Anadrol, test and deca stack advice??


New member
Hey guys I'm looking to start a stack of anadrol, test and deca, i would really appreciate some advice on dosage and whatnot as I have read and hear a lot of conflicting info. Essentially my goal is to out on maximal weight I'm hope for around 10kgs (22lbs???). I'm 25 6'5 and 104kgs (230lbs) my bench 1RM is around 150kgs (330lbs).
One of the main reasons for doing this the fact that I have had three knee recos and I've had bad quad and calf wastage that I'm really struggling to amend.
I have done three courses ages years ago, nothing like this though, only SUS 250 and 350 and I've also done peptides.
Anyway any info I would really appreciate.
Gaining 20lbs depends on diet, not gear. Cycle structure is usually based off of previous cycles. To throw out a few items and ask someone to put a cycle together for you is a lil inappropriate. Why did you choose the compounds selected? How did your previous cycles work out for you?
I have been slowly gaining weight over the last few years and my diet as always could be better but I am trying to eat around 4-5 meals a day plus around 2 protein shakes.
My last courses I saw good (not great) results, I had a lot of extra energy which I wasn't expecting and my strength gains were good too. I also out on a lot of weight around 20 pounds.
I chose what I did due to availability plus from a few sites I found that this stack was good for an intermediate stage and was great for bulking.
In regards to cycle I forgot to put that in initialy sorry I am looking to do:
Anadrol 50mg ed first 4 weeks with
Deca 400mg weekly x 12 weeks and
Test 750mg weekly x 12 weeks.

Any tips or pointers on this would be great, thanks!
no stack will even out your leg mate.
I can dig taking what ever you can get but anadrol is gonna swell u like a chubby looking at Victoria s secret magazine....abomb s give me wicked headaches and the weight pisses right out upon cessation.

I d do like 500 test with half the deca....take ur time..but I m old and feeble....but a bomb s, with deca..your taking both a blood thickening 19 nor and a liver stressing oral---that being said do what u feel u need to, good luck
You want to run test 2-3 weeks longer then deca. When you start pct, you don't want elevated blood levels. Deca has a longer ester then test e. 12 weeks for deca is really borderline short.
Teutonic, would you recommend not even taking it? I'm assuming it me just the strength benifits that linger?

Tbonexl how long would you normally run deca for?
Im currently running;

50mg Anadrol EDx4 weeks
500mg Deca/weekx15 weeks
500mg Test E/weekx 15 weeks
20mg Aromasin EODx15 weeks.

I am only 2 weeks in (4th pin will be today using two pins per week). The Anadrol is working its magic for sure I am up from about 202lbs to 213.6 this morning. I have been eating a lot though and drinking plenty of water throughout the day, I do have a noticeable amount of water retention but my strength is off the charts.