androhard v3 as a part of a stack


New member
for any and all out there who have tried it -

as a part of a cycle, is AHv3 worth stacking at the minimal dose of 3 caps? would it still provide the mild anti-estrogenic and improvement in libido at that dose? Mild anabolic effect?

i've only seen androseries products run at the "full" dose and at those prices things are expensive even with the discount code (which i do appreciate - not trying to be a prick)

just thinking if its run alongside hdrol how much added effect would AH give run at 3-4 pills for 6-8weeks?

i just don't seem to be finding any information like this out there...
Yes as far as keeping things dry and (estrogen mitigation) libido and well-being boost. In fact we suggest it all of the time based on feedback we get from those who have successfully tried it.
Where do you get the discount code :)

I am looking into these right now and if they do a payment plan I am 100% in
for any and all out there who have tried it -

as a part of a cycle, is AHv3 worth stacking at the minimal dose of 3 caps? would it still provide the mild anti-estrogenic and improvement in libido at that dose? Mild anabolic effect?

i've only seen androseries products run at the "full" dose and at those prices things are expensive even with the discount code (which i do appreciate - not trying to be a prick)

just thinking if its run alongside hdrol how much added effect would AH give run at 3-4 pills for 6-8weeks?

i just don't seem to be finding any information like this out there...

I think 3 caps a day would be fine for extra androgenic punch. Hdrol is more anabolic and AH would be great.

Also -- 600 mgs is still a nice dose of hormone.

alright... think i'm gonna give this a try. i'm off everything (except the weights of course!) for a while, planning to start back up at the mid/end of july.

training for a tri right now then going abroad shortly after so no need for anabolics until i get back and into the swing of things again (not sure if i'll have consistent access to facilities while i'm away).

thanks for the suggestions guys.
alright... think i'm gonna give this a try. i'm off everything (except the weights of course!) for a while, planning to start back up at the mid/end of july.

training for a tri right now then going abroad shortly after so no need for anabolics until i get back and into the swing of things again (not sure if i'll have consistent access to facilities while i'm away).

thanks for the suggestions guys.
Anytime bud:)
any updates on results, feelings ....etc?

sorry, i wasn't very clear on this. I'm not going to be using anything till july at earliest. I would be going abroad for the entire PCT right as i'm finishing the cycle and don't know how my access to facilities to train/access to food are going to be.

I'll be back mid june and expect to be back into the swing of things - worst case by mid/end July. I might make a thread, maybe a log or i might just update this one if I can find it.

either way I will update the board when i get some good info.
We are offering 25% off on AndroHard


i already bought two bottles to make sure i had them on hand before i ever wanted to get started..

damn. i could have basically gotten a bogo on two :(
We are offering 25% off on AndroHard
