am i contest worthy?



For all you experienced bros out there, I have a bit of a delemma on my hands. There is a bodybuilding contest in 12wks. It would be my first if I decide to do it. First off, don't think that I havn't done research, prepared, and trained before asking this question. Six months ago I had all intentions of doing this show. I am now guessing my potential. Here is the neccessary info. I am nearly 19 years old, 165lb @ 11 or 12%BF, and 5'4". I have been chemically assisted in the past( please don't lecture me on my age and doing gear, because this has nothing to do with that. My reasearch on Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) is very extensive,; I am confident in that area). I will also be chemically assisted for the contest if I deside to do it. In all honesty, what is my potential for the contest? How should I enter? What should I know as far as having an edge comp day? I just don't want to embarass myself out there if you can understand. Thank you for comments.
You'll definitely want to get your bodyfat down lower than that. I'm not sure what that weight looks like on your height, so it's hard to judge without pics.
hmm, lets see... extensive use of aas... age 19... oompa loompa height... yes, ur knowledge with Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) has done u well...
That gear use might have something to do with the fact that he is 5'4".

But anyway.

I am far from knowledable about bodybuilding, but I have observed that those guys tend to get their bf% down very low.

Any clue about your potential competition at the event?
Your not ready. That should be obviouse to your self without asking the board. Keep training a and get your diet in order.
i have pics, but i dunno have to put em on. Anyone care to help me out??

Here are two pics. Sorry, but I'm white as hell, as you can see. Let me know what you think about me as far as my potential for the comp. I know that I am no where near ready, but is it possible for me to do well? Once again can we please ignore the fact that i have PREVIOUSLY used AAS. I've been off for several months. You could probobly already tell from the pics. Thank you to those who are not judging me. Thank you for any productive imput.
Those aren't even showing up as links on my computer. And guys remember, he's 11% BEFORE he's begun to diet...
But damn, 5'4", when did you become "chemically assisted"?
You probably should get yourself in to a doc and have your growth plates x-rayed. If they have closed, then you are forever small. If not, I'd definetly stay off for awhile and pray that you'll have another growth spurt. Maybe even "chemically assist" this with some hGH. And what exactly do you mean "ready" to compete. No one will be able to tell you if you'll be a contender for first without seeing all of the competition. And if you want to know if you're "big enough" to compete, I have news for you: you'll never be "big enough". That is why they have weight classes. If competing is really for you, don't fall into the trap of perpetually waiting, trying to gain size so that you'll be the right size for the comp. At this point, you have all the size for this upcoming comp that you are gonna have. If you decide to do it, you know have to focus on getting yourself into the best possible condition that you can. No one can really tell you what you are asking, you'll have to decide for yourself if it's something that you want to do. Then either do it to the best of your ability, or don't.
nateman06 said:
For all you experienced bros out there, I have a bit of a delemma on my hands. There is a bodybuilding contest in 12wks. It would be my first if I decide to do it. First off, don't think that I havn't done research, prepared, and trained before asking this question. Six months ago I had all intentions of doing this show. I am now guessing my potential. Here is the neccessary info. I am nearly 19 years old, 165lb @ 11 or 12%BF, and 5'4". I have been chemically assisted in the past( please don't lecture me on my age and doing gear, because this has nothing to do with that. My reasearch on Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) is very extensive,; I am confident in that area). I will also be chemically assisted for the contest if I deside to do it. In all honesty, what is my potential for the contest? How should I enter? What should I know as far as having an edge comp day? I just don't want to embarass myself out there if you can understand. Thank you for comments.

Sorry bub. 12%BF isnt bad for the average lifter...but if yer gonna compete thats considered fat. No offense but you are gonna have to cut your BF at least in half by the time of the show. At your current weight you carry almost 20lbs of fat which means if you get yer BF down to an acceptable level you gonna come in at about 150lbs or less. Based on what I know going on your height and weight you shouldnt have to cut more than 10lbs for the event. I know, I know ...what about the pros that drop 30 or 40...well they are a shit load bigger than you or I so its definately not the same playing field. If I were you I would try to get yer BF down to the point that you can walk around at about 8% without preparing for a show. I dont wanna put you down bro...but you dont want people to laugh at you do you?
nateman06 said:
i have pics, but i dunno have to put em on. Anyone care to help me out??
Click post reply
then click on the button labeled 'manage attachments'
browse for picture #1 and double-click on it. Click upload.
Do the same for the other pictures.
when done, click on 'done', I think.
type something in your message and hit submit.
it won't let me put the pics on the post, because it says they are too big, but they are only about 1MG each. Yes, I tried sending them one at a time. Anyway, here is the deal, I am goin to send everyone who replied on the thread an email with them. Thanks.

BTW: My lack of hight is due to my genes. My ENTIRE family, both sides have below Avg height. I have heard that I may have had one last growth spirt in me, and I did take that into consideration with my choice of gear. Not to mention, I like my height the way it is. I can look jacked at 175lbs, where all the guys 5'9" and up look tiny at that weight. I mean shit, look at Lee Priest. Thats my 2cents.
I'm gunna need some email address for anyone who wants or is willing to take a look at them and give me a little feedback. Thanks a lot, sorry for all the pic complications. I seriously appreciate it.
Just so you know, if you decide to go ahead with this, there are some guys on this site who are professionals that can help out with contest preparation, etc. It's a lot easier just to fork out a little money and have someone help you get ready, rather than do it yourself.