Shortened rom can help strengthen the weakest part of a lift, but imo don't limit your workout or even certain lifts to "partials". A full rom is crucial to overall development.
I'll use Lat pull downs as an example. The easy part is getting the handle moving down toward the body. The hard part is squeezing the lats and bringing the bar down to the chest. Once I start to use momentum to get the bar down to my chest, I'll drop about half the weight and only do the last portion of the movement. It's all about squeezing the lats and bring the elbows down. The rom shortens to about 6-9"
Another 'partial ' is what I call 21's. Barbell curls using the bottom half rom, then the top half rom then a full rom at 7 reps each
Continuously working a shortened rom can shorten the tendons and render you less limber imo