Anti-Progress Pic's, New Guy 1st Pic's


New member
Here's what happens when you stop lifting and eat like shit for 7 or 8 months.
Feel free to critique my most current pic. It'll be the last one posted. I know my chest needs a lot of work. It's always my worst body part. Arms are pretty small too. Being consistant is my worst prob. I gain fairly easily. Im 27 6ft and about 190lbs in all these pictures.
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This is my most recent picture. The date on it is wrong. Its from around 3/05. Now its 11/05 and I look even worse than the bad ones up top. 220lbs now. Both times Ive had shoulder injuries and stopped lifting, cardio and eating right at the same time. Just getting back into the gym again. Takin' easy on military presses this time. Dont let this happen to you. STAY CONSISTANT !!
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Man, it takes balls to post those pics and be so straight up about it in order to help people stay motivated.

Props to you man. You can get back to where you were with some hard work.
i agree ,, props bro ,,, balsy for posting that and being honest.... get back on the right track and yoiu know you'll be there by summer.
Damned bro... Not much to critique anymore..


good luck
Like everyone else said. Awesome job getting back in shape man. To tell you the truth, if I were to stop workingout and ended up with a potbelly, I'd probably won't have the courage to go back and hit up the gym.

Outstanding job getting back to work. Good luck!
i am in the same boat right now. i hurt myself and went from 6'4" 225 at 10% bf to a lovely 234 with ridiculous bf. i look about the same as your second pic but cant wait to get back. i know how you feel bro. i went to the gym and saw a bunch of kids i used to give advice to and they looked at me with a sad look. that was motivation enough for me, now i will be unstoppable, good luck
it happens but make a huge comeback and in 4-5 months u will be back where u were. stay dedicated and eat right. i lost 10lbs from being sick but im not letting that stop me, granted ur situation is a lot worse then mine. do what u gotta do to get where u were.