Anavar question...What do you guys think??


New member
Hi Guys,

This is just the way its panned out for doing a 16wk prop cycle (150eod). Its going to be the first 6-8 weeks putting as much lean mass on as possible (I tend to grow like wild fire, one good thing about being an endo) I usually run var with prop but 16wks is a little long for an oral i felt. Would you save the Var for the cutting or use it with the bulk for strength? Someone suggested first 4 weeks then last 4 weeks. Not sure about ideas on it would be great. CHEERS

BTW I've just eaten some peanut m&ms sat here and feel sick as a dog! They are my cheat for the week tho before you guys say eat clean.
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First and last four works for me. 16 weeks on prop? Yikes, you must really like pinning. :p

I won't tell that you ate M&M's, if you don't tell that I had a large pizza, a slice of cheesecake with ice cream, and a monster salad with a ton of croutons and cottage cheese. :wiggle:
secret is safe with me halfwit! I was going to use test E but i just prefer prop. I keep a lot drier on it and u know what its 2 pins more a week...big whoop!
I Var but it s so darn pricey but I m of the opinion prop DOES cause ME to carry less bloat...

Bout to destroy 4 scrambled egg s, 2 bagels w cream cheese ( strawberry), 8 pieces bacon, cantaloupe and grits. 3 cup s coffee 2 Marlboro s..back to bed. While we re being honest lads.

Varis expensive as it is so good inthat has vry limited side s. And to use it as a bulker would be in direct relation to your diet and lot s and not clean and train heavy to grow or

Awesome cutting agent as it s water retention is nil and is used for muscle wasting and emaciation after traumatic events like surgery, burns etc. Again diet and training being the variables. I d run it at 100 mg a day for x weeks but it is cost prohibitive to me....
I m of the opinion that w ai s and diet you can cut on ALMOST any aas with some exception s like a drol and such. Clearly a gram of test e will recquire a shit ton of ai s to hold water in check but again it is an individual thing.
I didn't think Var was a very good muscle builder. It seems every "cycle" I see posted with Var in it was more of a cutting cycle.

Why not run T-bol? Builds muscle, doesn't cost as much, keeps you almost as dry as Var. did I mention half the cost?
Is it anything like dbol?because for some reason dbol gives me gastritis and I puke for like 8 times a day
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Is it anything like dbol?because for some reason dbol gives me gastritis and I puke for like 8 times a day

I can't answer that question. I'm still researching it for myself. I'm pretty sure though that I will be taking Tbol over Dbol though.
age is 25
weight is about 110kg
height 6ft (183cm)
Bf: estimated 16%

I know you'll say don't bulk. But after overdieting I've caused myself some issues. So i was going to do a very lean bulk just to let my body reset. Then work with 3j to cut up after. I want to be about 10% bf by the end of my cycle so not unrealistic I don't think.

Thanks for your help megatron you always seem to step up!
Guys usually choose to bulk or cut on their cycle. Doing both in the same cycle may not be realistic. I would recommend consulting with a guy like 3J first to see what he recommends for achieving your goals.
I Var but it s so darn pricey but I m of the opinion prop DOES cause ME to carry less bloat...

Bout to destroy 4 scrambled egg s, 2 bagels w cream cheese ( strawberry), 8 pieces bacon, cantaloupe and grits. 3 cup s coffee 2 Marlboro s..back to bed. While we re being honest lads.

Glad I'm not the only one loving those grits! Gotta love that southern boy breakfast!
Yeah i definitely will be...I usually find that along as I've left myself around 10-12weeks to cut i can usually get to a point I'm happy with. I always seem to drop some bf even if I'm bulking tho as soon as I'm on test.