Anavar--first time steroid user--weight training + BJJ

Dirty Workout

New member
hello all,

here's my deal: just turned 35 years old, male, 5'9", 170 lbs. I'm an avid Brazilian Jiu Jitsu enthusiast and I love to weight train. I've been lifting since I was 24 years old and have been training BJJ for the last 5 years. I'm a purple belt, training in SoCal. I've never been all that into competing in BJJ, but since I'm getting older I figured it's now or never if I want to get a few good years out of the competition scene. however, nagging injuries and getting older are making it difficult, so I'm finally willing to try some steroids.

I've chosen Anavar and it's coming from Axiolabs (their particular brand of Oxandrolone is called Oxandroplex, but I will still refer to it as Anavar or Anavar (var) throughout this post). they're 10 mg tabs. I'm expecting them to come any day now, and will be running 40 mg/day to start, with NO other steroids of any kind. I will adjust accordingly, but, since I don't want to gain weight (just looking for strength, stamina, and recovery time), it is unlikely I will go above 40/day. I'm also concerned w sexual side effects (i.e. ED).

I plan on using this thread to chronicle my progress, gains, side effects, etc. for all to see. my hope is that this will help others who may be considering Anavar in the future.

I went to the doctor a couple weeks ago and told him I was planning on taking Anavar. I had a full blood work-up done, including Test levels. when I get the results from him, I will post them here and then compare them to mid/post cycle results.

I lift 4x week and usually train BJJ 3-6x week, depending on how the ole body is feeling. my lifting split is:
Mon: chest
Tues: back
Wednes: off
Thurs: shoulders
Fri: bis/tris
Sat/Sun: off
I work in ab work here and there as motivation dictates. I don't lift legs bc my legs usually get enough work in BJJ, plus lifting legs impairs my flexibility, which is important in BJJ and helps prevent injury. I don't really lift/eat to get big, I just try to maintain the size/strength that I have, which still requires a good bit of protein. I've never counted out my calories or anything, but guess that I usually eat between 2500-3500/day.

I've been doing as much reading as I can, but with work, lifting, BJJ, and just plain ole life getting in the way, I haven't been able to research as much as I would've liked. I have a few random questions, so if anyone wouldn't mind helping out, I'd be much obliged. otherwise I can hopefully find the answers on my own, given enough time.

my questions to start:
*I read somewhere that Axiolabs Oxandrolplex is like 4 times as "potent" as original Anavar was. ??? what? can anyone confirm this or clarify what it means?

*should I take the Anavar (var) on my off days too? I'm assuming yes.

*I'm hoping to be able to cut back to 30 or 20 mg/day after the first week or two. any thoughts on that?

*I will likely have more questions pertaining to post cycle therapy (pct) as the end of my cycle approaches. I'm tentatively planning a 3 month cycle, but we'll see. my supplier hasn't been the most reliable out of the gate, so cycle length may wind up depending on his reliability. we'll see.

any bits of wisdom I may have not considered would be greatly appreciated. thanks guys.
just got the Anavar (var) today. I'll probably only take 30 mgs today because I got the stuff in the mid-afternoon. tomorrow I'll take 40. so, here we go.
From what i have read orals should be taken usually about 4 weeks usually to kick start a cycle with a long ester like test e and if you are taking it for 3 months i just feel like that is too much i donu for sure tho since i have never fucked with anavar but i know people use it like dbol to kick start or end there cycles and its supposed to give better gains/less bloating. Milk thristle should be taken while taking orals, why did you not want to run test with the Anavar (var) i just feel like any cycle w.out test is not worth it but either way good luck and keep us updated hopefully some1 will chime in with more knowledge on the anavar...good luck
hello all,

here's my deal: just turned 35 years old, male, 5'9", 170 lbs. I'm an avid Brazilian Jiu Jitsu enthusiast and I love to weight train. I've been lifting since I was 24 years old and have been training BJJ for the last 5 years. I'm a purple belt, training in SoCal. I've never been all that into competing in BJJ, but since I'm getting older I figured it's now or never if I want to get a few good years out of the competition scene. however, nagging injuries and getting older are making it difficult, so I'm finally willing to try some steroids.

