All About SARMs :)

Shutdown is probably not the right word. Osta won't shut you down, but at higher dosages will SUPPRESS. Shutdown means well...shut DOWN, i.e. no hormonal production. Suppression is on a scale from mild to severe, with the most severe being shut down.

Suppression will be dependent on 2 factors 1) the dosage, and 2) how a given individual will react to said dosage.

10mg ed should keep you pretty safe.

OK thats good. Cause I had someone tell me that'll do shutdown and it scared me.

I've also read anything higher than 30mg will do now I'm torn between 10 and 30mg. Most of the time I see people running osta at 25mg.
OK thats good. Cause I had someone tell me that'll do shutdown and it scared me.

I've also read anything higher than 30mg will do now I'm torn between 10 and 30mg. Most of the time I see people running osta at 25mg.

People get results at dosages lower that 25. Start with 10-12.5. You can always adjust that later. Obviously the higher dosages you run of SARMs or any anabolic compound, the more it will suppress the HTPA.
So is osta meant to oral? I assimed it wad, my fault, th rd n it arrived in bottle w rubber topper. I pin frag 176 so that is not the issue. I c as nt get this stuff out of the bottle!!! Anyone ever deal eith this or eith Precision products? Whats a gal to do? I just want my muscle juice.

Osta is oral. 98% bioavailable, so no reason to pin it.

Contact Precision with your issues, or just use a slin syringe to draw it up and squirt it into your mouth.
Osta is oral. 98% bioavailable, so no reason to pin it.

Contact Precision with your issues, or just use a slin syringe to draw it up and squirt it into your mouth.

Thanks for getting back to me. I thought it was oral, hence the confusion BUT i can't even get it to draw into a pin. It's really strange... i've NEVER seen that happen.

One more note on the S4- it seemed to really enhance my mood :)

I email Precision, I'll call tomorrow... time is of the essence...

Thanks for another useful reply :wiggle::wiggle::Poke:
I dont think osta is good for PCT other than itll help keep your gains, but its not typical for "recovery" from what I understand.

Maybe save Osta for "off" cycle to retain fullness and muscle.

cholesterol- should be effective. Hurley mentioned "Selective" so I was curious and did a lil research. Your bloodwork should pretty much stay unaltered by this, especially due to short half life. I am going to test this and do blood Tuesday, and take Osta Monday (starting it). (I have no one to answer to so if my result change, it's only me to answer to....).:elephant:
Actually, I am still researching correlations with brain functions, but it would seem that immediate memory (ie recent, short term) should increase with S4 and be sharper, as well as possibly concetration... that gets a little too complex for me due to variables. I haven't started Osta research in depth yet.
rock and burly you guys are great.very useful info here.colbert how quick was the shipping,how was the packaging any leaking? I'm wondering about uniquemicals so the more info the better.I'd also like to keep updated on your results if they go well I think I'm going to give uniquemicals a go.
rock and burly you guys are great.very useful info here.colbert how quick was the shipping,how was the packaging any leaking? I'm wondering about uniquemicals so the more info the better.I'd also like to keep updated on your results if they go well I think I'm going to give uniquemicals a go.

Shipping was ridiculously fast, no leakage, the product was tape to the inside of the box so it wouldn't move around anymore,which is very smart, and this stuff taste really bad...just like its suppose to.

I took 10mg of it today and yesterday on an empty stomach so I can't wait to see the results :)

Yes these guys are great and they have a lot of knowledge!
Shipping was ridiculously fast, no leakage, the product was tape to the inside of the box so it wouldn't move around anymore,which is very smart, and this stuff taste really bad...just like its suppose to.

I took 10mg of it today and yesterday on an empty stomach so I can't wait to see the results :)

Yes these guys are great and they have a lot of knowledge!

Colbert- 10mg of what?
Shipping was ridiculously fast, no leakage, the product was tape to the inside of the box so it wouldn't move around anymore,which is very smart, and this stuff taste really bad...just like its suppose to.

