Anabolics vs "peptides"...


New member
So how do Peptides do against Gear? IE: Testosterone? I mean, gain wise...

I keep hearing more and more on peptides and people getting similiar if not better results on a cycle of Peptides vs say a 12 week Test cycle. And they were much more CLEAN gains, as in no water/fat gain. Seems like however, on a peptide cycle its not really a "cycle" like an AAS cycle. As in, with typicall AAS cycles, they last 12 weeks or so then, you gotta hope throughout post cycle therapy (pct) you will keep your gains and eventually they are gone anyways? Where as with peptides, gains are permanent...

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I know what ive heard and read that they work intirely different as AAS strengthens and builds mass with the muscles you already have were as gh actually produses new muscle cells
but with that said its a good question
lets hear some feed back from bro's who have used both aas and peptides

Peptides are the same as GH...same effects... With a sole purpose of creating IGF-1.. Which is what the liver converts GH to.

So the peptides vs aas argument is the same as the gh vs aas argument..

Neither is "better"... But the common misconception used to be you HAD to take GH with AAS for the gh to be effective... Which is just not true, however, they are very synergistic.
Peptides are the same as GH...same effects... With a sole purpose of creating IGF-1.. Which is what the liver converts GH to.

So the peptides vs aas argument is the same as the gh vs aas argument..

Neither is "better"... But the common misconception used to be you HAD to take GH with AAS for the gh to be effective... Which is just not true, however, they are very synergistic.

So whats your opinion on IGF1 by itself? Say between cycles?
So whats your opinion on IGF1 by itself? Say between cycles?

People use IGF-1 for its purported "localized growth" effects... A round of IGF-1 for spot growth on my calves for a good period of time didn't blow me away.

Running IGF-1 (not as expensive as GH. .. But still expensive) is fine between cycles, I suppose. Just don't run IGF and GHRP or CJC concurrently.
If you are all about size, I would not focus on peptides. From my personal running of them for the last 8 months, I can say they have helped in many ways but specifically "gaining size" would be way down on the list. Anti-catabolic, yes but size no. However, as a reference, I am not taking them to get big.
However, as a reference, I am not taking them to get big.

and that, combined with what Drew said is the key here.

Peptides frags (not actual GH) are so HOT right now because they are not controlled substances so they are cheap, and everywhere. Problem is no one really knows if and how they work effectively.

Now, like was said, they do two different things. GH increases IGF-1 which induces hyperplasia, or the creation of new muscle cells. See, in Ley terms, we're all born with a certain amount. We can take AAS to make those cells bigger, but thats it. What you got is what you got. Now, add in GH and you get hyperplasia, now you have more muscle cells to get bigger with AAS, which is why they are suggested to be used together and are so synergistic. The AAS will make your old cells and new cells bigger, thus going "beyond genetics" as they say. There is lotsa science behind all this but that is Ley speak.

Now, can you get some results from peptides alone? Yes, but they are going to be negligible in terms of what can be done with AAS. Again, that is where all the frags are coming from. CJC 1296, 176-191, GHRP, etc. Trying to isolate a path to certain functions of what actual GH does, for alot cheaper. Problem is we don't know if they do shit or not. Not enough personal experience out there. For example someone can use gh frag 176-191 and say it sucked cause they didn't lose any fat (which is what its supposed to focus on), and everyone says "that stuff sucks". Well, if that due had a shitty diet, he ain't gonna see shit.

GH is great at burning fat, but you can't eat McDonalds all the time on it and still see great gains. Its great at adding lean mass and keeping you full but without proper diet and training, you're wasting your money. Get it?

Test alone with 5ius of GH/d, a solid get big diet with added cheats and a bad ass routine will do things you can't imagine. Just like i always say, take away any major compnent and you will get lackluster results.

I attribute my complete body comp change from 2006 to 2007 to GH, but its only because i had all the other things in line.
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So, what your saying is, GH is PRVOEN (for the most part) but all these others ie: GHRP, IGF1, ect. havent gotten enough to "research" to back there effectivness? IGF is cheap as shit, which is why I considered it, and the fact I am diabetic and its said to help with that. But GH is CRAZY EXPENSIVE!!!!