I've chosen Ana Anavar (var) and it's coming from Axiolabs (their particular brand of Oxandrolone is called Oxandroplex, but I will still refer to it as Ana Anavar (var) or Anavar (var) throughout this post). they're 10 mg tabs. I'm expecting them to come any day now, and will be running 40 mg/day to start, with NO other steroids of any kind. I will adjust accordingly, but, since I don't want to gain weight (just looking for strength, stamina, and recovery time), it is unlikely I will go above 40/day. I'm also concerned w sexual side effects (i.e. ED).

I plan on using this thread to chronicle my progress, gains, side effects, etc. for all to see. my hope is that this will help others who may be considering Ana Anavar (var) in the future.

I went to the doctor a couple weeks ago and told him I was planning on taking Ana Anavar (var) . I had a full blood work-up done, including Test levels. when I get the results from him, I will post them here and then compare them to mid/post cycle results.

I lift 4x week and usually train BJJ 3-6x week, depending on how the ole body is feeling. my lifting split is:
Mon: chest
Tues: back
Wednes: off
Thurs: shoulders
Fri: bis/tris
Sat/Sun: off
I work in ab work here and there as motivation dictates. I don't lift legs bc my legs usually get enough work in BJJ, plus lifting legs impairs my flexibility, which is important in BJJ and helps prevent injury. I don't really lift/eat to get big, I just try to maintain the size/strength that I have, which still requires a good bit of protein. I've never counted out my calories or anything, but guess that I usually eat between 2500-3500/day.

I've been doing as much reading as I can, but with work, lifting, BJJ, and just plain ole life getting in the way, I haven't been able to research as much as I would've liked. I have a few random questions, so if anyone wouldn't mind helping out, I'd be much obliged. otherwise I can hopefully find the answers on my own, given enough time.

my questions to start:
*I read somewhere that Axiolabs Oxandrolplex is like 4 times as "potent" as original Ana Anavar (var) was. ??? what? can anyone confirm this or clarify what it means?

*should I take the Anavar (var) on my off days too? I'm assuming yes.

*I'm hoping to be able to cut back to 30 or 20 mg/day after the first week or two. any thoughts on that?

*I will likely have more questions pertaining to PCT as the end of my cycle approaches. I'm tentatively planning a 3 month cycle, but we'll see. my supplier hasn't been the most reliable out of the gate, so cycle length may wind up depending on his reliability. we'll see.

any bits of wisdom I may have not considered would be greatly appreciated. thanks guys.

I am the same age, a little taller and a little heavier, 35 5" 10 , 185. Been training BJJ for 3 years on and off, boxed for 16 years. Train Muay thai as well.

Also starting a Anavar (var) cycle tommorow.

I will say one thing tho, your work out regimine may be the culprit of injuries. You really are working out more like a body builder than someone who trains to fight. A fighter should not do in my opinion any sort of body part splits. And not working out legs is crazy in my opinion, since everything from the Upa to a ton of chokes legs are needed.

I would tell you to switch up your workouts while on the Anavar (var) , grab kettle bells, do heavy deads and squats. stuff like curls etc don't really do anything except prep you for injury. You need your body to act as a unit in combat sports, not as specific groups. More cleans, more snatches, anything that is a full body exercise you should do, and omit all the iso exercises. you may find you aren't being injured as much. I used to train the BB way until about 4 years ago, then I moved into crossfit, kettle bell combat routines and the only time i get injured these days is like a finger broken caught in a gi, or from a missed breakfall from a hard take down. my body is pretty primed from my workouts for combat. Anyone working out for combat sports needs to mimic a fight in their workout or they are hurting themselves in the long run.
yeah.. but hes really good... most ppl at 5 years are blue belts..

Blue belt is 1.5 years. Purple belt is approx 4-5 years.

BJ is a phenom, it's like saying Mike Jordan could slam .. ya but from the foul line not too many others could do that.

Black belt is about 8-10 years on average. If its a good school, and not a buy a belt school.