I took 10mg of it today and yesterday on an empty stomach so I can't wait to see the results :)

Yes these guys are great and they have a lot of knowledge!

great info to know here.thanks
Actually, I am still researching correlations with brain functions, but it would seem that immediate memory (ie recent, short term) should increase with S4 and be sharper, as well as possibly concetration... that gets a little too complex for me due to variables. I haven't started Osta research in depth yet.

yea I been reading up on the s4 from uniquemicals quite a bit but I still have more research to do as well.
I've been doing 25mg of Osta for the last few months , no issues to speak of, not even yellow eyes like you get with S4. For myself I think S4 has run it's course, S4 has a better fat loss and hardening quality to it, but it's still androgenic, 1/3 that of test mind you , but still there. The bone density increase, muscle size and strength, ( S4 is a better strength product but I found that it peaked fast, if you want a fast gain then S4 but for sustained strength growth when you want the bone density and tendons/ligaments to keep pace, S1/osta), power up that S1 provides with zero side's even at 20x the recommended dose, ( ~3mg/day as far as I've read). I love this stuff, but i still maintain that it works better the older your are. I don't think a 20 year old me would get anywhere near the benefits as the 43year old me is getting.
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No need to do Osta on an empty stomach. I prefer to use it pre-pump, about 30 minutes. I run it above 10mg, LOL, but I started at 10. I don't get the same rush- sensation, in a good way that I had from S4- they are actually quite different monsters. My S4 will be added as soon as it arrives. The main component of each does yield favorable for some mental functioning. Try to see if you feel more focused, alert and let me know. Your dream cycles should not be altered by either, some steroids do that, very intensely in fact.
I've been doing 25mg of Osta for the last few months , no issues to speak of, not even yellow eyes like you get with S4. For myself I think S4 has run it's course, S4 has a better fat loss and hardening quality to it, but it's still androgenic, 1/3 that of test mind you , but still there. The bone density increase, muscle size and strength, ( S4 is a better strength product but I found that it peaked fast, if you want a fast gain then S4 but for sustained strength growth when you want the bone density and tendons/ligaments to keep pace, S1/osta), power up that S1 provides with zero side's even at 20x the recommended dose, ( ~3mg/day as far as I've read). I love this stuff, but i still maintain that it works better the older your are. I don't think a 20 year old me would get anywhere near the benefits as the 43year old me is getting.

I think this is very true. As a 20 year old, a stiff wind would create wood in the pants because natural hormone levels were so high already. A 40+ year old like you and me generally has a much-reduced hormone level in comparison to 20 years earlier. Its the same reason older guys can feel so great on 100-200mg of test in testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), but young guys are already producing the same blood levels naturally.
Boys, gentlemen, MuscleMen :) I am young, woman, having great results on it. I have noticed I must dose Osta a bit higher than I expected, but very happy. It just amazes how differently thes effect men and women and then throw in age.... I understand why- i mean, DUH, but GOOD TOPIC!!!!!!!

PS I run the Osta straight, unlike S, which 5-2
Boys, gentlemen, MuscleMen :) I am young, woman, having great results on it. I have noticed I must dose Osta a bit higher than I expected, but very happy. It just amazes how differently thes effect men and women and then throw in age.... I understand why- i mean, DUH, but GOOD TOPIC!!!!!!!

PS I run the Osta straight, unlike S, which 5-2

I think the reason you as a woman are getting good results is that your natural androgens are low, like an older guy's might be, probably even lower. So the anabolic affect is great for you for the same reason as us "ol' dogs".

Tell me, is this the first time you have run Osta?

Not to steal the thread or anything, but just wondering if anyone has tried the ostarine 20mg tablets? (40ct) Not sure if it would be as good as the liquid? Any input?
Not to steal the thread or anything, but just wondering if anyone has tried the ostarine 20mg tablets? (40ct) Not sure if it would be as good as the liquid? Any input?

No one currently active in this thread has. Might want to start another thread with that question, as it will go out to a wider audience than an obscure question in a thread with 5 people posting.