An update on Axio...........

^^^^^Good to hear, I read those reports and thought WTF. My winter bulk cycle is all Axio.
Well I guess I just wanted to hear that it was all bullshit and that there gear is good to go. Def wasnt trying to start anything
Like to introduce myself,

Hi , my name is Dr.S author of that poorly written blog ( nor hav I ever claimed to be a great writer, and that isn't the point of a blog , it is to inform , not English 101, which i got a C+ in by the way ) , and I don't see the harm in my post if it is untrue then people can make the choice themselves, deciding for people goes against everything these boards stand for. My point of that post was that after receiveing several letters about Brian and the threats he has made on people , and then finding several people that worked for him and were willing to speak ( most were too scared ), that a few things came to the surface.
1. Brian isn't beneficial to the steroid community, and that is why we are suppose to be here to help the steroid community and better it.
2.In several lab tests I saw on axio and one I did myself , the % of water found in certain batches were way above normal, which anyone who knows their stuff knows why this is unacceptable.

Now this doesn't mean everyone will get sick or die upon first injection, nope it means the chance of getting sick rises, and anyone that has had a 104 fever after injection knows they don't want or need that.

Now I bet your a great admin , and know you are well respected so I would never attack you personally, not my style, your remarks about my grammar are oh so true and cause me issues at times in my field of work (not major , just time consuming ) , so I take no foul in such. But if I am wrong , please show me why, and I mean with fact not by deleted my post and just ignoring the facts . By the way I do have those lab reports if you would like me to post them on here, always willing to help. Anyway , nice to meet you all , and glad to have found this place. Looks like a great forum. I always remember our main purpose is to protect the recreational user, not protect the big UG Labs.......

The blog you sited is so poorly written and slanted that can tell who the real author is.
We don't allow BS. The problem is all the people who want a peace of this drama have a stake in it. I know all of the nay sayers personally. I know they also have something to gain and a reason for generating the drama. The truth is Axio's sales are just going threw the roof with all the free publicity.

The truth is that if you really understood how easy is is the make these products you would also understand that it's not in Axio's best interest to make poor products.

I have no connection to Axio. I don't even use the products but I would like to. I'm old a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is the smartest way to go.
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I ordered mine and 2 days later the status said it was shipped and on its way. Running Masaplex/Var getting my test E from a domestic source. Looking forward to trying both!
Gotta jump in here. Most impressed with Axio - great service fast shipping. They even re-shipped when the first one didnt make it. Funny thing, I didnt know it never made it - I was still waiting - hows that for service.