Any woman use prop? Need advice ASAP

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Hello ladies. I currently have my girlfriend running prop at a very low dose. She's doing 25mg e 6 days. My question is at that low of a dose will she experience any bad and irreversible side effects? She says that her clitoris is a little bit bigger but doesn't know if it's from that. Before the prop she ran Geneza Var at 20mg ed for about 7-8 weeks. She started off at 5mg but took it in her own hands to jump to 20mg around week 4. After that she did 2 weeks of **** Clenbuterol pyramiding from 40mcg's to 120mcg's. Now I've only given her 5 shots of the prop so far. Do any of you ladies have any input? I really need your help and advice. Thank you.
It's individual. She may or may not experience side effects. However the chances that the some side effects are permanent are high....voice change and clit enlargement precisely. So if she starts seeing those changes she should stop right away unless she doesn't mind.
Agreed, if she isnt educated on AAS you shouldnt have given her anything, because she cant possibly understand the risks. Nor should yo uhave let her up the dose to 20mg. Her clit is getting bigger because shes turning into a man!
Test and women are dangerous..especially if shes just a recreational bodybuilder. Been round and round with my wife trying diff things. And never would i try test prop on her. Ana Anavar (var) is a good starting med for her, 5-10mgs max. Maybe wife did 50mgs a week (7days) worked very well. She preferred Anavar (var) though. Dont stack, document everything and go from there.
I just joined this site today because I have been reading these forums for a while now and see woman asking questions about test and so many of you saying to stay away if you are a woman. I don't totally agree. I started years ago with Winstrol (winny) v. After that I jumped to Winstrol (winny) v with EQ. After that I jumped to test en which I love! This past summer I did test en and had only 2 side effects one of which was a larger clit and an unbelievable sex drive. I gained 20 lbs. of muscle. My husband loved the larger clit and so did I. Came off for about a month and the clit went down. It still gets large during sex but whose doesn't. As for changes in my voice... nothing. I was using 150 mg. a week and I can say that I am still a woman. This past January I started a cycle of Winstrol (winny) v 20 mg/day EQ 100 mg/ every 5 days deca 100 mg/ every 5 days test prop 50 mg/ every 5 days and I have had no harsh side effects at all. I am 36 yrs. old 5" 2' 125 lbs. I am getting ready to drop the Winstrol (winny) v ad take T-bol in its place and also start HGH. My husband has been into this for years and he has helped me. I was at 95 lbs. when I started and I could eat like a pig but never gain weight nor keep it on. I got tired of being so tiny and that's when I turned to this. I do believe that if women abuse these drugs that they can become more manly and ruin their womanhood but to say not to use something all together isn't true also. If you see side affects that are unwanted then stop using but not to try something because not many women have the experience on a certain something or because they have never tried it themselves and say it's bad... come on now. Find people who have the experience with using something. Most of what you read or hear will tell you no test for women but have you found many women out there who have actually used test? Many are to scared because of what they hear not because of what they know from experience.
like miss muscle said.. "its individual" you got lucky... i however am not a big fan of the Ginormous clit... could potentially be a choking hazard.. safety first
I just joined this site today because I have been reading these forums for a while now and see woman asking questions about test and so many of you saying to stay away if you are a woman. I don't totally agree. I started years ago with Winstrol (winny) v. After that I jumped to Winstrol (winny) v with EQ. After that I jumped to test en which I love! This past summer I did test en and had only 2 side effects one of which was a larger clit and an unbelievable sex drive. I gained 20 lbs. of muscle. My husband loved the larger clit and so did I. Came off for about a month and the clit went down. It still gets large during sex but whose doesn't. As for changes in my voice... nothing. I was using 150 mg. a week and I can say that I am still a woman. This past January I started a cycle of Winstrol (winny) v 20 mg/day EQ 100 mg/ every 5 days deca 100 mg/ every 5 days test prop 50 mg/ every 5 days and I have had no harsh side effects at all. I am 36 yrs. old 5" 2' 125 lbs. I am getting ready to drop the Winstrol (winny) v ad take T-bol in its place and also start HGH. My husband has been into this for years and he has helped me. I was at 95 lbs. when I started and I could eat like a pig but never gain weight nor keep it on. I got tired of being so tiny and that's when I turned to this. I do believe that if women abuse these drugs that they can become more manly and ruin their womanhood but to say not to use something all together isn't true also. If you see side affects that are unwanted then stop using but not to try something because not many women have the experience on a certain something or because they have never tried it themselves and say it's bad... come on now. Find people who have the experience with using something. Most of what you read or hear will tell you no test for women but have you found many women out there who have actually used test? Many are to scared because of what they hear not because of what they know from experience.

