Albuterol dose

I was under the impression albuterol was almost identical to Clenbuterol except for the half life. I had no idea they were different. Is there a good source of information on Albuterol similar to what has been posted about substances under the Profile section?
apparantly using benedryl to "clean" your receptors is as good and easier to get use then ketotifen.. From what I read as well it is only diff in half life then clen, I did see in one article it is actually SLIGHTLY anabolic and clen is not - can'tremember the source of my info though, I will try to find it....
HeHateMe said:
Force, I assume you've used clen as well. How did the two compare? I'm thinking of giving albuterol a run in favor of clen next time around.

yes I have used clen as well, to compare the two I would say the biggest diff is Much less "shaking and jitters" type feelings on Albuterol, still lots of sweating though :)
apparantly using benedryl to "clean" your receptors is as good and easier to get use then ketotifen.. From what I read as well it is only diff in half life then Clen, I did see in one article it is actually SLIGHTLY anabolic and Clen is not - can'tremember the source of my info though, I will try to find it....

Benedryl? Really?? I can't say i've ever heard that. Anyone have an opinion on that?
maverickLA said:
I was under the impression albuterol was almost identical to Clenbuterol except for the half life. I had no idea they were different. Is there a good source of information on Albuterol similar to what has been posted about substances under the Profile section?
They are similar in action in the body (beta-2 agonist) and yes, different half-lives.
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phytgrl said:
apparantly using benedryl to "clean" your receptors is as good and easier to get use then ketotifen.. From what I read as well it is only diff in half life then clen, I did see in one article it is actually SLIGHTLY anabolic and clen is not - can'tremember the source of my info though, I will try to find it....
Albuterol does show anabolic behavior in humans with clen it was always in rats but not humans.

Ketotifen is a lot stronger upregulator of beta-receptors than benedryl but all you have to do is take more benedryl to make it effective. 50-75mg/night would do it.
Problem with using inhaler is you will burn through it so fast....I just get the 8mg tabs....I never felt like I got the sam results with Albuterol.
in order to get tabs do you need a prescription or do some research sites offer them in this form?

ive enjoyed albuterol in liquid form but its just a pain in the ass.
in order to get tabs do you need a prescription or do some research sites offer them in this form?

ive enjoyed albuterol in liquid form but its just a pain in the ass.

I don't believe they can offer them in tablet form.

However, albuterol can be had from overseas pharmacies. It should sail right through customs as long as it is a personal use quantity.
I get mine in liquid form and it is cool and way cheaper than clen. I like the fact albuterol has less side and risks. I take it 2 times per day at 6mg/ml but i skip evenings just in case, I work very early so I cant miss my sleep.

In my opinion from what I've tried liquid version is better, simple, with no flavor or after taste and if u hold it under your tongue starts acting a bit faster.

Ive been leaning out since then. I use 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off.

i think you should definetly give it a try and compare to the clen u used
Cycling it like that really isn't necessary due to it's shorter half-life (similar to ephedrine). I usually use it for 5-6 weeks @ 18-24mg/day, divided into 3-4 doses. I also use ketotifen with it @ 1-2mg/day.

this is a corect way of dosing albuterol the use of the ketotifen is to stabilize it for use up to 8 weeks
with out kteotifen it should be 3 weeks max same as clen
albuterol's half life is 4-6 hours therefor its best to take doses 3x ed example 8am/12pm/4pm effective doses for albuterol are 24mg doseing dose not change for men nor women
doses of 24mg should take 1 week to reach ie split the week 8mg day 1 then 4 days later 16mg then 8th day 24mg after that remain at 24mg

ive spent alot of time researching into this my wife uses it
apparantly using benedryl to "clean" your receptors is as good and easier to get use then ketotifen.. From what I read as well it is only diff in half life then clen, I did see in one article it is actually SLIGHTLY anabolic and clen is not - can'tremember the source of my info though, I will try to find it....

Benedryl does not work nearly as well as ketotifen and should not be used.