Am I OVERTAINED or is this normal

Whats causing this insomnia?

  • just the gear

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • generally rundown/overtrained

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • lack of sunshine/natural melatonin production

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • some combination of the above

    Votes: 3 75.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New member
Ive been doing about 600 mg/wk test and 300 of deca/wk with a 2 week jump of anavar to start.
just finished the 8th wk and about 3 more to go.

about 10 -14 days i started having sleeping problems. used to sleep like a bay for 7-8 hrs, now i find i am waking up after 4 hrs and cant get back to sleep.
i can function quite well on 4 hrs but not if i have a bad nite like last week where i only slept about 1.5 hrs. then i turned into a zombie, cant think straight or anything.
after that 1.5 hr nite my blood pressure was like 158/80 when its normally like 122 /77 . now i noticed my resting heart rate is around 80 even a day or two after my last workout. today it went up to 88 after my very very brief shoulder/ leg workout.
so is it the gear or am i majorly overtrained because up until now i still feel strong in the gym. or lack of sunshine, studying for school in my basement all day and not leaving house until evening except when i workout at 3-4 pm.
i should mention i recently added high rep dealifts to my back and leg workouts. like 220 lbs for 25-35 rep sets which for me is pretty intense and makes me take a knee on the floor for a few seconds when done to failure.
Also ive abstained from alchohol for most of this cycle and even took milk thistle the first few weeks but i have had a few nights where i had 5-6 drinks in the past few weeks, is that significant?
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It is the gear. Happens to me as well. I jus take some benadryl or sleeping pills and go night night. Fuck tossing and turning all night. Got sick of that real fast.
Sleeping pills are my friend when that shit happens.. usually a bj from the chic puts me back to sleep real quick...
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