your experience is a good addition to the womans forum.
I just joined this site today because I have been reading these forums for a while now and see woman asking questions about test and so many of you saying to stay away if you are a woman. I don't totally agree. I started years ago with Winstrol (winny) v. After that I jumped to Winstrol (winny) v with EQ. After that I jumped to test en which I love! This past summer I did test en and had only 2 side effects one of which was a larger clit and an unbelievable sex drive. I gained 20 lbs. of muscle. My husband loved the larger clit and so did I. Came off for about a month and the clit went down. It still gets large during sex but whose doesn't. As for changes in my voice... nothing. I was using 150 mg. a week and I can say that I am still a woman. This past January I started a cycle of Winstrol (winny) v 20 mg/day EQ 100 mg/ every 5 days deca 100 mg/ every 5 days test prop 50 mg/ every 5 days and I have had no harsh side effects at all. I am 36 yrs. old 5" 2' 125 lbs. I am getting ready to drop the Winstrol (winny) v ad take T-bol in its place and also start HGH. My husband has been into this for years and he has helped me. I was at 95 lbs. when I started and I could eat like a pig but never gain weight nor keep it on. I got tired of being so tiny and that's when I turned to this. I do believe that if women abuse these drugs that they can become more manly and ruin their womanhood but to say not to use something all together isn't true also. If you see side affects that are unwanted then stop using but not to try something because not many women have the experience on a certain something or because they have never tried it themselves and say it's bad... come on now. Find people who have the experience with using something. Most of what you read or hear will tell you no test for women but have you found many women out there who have actually used test? Many are to scared because of what they hear not because of what they know from experience.

Enlarged clit aka becoming a man is a "harsh side effect" in my book.

Also, with many esters by the time you see sides its too late. SO, stopping wouldnt do much good because the damage is already done. I will never run straight test because growing a dick and having a manly voice isnt worth it to me.
This is not the 1970s, there are different compounds that are safer and as effective as test for women.
I think before you tell women to just give test "a try" you should realize that most women dont want those type of masculine sides (ie: clitoral enlargement and deformity).
LOL...growing a dick. So I guess when you get aroused your clit doesn't swell up. Hmmm..ok if you say so. I said a larger clit not a dick and my husband loves it. I have always had a bigger clit then normal even before I started and talking from experience it DID go down and I DO NOT have a dick. Women who abuse this stuff may turn into a man but I don't think a doctor would prescribe something to a woman for hormone therapy if it was going to turn them into a man. If you haven't used it as a women then how do you know and as for telling someone to try it well that is entirely up to them. This is supposed to be a forum to help people and share experiences and since I have and am currently using test that is what I am doing. Anavar which is a very weak drug just doesn't do it for all women. It seems as though everyone wants to tell women to use anavar and hey that's ok because as you said some women don't want side effects but to tell someone not to do something when you have never done it yourself... that's like do as I say not as I do. I have done both test en and test prop and I have shared my expreiences with people and described my side effects so that if someone out there is questioning test and women they can see what a woman who HAS DONE it has went through so that they can then decide what they want to do. If having an enlarge clit is a turn off to them... now they know and won't do it. But a enlarged clit does not mean a dick. Get it straight people. Some women are born that way and go through life fine with a larger then normal clit. Again it's not a dick and for those of you who want to call it a dick have no clue what you are talking about. I guess when someone new comes here to share their experience about stuff they have actually tried must really piss some people off who want to tell people what to do when they themselves have never tried it. I have been reading these forums for months and have seen so many people question women using test and NO ONE has had any actual experience with it but yet they want to tell women to stay away from it...well I do have experience and for any woman who has questions or are considering using test that is why I posted my experience. I do not sound like a man, do not look like a man and do not have a dick. I have been doing this for 11 yrs. my husband has been doing this for a lot longer then that and he helped me and did not steer me in the wrong direction. I read alot about women and test my self and had doubts also but I trusted my husband and I am very happy with my results. The only other side effect I had was acne and tanning helped that. I am 36 yrs. old and still look 21 and still get carded for cigs and at bars and still look like a woman. What is this forum for if you are going to criticize someone for sharing their experience with a substance that many women are interested in and have questions about? You want to say I have a dick because I stepped in on your territory and shared my experience? Women are so catty.

Look ladies.. if you are considering using test then understand this... Don't use a high dose (start out at 25 mg and monitor yourself then bump it up i you feel comfortable), only once a week, test prop injections hurt a little more then the others but it's not a unbearable pain it's like putting alcohol on a cut for a second, if you notice any changes that you do not feel comfortable with then stop...long term use at high levels will have irreversible side effects, when I say a larger clit it does not mean a dick and it does not look like a dick...if you have ever noticed how your clit swells up during sex when aroused that is what I am talking about when I say a larger clit and yes ladies it does swell up during sex even when not taking any thing... lower jaw does not grow over your top jaw not in my experience, voice did not change in my experience, I just went to my doctor last week and I think if I had a dick or any deformity down there he would have told me, I bulked up all muscle not manly muscle, still have my hair on my head no beard or stash.

This is my experience with test en and test prop for any ladies who have questions about it and are considering using it. Feel free to email me and I will send you pictures so you can see that I look like a woman and if you even want to see my clit I'll send that also.
LOL, how can you even compare permanent clitoral enlargement to temporary swelling during arousal?

