Anavar question...What do you guys think??

Is it anything like dbol?because for some reason dbol gives me gastritis and I puke for like 8 times a day

Turinabol is like diet dianabol lol. It's very anabolic, but doesn't aromatize anywhere near as much as dbol. I can't say whether or not you'll have gastritis or not though, as we all react differently.

I do personally like tbol, and it is a good kicker for a cycle.
Turinabol is like diet dianabol lol. It's very anabolic, but doesn't aromatize anywhere near as much as dbol. I can't say whether or not you'll have gastritis or not though, as we all react differently.

I do personally like tbol, and it is a good kicker for a cycle.

Tastes great! Less filling!

Who remember's this commercial?

Cheers megatron. Don't think I'll risk it. Probably use winny if anything. God I just can't be ill like that again. How much var is a recommended amount I've always just used 60 ed.

Don't know that advert Bro. Might not have been in the uk
Winny is NOT a cutting agent mate; it s a drying agent IF YOUR already lean..but want striations on your cuts so to speak. Dbol can upset my gut as well but I overcome it and LOVE the sense of well being. d bol lol so true.
But gym mythology that winny will cut you up is horseshit.

Lean bulk===jumbo shrimp

"Cuts" are made in the kitchen mate..what you eat when is the ticket. I know I m not special. As I m not really big or ripped up however; I eat what I want when I want and however much I want..and right now I m eating b day cake and chugging milk b4 my nap so....genetics are to be factored in too.

As much or more than aas...I m o.
Grits are a staple of mine as well. Just seems the body absorbs them better. Cream of wheat and Oatmeal stick to me a lot more and make it harder to get all my meals in. Grits and cream of rice cereal are my go to.

If I were the OP I would do the full 8 weeks at the end of the cycle. For me it seems that Var takes a good 2-3 weeks to really start shining. Just makes sense for me to put it at the end when I am concentrating on cutting anyway.
I'd go
Tbol weeks 1-4
Test prop 150 eod - weeks 1-8
Test e 500 mg weeks 1-16
Var weeks 9-15

Tbol and test prop kick stat - by weeks 8 your test levels will be high from the prop and the test e will will be fully kicked in,, so instead of pinning eod now you can cruise the rest of cycle just pinning 1-2 x per week of test e

My 2 cents
I'd go
Tbol weeks 1-4
Test prop 150 eod - weeks 1-8
Test e 500 mg weeks 1-16
Var weeks 9-15

Tbol and test prop kick stat - by weeks 8 your test levels will be high from the prop and the test e will will be fully kicked in,, so instead of pinning eod now you can cruise the rest of cycle just pinning 1-2 x per week of test e

My 2 cents

Yea but hes taking the Prop cause he is trying to stay dry. Test E tends to make people carry water. Doesn't really show unless your really lean like approaching 10%. But sounds like that's what he is after.

Another way to go would be test iso. Still a fairly longer ester allowing for 2 a week pins but less bloat than the E ester.
Yea but hes taking the Prop cause he is trying to stay dry. Test E tends to make people carry water. Doesn't really show unless your really lean like approaching 10%. But sounds like that's what he is after.

Another way to go would be test iso. Still a fairly longer ester allowing for 2 a week pins but less bloat than the E ester.

I missed that. ---- now talking about "bloat" , The other thing I missed was any mention of an AI,,
How much var is a recommended amount I've always just used 60 ed.

It's a tough call when trying to work out a Var dosage, as it's probably the most faked or switched compound out there...

If you are sure of your source, I'd start at 50mg per day and see how you go for a few weeks on that... if you want you can start to raise it to 75mg and then finish at 100mg if you can handle the muscle pumps.

Be sure to get some Taurine beforehand, because if your 'Var is legit, you'll get cramps and pumps that can make you suffer!

4g of Taurine should see them off :)

Yeah 100 percent the var is going at the end. I was talking about using winny in the start to add some strength. Not using it as a cutting agent
Yeah 100 percent the var is going at the end. I was talking about using winny in the start to add some strength. Not using it as a cutting agent

Forget the winny, there are far better alternatives as this isn't contest prep. REAL var at 100mg ED blows winstrol out of the water.
Yeah 100 percent the var is going at the end. I was talking about using winny in the start to add some strength. Not using it as a cutting agent

I would advise against winny for strength gains. I realize it does offer strength increases; however the drying effect it has will greatly hinder your ability to lift heavy. I have known a couple guys that used winny quite a bit that have suffered muscle tears and other soft tissue damage from the drying effects of winny while still trying to train heavy for strength gains while on it.

If your set on taking an oral up front then Turinabol would be a better choice. I would say good ole fashioned D bol but you have already expressed the desire to stay away from aromatising compounds. You might still consider d bol knowing that you will get a little watery while on it but once your off it goes away and it will also put you in a good place for a dramatic transformation in the look of your physique going to Var in the last 6 weeks.