Advise on my bulk diet


New member
Here's my diet guys does this look good to anybody
6eggs 100g oats
meal#2 5oz chicken 8oz sweet potato 24 almonds
meal#3 5oz chicken 200g White potato 24almonds bannana
meal#4 tin of tuna 100g brown rice
meal#5 5oz chicken 4slices of wholewheat bread bannana
totaling 3564kcals
No possible way to know that without your tdee. Do you have any idea what you need for maintenance?

3600 for me would be just slightly above maintenance. 3600 for 3J would be cutting. Check 3Js sticky and read first post.
On a work day because I work 4on4off made up like 2days2nights and then 4days off I traine my 4days off and both my days after work
so a work day i will traine after 7oclock so my 4th meal will be my preworkout
and on my 4days off it'll be my sencond meal 5oz chicken but I switch the sweet potato for white potato
you can hold the tuna. the proteine take mush time to be digest than carb, and take tuna after.

the biodiponibility of proteine is always a thing to think about.
My last break at work is 5-6 so I'm done eating at 6 and then work untill 7 then go to the gym about 730 so you think I should just take in carb on my 4th meal .? And leave the tuna till after
Also my maintainence kcal came out at 3100 due to my job being a quite physical
how does my diet look or do I need a new one
height is 5"7
weight 165lb
bf% n/a
many thanks
you can add the tuna with meal 5.

usualy carb before working out and prot after are more easyer to be cycled by the digestive organs.

i think this kind of diet is G2g, but you can vary to increase the biodisponibility, i mean to not eat the same things everyday. as far as the food have the same % of carb, prot, low fat, they could be interchangeable.

If your maintenance level is 3100 then 3500 is a good start.

I would run a 40-40-20 split which would mean
1400 cals of protein = 350g
1400 cals of carbs = 350g
700 cals of fats = 77g

Your schedule is a little fucked up, if it were me on work days i would split protein evenly between all 6 meals. I would make meals 1, 4, 5 and 6 my pro/carb meals assuming meal 5 is pre and meal 6 is post. Meals 2 and 3 would be my pro/fat meals.

On your off days I would split protein evenly between all 6 meals. Split carbs between meals 1, 2 (Pre), 3 (Post) and 4. Make meals 5 and 6 your pro/fat meals.

Even though your bulking your gonna want to try and limit your carb/fat intake together as little as possible. Doing this will limit the amount of fat stored but should still allow you to bulk. Also try and limit your carbs before bed unless its right after a workout.
Welter your giving some cracking advise here but I only manage to eat 5times aday with my schedule I looked at 3js post but as he does he eats 6-7times I'm unable to do that
so it's as simple as just splitting my kcal needs between 5
I don't get fats in on meals 4-5 just 1-2-3
2 lots of almonds and yolks
Keep this advise coming my man it's helping just trying to get my head around it
Im not sure if your eating whole eggs or egg whites. I would eat whites. For example my normal breakfast is 8 egg whites and 1 whole egg scrambled in the 8 egg whites. Cuts the fat down dramatically but gives you a nice shot of protein. At night even if its a shake your going to want some casein protein just before bed. Eat it late, Casein=cottage cheese, lean red meat, casein shake. I try to eat red meat as often as possible but the few carbs in cottage cheese wont hurt you that late.

I know your schedule is tough but id try and throw a shake in there and drink it on the go (at work) if at all possible. It's not optimal but its better than spreading out meals imo. If not then 5 meals it is. Obviously the more (meals) the better. Just keep an eye on your kcals and macros. the more often you eat the lower each meal will be obviously. Regardless of the amount of meals you get in, to bulk your going to have to eat over maintenance.
Here's my diet guys does this look good to anybody
6eggs 100g oats
meal#2 5oz chicken 8oz sweet potato 24 almonds
meal#3 5oz chicken 200g White potato 24almonds bannana
meal#4 tin of tuna 100g brown rice
meal#5 5oz chicken 4slices of wholewheat bread bannana
totaling 3564kcals

how did u get ur totals?? give me a macro break down in pro/fat/cal/carb

where is ur shake??? u dont do a pwo shake?

what are ur stats??
Yes 3j my man now this diet thread is coming alive I could really do with your help
my stats
height 5"7
weight 165lb
age 22
trainning 2+years
moderatly active job on my feet 12hours aday

how I got my current macros was from a macronutrience calculator online got my daily carb/pro/fat I needed to bulk and just devided it by 5
I was told 4oz of chicken was 30g of protein
so I go for 5-6oz plus the proten I ge from almonds so I'd say 40p/70c/26f I only get
fats on 1st2nd3rd meals
help me bro it's in a mess
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have you started this diet already? if so, how long have u been on and how much weight have u gained if so?

btw u were in good hands with welter... very knowledgeable member
Yes welter is a great help I don't dout that at all with both of you coming to my rescue I cannot go wrong
I've been eating like this for 4month in the mirror I've seen good gains but my weigh has plumited majurly within the last 2weeks drop 4lb and I don't know how I find it hard to keep weight on Its unreal if i have a cheat day just to give my body a rest I feel small look depleted Its unreal
what do you think of my diet as it is