5 years for purple is right about on. Good stuff man!
hey guys, thanks for the interest in the thread. special thanks to you, ChrisMobb. weight training has always been my first love and I can't really bring myself to get into the whole crossfit thing. i've always been one of the strongest people in my bjj gym, esp at my weight, so I'm happy to keep on with the BB workouts. I'm sure you're right that I'd have better competitive success if I started doing crossfit style workouts, but I'm just not that into it. and I would LOVE to do any sort of muscle training with my legs (squats, deadlifts), but I'm getting older and my knees aren't what they used to be. I'm already predicting a knee scope sometime in the next year or two, so lifting legs just isn't feasible anymore. :(

so, today marks 21 full days I've been on the Anavar (var) . sorry for the lengthy delay for the first update, but I wanted to be sure I was feeling actual results and not just placebo. been taking 40mg/day, one pill every six hours (or as close to it as I can, sometimes I go an hour or two over), starting at 8 am.

unfortunately, I can't attest to how much the Anavar (var) has impacted my bjj training bc I've been battling a nagging lower back sprain for a few months now. I was really hoping the Anavar (var) would help with this, but I guess there's only so much Anavar (var) can do. being on my feet 8-12 hours/day when I'm at work doesn't help much, either. my back is usually killing me by the time I'm done at work. ugh.

the few times I have gone in and trained (bjj) I felt the same at first: I would get winded really quickly, until I "got my breath" and was warmed up. once I got to that point, however, I definitely felt less winded than usual, which translates into more strength...something I constantly try to get myself NOT to use, as a BJJ practitioner. I hope my lower back gets its shit together so I can start really training like I used to, or half the point of this Ana Anavar (var) cycle will be moot.

as far as lifting goes...a few days into the cycle my body started to look a LITTLE bit harder, particularly in the abdomen. muscles seem to stay harder for an extra day or so after lifting than they usually do.

like I said, the first week or two there wasn't much to report in the weight room that I couldn't possibly attribute to placebo, but this week I'm starting to feel it, and it's definitely not any placebo effect (which, again, I couldn't rule out my first couple weeks). I went from 7 or 8 reps of 225 on the bench on my 3rd set to 10 reps (first time in about 2 years!). my shoulders, which have been battling chronic tendonitis for years, are in less pain before, during, and after lifting chest and shoulders.

lifting biceps is a funny story. the first few reps of the same weight I had been using pre-cycle now feel noticeably easier...but the pump in my biceps comes on so fierce, so fast, that by mid-set I've slowed down and then it's all I can do just to get the same number of reps as usual! the pump is a little painful, but as anyone who's been lifting knows, it hurts pretty good. this is the only muscle group where this is the case. still, for a lower-rep set, I know I could use more weight than before, without a doubt.

QUESTION: my source flaked on me, and I've only got a little over a week left of my original 10mg tablets. I've found another source, but he could only provide me with 50mg powder-filled capsules. what is the best way to proceed? should I just take one a day? if so, when? I would strongly prefer to take 25mgs 2x/day. this will require popping the capsule open and attempting to split its contents evenly. anyone have any advice on this?

purple belt in 5 years: not entirely uncommon for people who train consistently. I've been training 3-4 times/week for that entire time. I'm certainly not anything special on the mat (and I did just recently get the belt).

anyway, enough blab for now. any input is appreciated. thanks guys.
oh, an addendum: RAGE!!

I'm sure it's nothing compared to some shit like Test, but I have had a noticeably shorter temper than usual since being on this stuff. I have a relatively short fuse as it is, but it's gotten shorter. my body is perhaps adjusting, bc I haven't felt any rage the last couple of days, but for this previous week, little shit would set me off.

if I can quote Eric Bana from the first (terrible) Incredible Hulk movie: "when I lose control...I like it!"
shit, one more thing I forgot to mention: weight gain. I have had an increased appetite since being on the Var, and have been gaining weight much easier than usual. I went from 170 to about 178 in two weeks. since then I've been eating a little less since, if I can get healthy enough to compete in bjj, I don't want to have to cut a bunch of weight. I want to stay close to 170. I'm back down to about 174 or so now.

also, I've noticed a bit of a dip in sex drive, but I can't really say I've noticed a reduction in erection quality (thank God).

hopefully that's everything pertinent. any questions, just ask. thanks guys.
Whats up Dirty W.

Sorry man didn't mean to pulpit on the last post. I am with you on the bb workouts cause i did them forever. I like you am 35 and well the joints have taken a beating. At like 24-28 I was able to squat freeweight 400+ not that thats anything superb but for me it was def a PB. my right knee has a touch of arthritis etc. SO i feel you totally. Do what works man. I found tho lunges help without beating my knees up too bad. Recently was diagnosed with not 1 but 2... sports hernias... blah. Bout to get married so I am going to take care of that after the wedding.

this is my 2nd week on var, i def see a lot of hardness and some vascularity. I had pretty good body fat levels already. I am running Alpha Male Tribulus with it, for libido and oddly my libido is up not saggin. maybe its the var, mayb the trib, maybe my brain who knows.