I wasnt criticizing you, its a medical fact. Clitoral enlargement from too much AAS in women is your body turning male, which is why your clit grows and not your breast, which is why your voice deepens and doesnt get higher.

oh yeah, Welcome to Ology. :)
it is a shame that fear and negativity rule the world. i asked a question once and alot of people decided to shoot down the thoughts i was having when they had never tried the substance i was inquiring about and the original question NEVER got answered. When someone asks other to share his or her experiences, people should just do that and the inexperienced should be silent.
it is a shame that fear and negativity rule the world. i asked a question once and alot of people decided to shoot down the thoughts i was having when they had never tried the substance i was inquiring about and the original question NEVER got answered. When someone asks other to share his or her experiences, people should just do that and the inexperienced should be silent.

Actually they original post asked for "input" , if you reread it youll see that. Its a discussion board!:Pat:
Have you used test at all? I can compare the 2 because that is exactly how it is. And yes if you abuse its use then the side effects will be harsh but it is the individuals responsibility not to abuse its use. I didn't and you don't know me so to say I have a dick or a deep voice is an assumption on your part based on what you read about test and not based from experience. My voice never changed and as I said before I have always had a slightly larger clit long before I started using anything and the way I described it is exactly what happened. It swells up just the same as when aroused and when I discontinued it went down. Now I've been on the test prop for 6 weeks and actually haven't noticed as much of a change as I did with the test en. Did you ever do test? If not then how do you know that your voice changes or that the swelling doesn't go down? Oh that's right you read it somewhere from someone who has never tried it. I HAVE TRIED IT and these are not problems that have occurred during my experience with it. I will say again my voice never changed and I do not have a dick and you don't know me to say that. If you prefer not to use test then that is your choice but there are other women out there who have questions and want to know from someone who has actually used it and that is why I am here. You can't give advise on something that you have never done yourself. That is what I am trying to do so that other women can see what another women has experienced with using test and make the decision for themselves. I go to the gym 7 days a week and I do know other women who have used it also and have no problems other then what I have stated.

So I have a question... when men use certain things with estrogen which causes bitch tits turning them into women then would you tell them not to use it? How many men use these types of drugs and would they tell other men not to use it because it causes tits and turns them into women? I guess some women like their men with bitch tits. Men and women both have risks but you don't see men telling men not to use because it turns them into women causes tits to grow and their dick to shrink. Yes women for those who don't know men use things that can turn them into women but no one makes a big deal out of that. I will say one more time college girl... no dick here and no deep voice. People should really be thankful that there are people out there who have actually tried something and is sharing with them so that they can decide what to do rather then talk about something they have no experience in.
Interesting that you resort to name calling and trying to make personal attacks, which I wont do.

I have used several different compounds and yes I have actual experience. Im glad that test and winstrol have worked for you. I have seen it mess a lot of women up.
One of my best friends who is an IFBB bodybuilder has very bad permanent sides from winstrol at a very low dose.
AAS are bad and women shouldn't use them at all because of the side effects. while we are at it, cigarettes and alcohol as well.
Name calling??? Does it not say "juicin' college girl" on your profile??? I said college girl... how is that name calling? I'm not attacking anyone just stating my experience and stating that this dick and deep voice you keep speaking of did not happen during my experience with test nor the Winstrol (winny). All that I am saying is that people are on here for questions and help and not many women from what I have seen on here have had any actual experience with test to know what happens... they only know what they read. I have used it and am currently using it and I am trying to share what I have experienced with others so that they have some clue as to what can happen during the use so that they can decide what they would like to do. Now am I wrong that there are women who would like to know about test and maybe hear what another women who has experienced it has to share? I looked for a long time to find women who have had actual experience with it because I was also concerned about the side effects but could never find anyone who has actually used it on these sites so I decided to try it for myself and make my own decision. Now I am sharing for those women who have the questions and are concerned. As Gilla stated... cigs and alcohol are bad for you also... people still use them. I'm not bashing anyone. I just feel that when someone gets on here to share their experience and states time and time again that they did not grow a dick nor did their voice deepen and someone keeps coming back with stating about turning into a man growing a dick and deepening voice that's wrong. Plain and simple. That is basically calling me a liar and all I'm trying to do is share and help... so who is the one bashing here? I wish I could have found someone like me when I was researching women and test then I wouldn't have been so worried.
The way you used it was meant to be an insult.

I wasnt calling you a lair but, I think it is dangerous to tell women to just try test and see what happens and to stop if they get bad sides. I have known women who get bad sides off of 5mg of Var a day, and women who can run prop with LOW sides. I find it doubtful you have NO sides, maybe none noticeable to you.

Are we seriously going to start comparing gear to cigarettes and alcohol?

That's unfortunate that you couldnt find any women with AAS experience. I have been around it for the majority of my life and through many of the bad experiences that I have witnessed with my female friends and family members I made better choices.

Any woman interested running AAS should be aware about the POSSIBLE side effects.

Thanks for sharing your experience and I hope you stick around to weigh on on other womens questions.
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