An overlooked facet of cycling


New member
I m healed; and hungry for the look.
Men in my family die very young...I ll look good....dead or alive.

The title say s it all. As I know what I ll run, I just cycle I m gonna ll be posted up. PSL ONLY as 1 place that has all I want...why go elsewhere...but I digress.

It ll be light and for many silly with a little water to jump me into a trt x 2 or maybe 3, then throw in some prop/tren at 50-50, maybe 50-75.

Trt will stay same but will be upped and ANOTHER PIN ADDED. Bloods will determine duration; my gp and oncon know...they gear up too...with my pal s at PSL as well as walgreens like me.....

Tren is nitrous. Humans are not built for it. Cars are not either.
Test augmentation are adding a turbo, super chargers..then methanol is intorduced...deca and oral s.

Example----- I had a 03 GTI at 334 whp...turbo methane injection. Not enuff so I added a 20 nitrous shot that would come on line at 33oo rpm when the toggle was ON. My boost was 26 vs stock 10. That little 1.8 30 valve was MAXED out.

The 19 year old airmen who bought upped it to a 55 hp NOS shot at 4300 and went pure methanol instead of the 50/50 w water I told him was max.
He burned it down to a lump of melted plastic racing on Beach BLVD....dumb fucker.

My point in the analogy...know what works, adjust for age and and injury, ( that car was maxed...he should have backed off..but u young one s think you l never fuck up, get sick, have cancer, get hurt) REPLACE bACK STOCK so your always s set....and never ask T for a source.If you cannot afford to back stock, jump on a sale...well...I hear bird watching, collecting stamp s and tether ball are cool too.

But please feel free to ask an INFORMED Q via PM...INFORMED. happy to be back.
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Great fucking analogy. Most people my age that i try to teach/guide in this guide heard shit from other people my age so they think they know it all and can do whatever they want, but no. One should know there are limits to any enhancement and if you exceed said limits you will do so much more harm than good. Well put, brother. Hope you've been well, btw. Been awhile
To long my brethren, had some serious medical...then mental...challenges. However muscle memory, genetics and god allah budha saw fit to only permanently make me lose my upper molers. They re fragmenting from chemo but fuck it.

Glad to be here. Ya ll my kin folk

Once I get

2 weeks solid training and eating rest..

last blood draw show s all green lights all across the dashboard

soon as GOTG s package shows to replenish my 3 yr trt stash...

IT S ON like Vikings on a monastery or some Welsh red head lol
Got 5 day s in 45 ms weights then 20-45 cardio gotta eat too

At 2 am I ate a 1/3 of an ice cream cake in a mixing bowl with half and half liberally poured over it...hate my metabolism
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I hope you heal up you've had a rough time I'm glad your back and you need to eat. You need to eat as much clean food as you can and benefit your body. Its going to really help and you already know it!
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