after makeing fina do i have to bake it


New member
there is a lot of diffrent ways to make fina i have all instruction but maybe one talks about bakeing it do i have to do it and when thx
you should put it in the oven to make sure it is sterilized. go check out the chemical forum for more info. I saw a thread there in the beginning some where recently.
Baking tren is like aspirating. Its so easy to do, why not just do it? You might be ok not doing it. But its better safe than sorry. Shit happens.
when should i put it in the oven at the end of the process and for how long and at what temp so i dont fuck anything up after i bake it what do i do then i just dont wana fuck anything up cause it my first time im a virgin
thx man so basicly what ur saying is after im done and the final product is in the final bottle just before i inject that shit bake it for 45 min at temp of 250
I haven't baked since my first batch, and I've made 3 or 4 batches since then and am doing just fine.

Why not bake?

A- From everything I've read it has the potential of reducing the effectiveness of the tren.

B- My chemist buddies all tell me that the BA will kill anything in the final solution.

Never an absess, never a problem.

You say a lot but provide no statistical data or validated research articles to back it up. I am not saying you are wrong, I would just like to read what you have read saying that Baking will decrease the effectiveness of Tren, and where it says that BA will kill anything in the final solution

And don't post any threads from some other board either...I wanna see some scientific proof...I'm tired of hearing what other people think

Thanks bro,

Outta 6+ batches i only baked this last time and it came out lookin fucked up/.....250 for 35 mins. Ill never bake again AND if medicine says it needs to be stored at a certain temp as all medicine says.....then why on earth wuld someone bake their meds? Ive wondered this for a while.
Wuld one bake a bottlke of EQ....i think not....theyed prolly not want to hurt it by exposing it to the heat for that long.....same w/ Fina IMHO.

all of thgese qurstions have been answered in detail.

gunz how many chemists told you ba sterilizes everything. i am gonna guess 0. you guys kill me. we talk about this almost everyday and still some folks come in here and spout off a bunch of opinions and made up shit just so they can sound smart and dont have a clue. if you dont wanna follow gmp then dont. but dont come in here and make shit up to justify your actions. from now on any of you guys got questions about sterility PM me cause i am so sick of some of these posts in here.

gator why is eq any different than any other hormone you dont know do you? course not.
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Just gotta add my 2cents to this thread......;)

I pretty much agree with everything Pullinbig has posted reguarding sterilization. He has covered the topic pretty well.

BA "DOES NOT" sterilize your solution. It simply prevents live bacteria from multiplying.

Does heat sterilizing in your oven kill the bacteria......ABSOLUTELY .

Is heat sterilizing the only way to sterilize your solution.......NO .

When used properly, a STERILE syringe filter, or STERILE vacuum filtering flask will give you a sterile solution.
Technical data suggests that any solution passed through a .2um STERILE syringe filter will be technically sterile. Although I have been told by a microbiologist, that very few bacteria can make it through a .45um filter.
This is directly quoted from the syringe filter package insert:
"Sterility guaranteed downstream of the filter if integrity is not compromised".

Can heat degrade your hormone?....Sure. But you would have to hit temperatures that are WAY above what we are talking about for heat sterilization.

So in answer to the original question in this you need to bake your fina? No. You can simply run it through a sterile syringe filter into a sterile vial.
If you are still worried, then go ahead and heat sterilize it.
Great post Mr. T

How high of a temperature would one have to reach in order for the horomone to begin to degrade and lose potency?

Mr.T said:
Just gotta add my 2cents to this thread......;)

I pretty much agree with everything Pullinbig has posted reguarding sterilization. He has covered the topic pretty well.

BA "DOES NOT" sterilize your solution. It simply prevents live bacteria from multiplying.

Does heat sterilizing in your oven kill the bacteria......ABSOLUTELY .

Is heat sterilizing the only way to sterilize your solution.......NO .

When used properly, a STERILE syringe filter, or STERILE vacuum filtering flask will give you a sterile solution.
Technical data suggests that any solution passed through a .2um STERILE syringe filter will be technically sterile. Although I have been told by a microbiologist, that very few bacteria can make it through a .45um filter.
This is directly quoted from the syringe filter package insert:
"Sterility guaranteed downstream of the filter if integrity is not compromised".

Can heat degrade your hormone?....Sure. But you would have to hit temperatures that are WAY above what we are talking about for heat sterilization.

So in answer to the original question in this you need to bake your fina? No. You can simply run it through a sterile syringe filter into a sterile vial.
If you are still worried, then go ahead and heat sterilize it.

what about endotoxins? if released from the membrane walls of bacteria (gr-) they are soluable as well as being much smaller than the bacteria that it is released from. this means that they can pass thru the filter. so.... how do you kill these pesky little devils if they are not trapped by the filter? Hmmmmm....... i wonder?? by the way endotoxins can be deadly. food for thought Mr. T i will add one more note. the risk of endotoxins making it into your final solution is doubtful if pressure filtration and heat steriliation are used. it is more likely without the heat sterilization. does this mean you will get minigitus if you dont heat? who knows. its playing the odds. many of you may never follow gmp and have 0 probs. while others will have probs. infections are extrememly painful and debilitating til they clear. others if untreated can lead to death. so.... why take the chance? its an individual thing. i choose to follow gmp. thats my choice and i just want everyone to be able to make an educated dicision and at least be aware of the facts. but like i said in an earlier post, new info may break tomorrow. but how will we know if we dont read?
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Pullinbig & Taurus50

Here's my answers, although I'm sure you won't like them at all. Reread my post and I never claimed to be a chemist or anything else. Just someone who does a lot of research on the boards and books, tries to filter fact from bullshit the best I can and then apply those principles to my cycle, workout, individual genetics, etc.

1- Taurus50 - I don't have any textbook quotes for you, sorry pal.

2- As far as the chemist's / mfgr / bro's who told me that baking wasn't required for tren:

A) IP - Has users add veg oil to his oil based injectables to cut the pain if they can't handle his gear as is, when I asked him if I needed to find sterile veg oil, he said no the BA will take care of that.

I know I'm gonna get a lot of shit for bringing up IP, say what you will about his gear.......BUT I'VE NEVER HEARD ANY STORIES ABOUT GUYS DROPPING LIKE FLIES FROM HIS GEAR.....OR GETTING INFECTIONS. The guy probably turns out gallons of gear a year.

His website to this day, recommends cutting with veg oil. No, I won't post the link find it yourself.

B) A trusted mod (conversion area) on another board, advocates not final baking for the reasons I listed in my previous post. Don't have his permission to use his name so I won't, besides you guys have already stated that a textbook is the only satisfactory source I should quote.

Well there you have it. Proceed to beat me up, I had the balls to come back and defend my post, which I still stand by, but when it comes to my next batch I won't be baking it.
A) IP - Has users add veg oil to his oil based injectables to cut the pain if they can't handle his gear as is, when I asked him if I needed to find sterile veg oil, he said no the BA will take care of that.

perhaps instead of taking a guys word for something about ba why not read it for your self. vegetablle oil is what we use for a carrier most of the time anyway. ba dont sterilize oil. IPs gear sucks. if its painfull cut it he says? what a fucking moron. he may turn out gallons a year but he is lost. and i know several folks who got infections from ip gear. personally i could care less if you bake or filter, just dont post BS excuses why you wont. you cant find any validated data to back up your claims, cause there aint none.

as far as defendig your post you did a piss poor job. you presented more BS. in the time you spent typing this up you could have found an article on ba and read what lab results say about it and not some wanna be chemist named IP. he is in it for the money. period. he dont care if you get sick or not.