I feel stronger i like to do a lot of super sets of things, like kettle bell snatches, into pull ups, into pushups, into thrusters( basically a dumbell squat and when you get to the top you military press the weight). I don't have any aggression or anything like that, sleeping has been cool. I do however feel a tiny bit winded too fast. I twisted my wrist last week in jiu jits and took the rest of the week off (not to mention it was my bachelor party this past weekend so nothing healthy ever comes of that lol) but training i feel a little sluggish. My woman works in the med field I am going to have her monitor my BP and post it every so often.

the only positive but also a negative for us MA guys is the pumps i get especially in my calves at times, are so intense i have to stop what i am doing. like they literally lock up from being engorged that they stop working right lol.
other than that I can say its pretty mild so far. I have done, test e, cip, a cycle of eq with test, a cycle of eq alone.. a cycle of tren a long time ago and clen in my life. I am done really being a pin cushion and don't want to get any bigger at my age. I feel this is my natural homeostasis and 185-190 is a good weight for me.

Hope to hear how the rest goes. couldn't help you on the dosage. I am doing a super light dose. 20 mg a day. 4 weeks. Leaving on a plane at the end of the 4 weeks, so will start my pct then. could of ran it more, but going out of the country and the risk getting caught with something just not worth it. I always err on the side of small doses i seem to always be "a cheap date" supps or drugs of sorts never really take all that much to get to me.

I know everyones on the school of more test in ones diet, but i tried it a bunch of times yes you get some oomph but the tiny balls, and the acne, and the bloat .. just not for me. Especially the bloat i seem to be real senstive to it, and my diet is really really clean.

I want to hear about when you get back on the mat if it helps or hurt.

keep up the good work man!
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sup guys, ChrisMobb,

yo sorry I haven't posted in so many weeks, though in my defense I couldn't for the last couple. piece of shit hard drive crashed on me and it took a couple weeks to get my comp up and running again.

anyway, this'll just be a short update and I can fill in the rest later. here are the pertinent deets:

my original source flaked on me. for the first 12 days or so he had given me Axiolabs Oxandroplex. then I had 18 days of (what's the name?) British Dragon Oxanabol. then my source flaked, so I had to go with a supposed mule doctor. he could only supply me with 50 mg powder filled capsules though. I would very carefully unscrew/pull apart the capsules each morning and put an even amount of the powdery contents into each half of the capsule; I'd take one in the morning and another approx 12 hours later, so I was doing two 25mg doses a day. results were good. joint pain was nearly nonexistent, at least in my shoulders which have been the dominant problem since I was about 27 years old.

my back took a little longer to come around than gains in the gym did, but my lower back eventually sorted itself out too, largely in part to the Var, I am betting. this enabled me to get back on the mat!!

Chris, overall the Var helped a lot on the mat. I wouldn't be as exhausted from lifting as usual when I would go in to train, so that helped. obviously I was stronger. maybe a few solid pounds heavier, which may have had an adverse effect on my cardio, but I didn't really notice it. in fact, I felt like my cardio was a bit better than usual, though the Var didn't do as much as I thought/hoped it would for my cardio. but I think it did help it somewhat. pain tolerance is higher, so you can push harder and longer without quitting or backing off the throttle.

the biggest help has been with recovery time. gone are the days of being real sore from a weight training workout the day before. I have had MINIMAL muscle soreness anywhere since being on this stuff, and 3x/week I do weights and BJJ in the same day. in the past, this would leave me so sore that I would be in pain all day long, but no more. things have been great. barring the unforeseen, I definitely plan to do this again.

I have about a week of my cycle left. I could really use some tips on PCT since my time to research it on my own is very limited. will I really screw myself if I stop cold turkey and don't take anything for post cycle therapy (pct)? will my entire body sag? I'll try to look into it, but I'm very curious.
Take Nolvadex or clomid for a few weeks, I am currently doing clomid for 3 weeks, 50 mg per day; you must do PCT.

Also, since you have been on an all oral cycle, I would hope you have been taking a cycle assistant, as well as liver juice (or pills). If not, you better get on that ASAP, that's long term brother...

