Any advice welcome for my 1st S-4 cycle


New member
Hi everybody,

I'm a newbie european on the forum :),
Briefly, my stats are 24, 6'3, 225lbs former rugby player and lifting weights for 7 years.
I'm planning to do a S-4 cycle with SarmsSearch product regarding the good reviews i read on different websites.

I would be happy to get any advice or comment about the cycle i'm willing to start in a few weeks :

First and the most important (in my opinion) DIET :
I'm doing the Carb Cycling Codex for 1 month now and already lost 7lbs.
On Low Carb Day (LCD) : P/C/F are 199g/30g/116g
On Medium Carb Day (MCD) : P/C/F are 199g/149g/66g
On High Carb Day (HCD) : P/C/F are 165g/282g/50g

Since i got a slow metabolism :
LCD are on monday, tuesday, thursday and friday
MCD are on wednesday and Saturday
HCD are on Sunday

Second, TRAINING :
I just finished my 10-weeks program of the Complete Power Look by Thibaudeau (i got good results from it) so i'm doing only 3 trainings a week before starting the Optimized Volume Training (still from Thibaudeau) during my cycle which consist of a 4-days a week program and i'll add 1 day of cardio (HIIT).


8AM :
5g creatine
5g bcaa
5g glutamine
3g fish oil
25mg S-4

11AM :
25g protein
10g bcaa
5g glutamine
5g creatine

5PM (2,5 hours before workout) :
35g protein

7PM (30min before wourkout) :
15g protein
5g bcaa
3g fish oil
5g creatine
5g glutamine
25mg S-4

7:30-9PM (peri-workout)
30g bcaa
10g glutamine
5g creatine

35g protein
30g glutamine
10g glycine
10g leucine

3g fish oil

Fourth, Post Cycle Therapy :
I chose liquid nolva and liquid clomi :
Nolva : 40/40/20/20
Clomi : 75/50/50/50

My questions are the following (some may be stupid, but better look stupid and be safe!) :
Should I use a liver support during the cycle?
Should I use S-4 5 days per week of 7 days?
If I run S-4 for 8weeks at 50mg/day should I run my pct for more than 4 weeks?
If I want to run S-4 with 75mg/day should I run my pct for more than 4 weeks?
(Let's say i run 75mg/day of S-4 at some point of my cycle) Is it better to run S-4 like this : 50/50/50/75/75/75 or 50/50/75/75/75/50?
Since i'm quite heavy (225lbs) should I start at 50mg/day for the 2 first weeks and then if no side effects increase to 75mg/day?

Thanks a lot for those who will read all this :)
I would start at S4- 50mg per day, split up into two 25mg doses, run 7 days a week until you notice vision side effects, then drop to 5 on 2 off. You can ramp up if you wish, but most likely you will get no increased effect if you increase the dose, just faster side effects making you stop sooner. The 4 week PCT you mentioned is fine no matter how long you run the S4 or at what level. S4 is not very suppressive, but I always say it is better to be safe than sorry.

SARMs are not hepatoxic so they do no damage to the liver. If you want to run liver support just for peace of mine, or because you really love your liver, go for it. It cannot hurt, but you really do not need it.
Hi everybody,

I'm a newbie european on the forum :),
Briefly, my stats are 24, 6'3, 225lbs former rugby player and lifting weights for 7 years.
I'm planning to do a S-4 cycle with SarmsSearch product regarding the good reviews i read on different websites.

I would be happy to get any advice or comment about the cycle i'm willing to start in a few weeks :

First and the most important (in my opinion) DIET :
I'm doing the Carb Cycling Codex for 1 month now and already lost 7lbs.
On Low Carb Day (LCD) : P/C/F are 199g/30g/116g
On Medium Carb Day (MCD) : P/C/F are 199g/149g/66g
On High Carb Day (HCD) : P/C/F are 165g/282g/50g

Since i got a slow metabolism :
LCD are on monday, tuesday, thursday and friday
MCD are on wednesday and Saturday
HCD are on Sunday

Second, TRAINING :
I just finished my 10-weeks program of the Complete Power Look by Thibaudeau (i got good results from it) so i'm doing only 3 trainings a week before starting the Optimized Volume Training (still from Thibaudeau) during my cycle which consist of a 4-days a week program and i'll add 1 day of cardio (HIIT).


8AM :
5g creatine
5g bcaa
5g glutamine
3g fish oil
25mg S-4

11AM :
25g protein
10g bcaa
5g glutamine
5g creatine

5PM (2,5 hours before workout) :
35g protein

7PM (30min before wourkout) :
15g protein
5g bcaa
3g fish oil
5g creatine
5g glutamine
25mg S-4

7:30-9PM (peri-workout)
30g bcaa
10g glutamine
5g creatine

35g protein
30g glutamine
10g glycine
10g leucine

3g fish oil

Fourth, Post Cycle Therapy :
I chose liquid nolva and liquid clomi :
Nolva : 40/40/20/20
Clomi : 75/50/50/50

My questions are the following (some may be stupid, but better look stupid and be safe!) :
Should I use a liver support during the cycle?
Should I use S-4 5 days per week of 7 days?
If I run S-4 for 8weeks at 50mg/day should I run my pct for more than 4 weeks?
If I want to run S-4 with 75mg/day should I run my pct for more than 4 weeks?
(Let's say i run 75mg/day of S-4 at some point of my cycle) Is it better to run S-4 like this : 50/50/50/75/75/75 or 50/50/75/75/75/50?
Since i'm quite heavy (225lbs) should I start at 50mg/day for the 2 first weeks and then if no side effects increase to 75mg/day?

