advise TNE you have to dose it twice a day to have stable levels. Test P would be your best option it would stop contributing to your numbers about 5 days after the last pin of it and drop down to trt only levels within 2 weeks. The AI you can order RUI labs a sponsor on here has it available without prescription for "research" purposes:)
I am finishing a blast from 140mg trt test w no ai needed to 400 mg week with .5mg Adex per week. For me I needed to up to .5mg e 3.5 days to keep estrogen in chk.

Loved the results
I am finishing a blast from 140mg trt test w no ai needed to 400 mg week with .5mg Adex per week. For me I needed to up to .5mg e 3.5 days to keep estrogen in chk.

Loved the results

Thanks guys, torn between anavar and ostraine/s4 cycle

will probabily go for var i expect due to more knowledge of it...

as far as T clearing my system im on Test En so ill probabily be increasing that, think it has a 7-10 day half life