Why is this? The price difference I mean.

O last thing, GHRP 1117, 78457,54895, (Being sarcastic) where can I read on the difference? Peps are SO confussing!
Just don't run IGF and GHRP or CJC concurrently.
Why not Igf and Ghrp/Cjc?
RJH said:
I attribute my complete body comp change from 2006 to 2007 to GH, but its only because i had all the other things in line.
RJH; can u elaborate on what that body recoup was? Stats? Did u run AAS too?
Why not Igf and Ghrp/Cjc?

because exogenous IGF-1 will create a negative feedback loop which will in turn signal the pituitary gland to decrease gh out put...

And you take ghrp and cjc to INCREASE the glands gh output..

So in the're throwing your money down the drain..

Think of it as putting a humidifier and a dehumidifier in the same room.
So, what your saying is, GH is PRVOEN (for the most part) but all these others ie: GHRP, IGF1, ect. havent gotten enough to "research" to back there effectivness? IGF is cheap as shit, which is why I considered it, and the fact I am diabetic and its said to help with that. But GH is CRAZY EXPENSIVE!!!!

Why is this? The price difference I mean.

O last thing, GHRP 1117, 78457,54895, (Being sarcastic) where can I read on the difference? Peps are SO confussing!

basically yes. IGF1 works well but still not proven across the board IMO.

GH is expensive cause it works. the frags are just that.
Why not Igf and Ghrp/Cjc?

RJH; can u elaborate on what that body recoup was? Stats? Did u run AAS too?

stats stayed almost the same. 245ish.

first pic is what happend from Nov 04 to June 2005. one test/deca cycle and lotsa food.

Then a back compare to june 2006 after i added GH (i think i was 3 or 4 months in). then a front compare. best i could find.
stats stayed almost the same. 245ish.

first pic is what happend from Nov 04 to June 2005. one test/deca cycle and lotsa food.

Then a back compare to june 2006 after i added GH (i think i was 3 or 4 months in). then a front compare. best i could find.

wow thats some progress in width and shape of your back in that first pic
because exogenous IGF-1 will create a negative feedback loop which will in turn signal the pituitary gland to decrease gh out put...

And you take ghrp and cjc to INCREASE the glands gh output..

So in the're throwing your money down the drain..

Think of it as putting a humidifier and a dehumidifier in the same room.

Thanks DeeYou

Would it be the same if i pin the igf in the am and the cjc/ghrp/gh in the pm? Like 5-7 hours apart?
stats stayed almost the same. 245ish.

first pic is what happend from Nov 04 to June 2005. one test/deca cycle and lotsa food.

Then a back compare to june 2006 after i added GH (i think i was 3 or 4 months in). then a front compare. best i could find.

Wow - that is impressive - def what i would call recomp as opposed to bulking. You seemed to get more cut and fuller. Nice. I'm going for both now - so hope to get some good results too. and i just took my kids to in n Out for dinner....what a sack of shit i am! LOL
Wow - that is impressive - def what i would call recomp as opposed to bulking. You seemed to get more cut and fuller. Nice. I'm going for both now - so hope to get some good results too. and i just took my kids to in n Out for dinner....what a sack of shit i am! LOL

In N Out is some serious eats man.....

Good thing Im in NJ.. If I lived out west.. Id have a problem lol
IGF-1 has a half life of 17 hrs.. There is simply no practical way, to my knowledge, to run both concurrently....

Damn - not the answer i wanted - good info tho - thanks! BTW any opinions about T4 with GH? i'm running that too.
Damn - not the answer i wanted - good info tho - thanks! BTW any opinions about T4 with GH? i'm running that too.

No, you're good.. Althought I avoid T4 altogether. HGH does increase the thyroids functionality in converting T4 into T3.. I would prefer to just take T3 and not have to worry about the thyroids conversion rate for T4.

With hormone levels.. Steady, stable and even levels are the best policy.