Thanks a lot for those who will read all this :)

Did you start your cycle? Any updates?
Hi iron-game,

I haven't started it yet, couldn't hit the gym as i wanted fot the last 3 weeks because of work, but i'm going to start it on next monday!

Do you want me to update about this cycle? only about the S-4 or also the Carb cycling codex? the OVT training?

I'll make sure to update every week, and thanks for reading and replying on this post!
Update all of it if you have time. Basically, we want to know about body composition changes, how you feel (not just physically, but also mentally and spiritually), and such.
Hi guys,

First few days into it and i gotta say i'm feeling great! there may be a part of a "placebo effect" but through the day i can only think about going to the gym and lift and when i'm there, focus is better, feeling the muscles working is better, and lifts are quietly increasing..

That said, i do not notice any side effect like i have read for some of u guys (vision).

In the meantime, i have a question : how do you make sure to measure the 25mg in the pipette? there's no graduation on it and i'm not sure how to measure it perfectly..
Go to the pharmacy and ask them if they have any children's oral syringes, 1ml. They should have them and they are quite cheap. It makes it easier to dose AND you can put the SARM at the back of your tongue to make it a lot easier to barely taste it back there.
20g Creatine a day? Bro, thats way to much, and as a rugby player adding GW501516 for the endurance would be an option.

Go to the pharmacy and ask them if they have any children's oral syringes, 1ml. They should have them and they are quite cheap. It makes it easier to dose AND you can put the SARM at the back of your tongue to make it a lot easier to barely taste it back there.

Just throw it in the diet coke ;)
20g Creatine a day? Bro, thats way to much, and as a rugby player adding GW501516 for the endurance would be an option.

Just throw it in the diet coke ;)

Dude i think i read your mind, since the beginning of the month i take way less creatine per day (mainly throughout the training since S-4 makes me sweat a lot)

About S-4 : First week is almost done and i have mixed feelings about it : first few days were awesome especialy the legs workout i saw this "famous yellow in eyes for 2minutes" lol
i'm sure results will get better every week!
Hello Guys,

9th day into S-4 and i gotta say i'm starting to feeling it!!
I did perfects workouts with great intensity and awesome focus the last 3 days! And even if i'm not eating as healthy as i would i can say i'm getting leaner.
I think i found a great combo before workout (7PM) i take my 2nd 25mg S-4 for the day and smoke some weed just to get this focus at gym

I'm not saying everybody should smoke weed before a workout, but give it a try sometime :)

Has anyone ever feel the same about it?
Thanks for the update! Weed is not even legal for medicinal purposes in my state yet...and the cops around my area treat weed the same as meth and the rewards are not worth the risks involved for me. But I am happy it works well for you!
10 days into my cycle and i'm looking fuller and shredder especially at the beginning of the week after my medium and high car days!! That said i was not feeling any difference at the gym but since tuesday, crazy pump when i'm doing 15s more reps!

I'm asking to you guys if you know any website to buy liquid clomid and liquid tamox for my PCT, my credit card is rejected by rui-produts and cem-products... :(
Hello guys,

Quick review since i started the cycle for 4 weeks now :

weight didn't increase or decrease but i feel a little bit less fat even if it's not as obvious as i expected.... :(
I feel like S-4 is more effective when i eat lots of carbs (after my medium and high carb days during weekend), so i decided to change a little bit my diet and stop the 0 carbs 4days/week by eating a little bit of those.

My bottle is almost empty, certainly no more than 1 week i bought a new one to stick to the 8 weeks cycle.

But i gotta admit i was expecting way better results than what i got for the moment...Has anyone been disappointed by the S-4 like i am? Is it possible that i got a bottle from a bad serie/set?
Hello guys,

Quick review since i started the cycle for 4 weeks now :

weight didn't increase or decrease but i feel a little bit less fat even if it's not as obvious as i expected.... :(
I feel like S-4 is more effective when i eat lots of carbs (after my medium and high carb days during weekend), so i decided to change a little bit my diet and stop the 0 carbs 4days/week by eating a little bit of those.

My bottle is almost empty, certainly no more than 1 week i bought a new one to stick to the 8 weeks cycle.

But i gotta admit i was expecting way better results than what i got for the moment...Has anyone been disappointed by the S-4 like i am? Is it possible that i got a bottle from a bad serie/set?

For fat loss, you should've stack S4 with GW and/or Osta. That's what I could find so far. I just ordered my S4, GW , and Osta. I am planning to do a log here as soon as I receive them.
Hi all,

I'm back since my last post was about two weeks ago. As i said in this previous post i was expecting a new bottle of S-4 to do a 8-10weeks S-4 cycle, since results weren't that good after 4 first weeks.

I received my S-4 bottle yesterday and SURPRISE, that's not the same bottle as the first one! i don't know if it's only the "packaging"? or if the first one i ordered was an old one?
I'll post a picture of the two bottles if someone is interested.
Am I the only one in this case?
Hi all,

I'm back since my last post was about two weeks ago. As i said in this previous post i was expecting a new bottle of S-4 to do a 8-10weeks S-4 cycle, since results weren't that good after 4 first weeks.

I received my S-4 bottle yesterday and SURPRISE, that's not the same bottle as the first one! i don't know if it's only the "packaging"? or if the first one i ordered was an old one?
I'll post a picture of the two bottles if someone is interested.
Am I the only one in this case?

I've got my S4 from sarmssearch and the issue you mentioned is really interesting to me. So far I've heard only good things about sarmssearch. Could you please post a pic? The one I got has blue label on. I havent started to my stack yet so I can't say anything about S4 yet.