And actually, the rage thing has only ever happened to me when I did a short cycle of an oral steroid; doing a 10 week cycle of test I had absolutely no rage, or even aggression whatsoever outside of the gym, I was very peaceful.

Furthermore, I would just end the cycle when the week is up, that is an awfully long time to be on an oral steroid, there's too many risks, if you feel you need to do more, you should consider a short test cycle in a couple months, it's actually a lot safer and you should get the results that you have explained you wanted.

Good luck.
ok, so I received my PCT gear yesterday but I'm prolly not gonna start till tomorrow or the next day. I'm gonna be doing Nolvadex and HCG. we'll see what happens.

this past sunday (3 days ago) was my last day on cycle. I made the decision to go from 50mg/day to 25/mg day for the last 8 days of the cycle. Monday (two days ago) was the first day I lifted without taking anything all day, and my strength was the had only been a day so I wasn't expecting to be weaker. but, I swear to God, I look smaller already. yesterday (2nd day off cycle) I trained BJJ. my legs felt like they were getting more tired more quickly while attempting standing guard passes. other than that, I didn't really notice any difference on the mat--yesterday.

that said, my body actually felt worn out as shit after training last night, though we did do more sparring than usual (I did like 6 or 7 8-minute rounds). and I already feel the tendonitis in my shoulders and right knee creeping back. maybe these effects are exacerbated by my mind playin tricks on me since it knows I'm now off-cycle, but I swear I was way more sore last night after training than I have been since I started this cycle.

just one quick bullet point to mention that I forgot to in previous threads: the Var never gave me any acne, like I've heard some roids do. anyone know if Nolvadex or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) will?

I have a doctor's appt tomorrow. gonna get my post-cycle blood workup done. once I have the results, I'll post any key differences between my pre and post cycle levels.

that's the news for now. stay classy San Diego.
started my post cycle therapy (pct) today. I'll be doing 20 mg of Nolvadex/day and 500IUs of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) every other day.

(this paragraph is intended for future rookies, like myself, who might be wondering how this stuff works) the Nolvadex is simply a pill you take every day. the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is more complicated and comes as an entire kit. it comes with several mixing syringes, a small bottle of the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) itself, a larger bottle of bacteriostatic water, and several insulin syringes. my kit required me to inject 10mL of the b-water into the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) bottle and slowly swirl it around till all the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) powder was dissolved. I then gave myself my first 500IU (fill the insulin syringe to the halfway mark) injection in the abdomen. I'm not diabetic but I hear the injection procedure is the same: just pinch a little of the fat on your abdomen and inject it. doesn't hurt at all. the remaining Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) solution I put in the fridge.

so that's how my post-cycle will go.

had my blood work done at the doc today, including a test level reading, but that takes a couple weeks to get back. once I have that info, I'll post any key differences between my pre and post cycle blood work.
How did the PCT go? What were the results?


started my PCT today. I'll be doing 20 mg of Nolvadex/day and 500IUs of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) every other day.

(this paragraph is intended for future rookies, like myself, who might be wondering how this stuff works) the Nolvadex is simply a pill you take every day. the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is more complicated and comes as an entire kit. it comes with several mixing syringes, a small bottle of the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) itself, a larger bottle of bacteriostatic water, and several insulin syringes. my kit required me to inject 10mL of the b-water into the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) bottle and slowly swirl it around till all the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) powder was dissolved. I then gave myself my first 500IU (fill the insulin syringe to the halfway mark) injection in the abdomen. I'm not diabetic but I hear the injection procedure is the same: just pinch a little of the fat on your abdomen and inject it. doesn't hurt at all. the remaining Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) solution I put in the fridge.

so that's how my post-cycle will go.

had my blood work done at the doc today, including a test level reading, but that takes a couple weeks to get back. once I have that info, I'll post any key differences between my pre and post cycle blood work.
I'm not really understanding the men on here that are only taking 20mg a day of Anavar (var)? Are you stacking it with anything else because i'm a 5"2 120lb female taking 20mg of Var a day.. Men usually take anywear from 40-100 to notice any real change. Did you do your research? kind of throwing all that money down the drain if you are only using 20mg a day. You may notice some toning difference if the workouts are great and your diet is amazing but even then I would say you would see results from working out and the diet.