advice/criticism wanted (sp)


New member
Ive been meaning to get around to this but ive been being lazy. Wheels are getting to were i want them starting to get the sepeartin in the quads i just dont have any pics, eventually i will.
you look like someone from the MMA world...frank shamrock perhaps? lol

i would say your back/arms/traps are the best things. don't worry about them's really hard to bring that up.

you're not to mess with. u huge
You have a nice build, but I think you should put more size on your chest - its unproportional to the rest of your body. Everything else looks good. Keep up the good work :)
Jacked!!! said:
I would say chest and back width. get stuck into those heavy ass rows

I would say the same.

That's not to say you don't look great though, you do. GJ man. Stats?
Nice job you should be proud. My 2 cents, thicken the chest and shed about 5 pound off the lower mid section to rip up those abs!
keep it up!
i think if you lose a few pounds around the midsection, it'll make the back look bigger as well as the chest.

Sorry for the delay and despite the fact that ive told everyone in the world, im graduating from with my bachelors in criminal Justice this semester and applying to grad school so ive been incredibly busy; All that being said here are the wheels.
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