Any over-the-counter ANTI-ESTRO


New member
IS there any over- the- counter anti estrogen that works? need something until Nolvadex comes my way!
it is not even close to a real anti e but i have seen studies about zinc having some anti e properties , if i was in your shoes and needed ndex i would try the zinc until the ndex arrives , good luck bro :)
Avena Sativa will naturally free up Test in your body to balance it out (helps with libido as well) but nothing like Nolva.

By the way greetings all.
There are strong OTC anti estrogens. 6 OXO by Ergopharm, and Formestat by Molecular Nutrition (which in Europe the compound is a prescribed anti e for breast cancer patients)
Brock Landers said:
There are strong OTC anti estrogens. 6 OXO by Ergopharm, and Formestat by Molecular Nutrition (which in Europe the compound is a prescribed anti e for breast cancer patients)
ive never heard of these but it sounds damn good
DADAWG said:
ive never heard of these but it sounds damn good

It terms of potency, both Pat Arnold and Bill Lewellyn have stated they will be comparable to nolva. (Bill went as far to say that Formestat will not only be superior to nolva but also closer to Idex in terms of anti-estrogenic action).
I swear to God, I am so lucky to have found this forum/website. I thank all of you for being so helpful. I learn something new every day from everyone here, and it's nice to know that others share the same passion as myself. The people here have proved the "meathead" mentality wrong. The forums are educational and inciteful. They far surpass the bodybuilder stereotype of "all muscles, no brains." The people who contribute here have it all!!!!

Thank you,
Don't take chrysin:

Effects of androstenedione-herbal supplementation on serum sex hormone concentrations in 30- to 59-year-old men.

Brown GA, Vukovich MD, Martini ER, Kohut ML, Franke WD, Jackson DA, King DS.

Exercise Biochemistry Laboratory, Department of Health and Human Performance, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA.

The effectiveness of a nutritional supplement designed to enhance serum testosterone concentrations and prevent the formation of dihydrotestosterone and estrogens from the ingested androgens was investigated in healthy 30- to 59-year old men. Subjects were randomly assigned to consume DION (300 mg androstenedione, 150 mg dehydroepiandrosterone, 540 mg saw palmetto, 300 mg indole-3-carbinol, 625 mg chrysin, and 750 mg Tribulus terrestris per day; n = 28) or placebo (n = 27) for 28 days. Serum free testosterone, total testosterone, androstenedione, dihydrotestosterone, estradiol, prostate-specific antigen (PSA), and lipid concentrations were measured before and throughout the 4-week supplementation period. Serum concentrations of total testosterone and PSA were unchanged by supplementation. DION increased (p < 0.05) serum androstenedione (342%), free testosterone (38%), dihydrotestosterone (71%), and estradiol (103%) concentrations. Serum HDL-C concentrations were reduced by 5.0 mg/dL in DION (p < 0.05). Increases in serum free testosterone (r2 = 0.01), androstenedione (r2 = 0.01), dihydrotestosterone (r2 = 0.03), or estradiol (r2 = 0.07) concentrations in DION were not related to age. While the ingestion of androstenedione combined with herbal products increased serum free testosterone concentrations in older men, these herbal products did not prevent the conversion of ingested androstenedione to estradiol and dihydrotestosterone.
Popichulo said:
Chrysin supposedly was used for that purpose but I never heard if it was any good

Just about anything pushed by Bill Phillips through early Muscle Media publications has been proven to be useless including chrysin and HMB.

Popichulo, those must be the most perfect breasts in recorded history.
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Of course Pat Arnold would say 6 OXO is good, he makes the useless, i mean the stuff. Bill Roberts, seems to like to make up science to support whatever product he gets paid too, wether its Patrick Arnlod's or BioTest's crap.

Over the counter clomid, nolva, and others for your research needs. A few other good sites have reasearch materials like this also. Just most familiar with them and the service has been great.
Thanks! This may sound stupid, but the Nolva from there comes in a 50ml liquid vial. Do I shoot or drink this? And how much do I take?
You drink it, buy gel caps! it will taste like dirt, only it won't wash out of your mouth :)
Either fill gel-caps and swallow them with the dose or buy a oral syringe or syringe with no need and shoot it to the back of your through so you don't taste it.

Search for nolva dosage, depends on many factors.
Brock Landers and All who suffered from gyno,

I ended up buying Formastat after a whole bunch of research. No joke, after one day of taking it my gyno and nipples are back to normal! It works better than every prescription anti-estrogen I have used. Formastat is actually a prescription in some countries and most likey will end up that way here in time.

It is said to be a great drug to use when coming off of a cycle, too.
I am really impressed. This is the first time anything over the counter has worked for me.