An update on Axio...........

yea i didnt really get how that worked. cap came off every time. i tried twisting it, nothing. it looks like theres some way to reseal it but i couldnt figure it out.. either way, really nice packaging and G2G..


This issue is fixed. I'll see if I can put the link up for the up grades they have made.
It was a factory defect and it is fixed. You might have had some older batches. The new ones have clear stoppers and new crimping metal around them.

mine came with the new lid but when you pop it off the aluminum ring comes off with it which leaves the clear stopper unsealed...
Yeah, the stoppers on mine are clear as well. The second vial in the pics I posted, when U take the flip-top off, it doesnt mess with the ring. The older vials will do it, but there fine, look at the first vial in the pic, U can see where some metal came off with the flip-top. Its fine, and they dont leak.
Ozzy's right, the issue has been resolved and either way I'm running it! Thats just me.
Had the same problem with the lid. Thank God I didn't spill any product.

Their customer service and products are tremendous virtually across the board.

The only product I was not impressed with was their Trenaplex E 200. I found it to be grainy and underdosed and in the future I'll stick to Basskiller's protocol. Could have been the batch and am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. Highly recommend them.
Surely the manufacturer should take responsibility for every batch they produce.

Back in the day a lab was finished after a single bad batch or a customer's bust, today people are far too forgiving.

Had the same problem with the lid. Thank God I didn't spill any product.

Their customer service and products are tremendous virtually across the board.

The only product I was not impressed with was their Trenaplex E 200. I found it to be grainy and underdosed and in the future I'll stick to Basskiller's protocol. Could have been the batch and am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. Highly recommend them.
Yeah, the stoppers on mine are clear as well. The second vial in the pics I posted, when U take the flip-top off, it doesnt mess with the ring. The older vials will do it, but there fine, look at the first vial in the pic, U can see where some metal came off with the flip-top. Its fine, and they dont leak.

Got a way to get it to not rip all of the metal off on the old ones?
kane try 300mg ew for 12 wks. maybe it will help.
soem cant seem to handl tren at any dose and have alot of sides you may be one of them if you are then maybe its not worth it for you to us eit. no point if you feel very sick.

I LOVE it, i must be lucky :p or maybe im just sick in the head lol.
Just got my batch of Testaplex-E fir my winter bulker and they are G2G! Thought I'd share!
That dudes an idiot. Im only in week 2, 4 pins down. So obviously I cant speak of gains yet, But Ive yet to get sick from a dirty shot.
take the drama some where else

WTF is this? How the hell was I trying to start drama? I have also found many other posts on forums about Axio being underdosed and shit. I really hope not because I got some coming. But hey sorry for trying to find out info on a product lol thought thats what the forum was for. You would think you guys on here work for AXIO. Tell you what when I get it ill get it tested and post up the results....
WTF is this? How the hell was I trying to start drama? I have also found many other posts on forums about Axio being underdosed and shit. I really hope not because I got some coming. But hey sorry for trying to find out info on a product lol thought thats what the forum was for. You would think you guys on here work for AXIO. Tell you what when I get it ill get it tested and post up the results....

I have absolutely nothing to do with Axio and with the exception of one product I thought was slightly underdosed, they are rock solid in my opinion, from price to customer service to quality products. But you can't please everyone ...
The blog you sited is so poorly written and slanted that can tell who the real author is.
We don't allow BS. The problem is all the people who want a peace of this drama have a stake in it. I know all of the nay sayers personally. I know they also have something to gain and a reason for generating the drama. The truth is Axio's sales are just going threw the roof with all the free publicity.

The truth is that if you really understood how easy is is the make these products you would also understand that it's not in Axio's best interest to make poor products.

I have no connection to Axio. I don't even use the products but I would like to. I'm old a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is the smartest way to go.
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