Any woman use prop? Need advice ASAP

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LilBit.....first of all welcome to Ology. Second start using more paragraphs. Your posts are too difficult to read.

It is great you are sharing your experience but you ARE in the minority with cycling 4 COMPOUNDS and not having ANY side effects. You really are and you are very lucky. You won the lottery as someone else put it.

I also think you may see the side effects eventually.....not all come immediately.

However with that being said here at Ology we are VERY cautious and advise people to stay on the safe side when it comes to steroid use. Start low, stay low, and be patient.

Many ladies come on here wanting muscle and lean bodies NOW. And many think AAS use is the way to do it. For most it doesn't work that way.

Feel free to share your experiences but don't get offended when a senior member or mod comes into the thread warning other members about the dangers and side effects of your experience.

We are thrilled things have worked out so well for you but the majority of women will not have the same luck and we want them to be prepared.

Blondie is just pointing out what needs to be pointed out. Don't get offended as she didn't mean to offend you. Most newbies do need "tough love" when it comes to steroid use.

Once again we hope you will keep sharing your experiences and knowledge!
Interesting that you resort to name calling and trying to make personal attacks, which I wont do.

I have used several different compounds and yes I have actual experience. Im glad that test and winstrol have worked for you. I have seen it mess a lot of women up.
One of my best friends who is an IFBB bodybuilder has very bad permanent sides from winstrol at a very low dose.

Many women get the deep voice with Winstrol (winny) even at low doses unfortunately. Good point out.
it is a shame that fear and negativity rule the world. i asked a question once and alot of people decided to shoot down the thoughts i was having when they had never tried the substance i was inquiring about and the original question NEVER got answered. When someone asks other to share his or her experiences, people should just do that and the inexperienced should be silent. must be crazy to think the only people that are qualified to give advice are "experienced" people.

Doctors haven't "experienced" thousands of the diseases/illness they treat.

This is an open forum and anyone can give input. It is up to the original poster to use common sense and take what advice they want or don't want.

I suggest you ask your question again and be more specific about what you are looking for.

Another thing....don't ever take things personally. Most people on this forum are just trying to be helpful or learn. If it comes off harsh just take what you can use and disregard the rest.
I understand all of that and thank you. I knew what the side effects of test were and I took that chance and yes maybe I did luck out if that's what you want to call it. Sometimes I believe it's fear that cripples peoples mind and to hear from someone who has actually experienced it can sometimes be a relief.

As for having side effects that I may not have noticed... I doubt that. The reason I say this is because friends and family who do not know that I am using has not noticed anything different except for the fact that I have put on weight and muscle. I have even asked some friends if the think my voice has changed and the answer was no. Again maybe I am lucky and I do understand that people have to be made aware of the possible side effects which I have not denied.

I do believe however that those professional bodybuilders who have had the bad side effects are most likely using way to much for way to long of a period. I'm not a profession bodybuilder and never plan on becoming one. I am in it for myself and to build muscle and put on weight for myself therefore I do not use high and long.

From my experience with test I do not believe that it would seriously harm a woman who plans to do low doses and one cycle to help build. If they notice any changes that are unbecoming to them then stop right away. Muscle, you stated that not all side effects happen immediately but further up you state "IRREVERSIBLE side effects almost immediately"... do you see how this could be confusing for some?

Anavar is the most popular among women because it's weak and less side effects but as stated on here you could see the same sides from anavar as with test. So far from what I have read is that all the things that are highly used among women like Winstrol (winny) are just as likely to give you the same side effects. I know test is harsher on women but given the fact that all of these could cause the same sides and the fact that every individual is different and could react differently to all these I believe it is safe to say that to tell a woman that it's ok to use these others at a low dose but definitely no test is confusing.

I do agree with what gilla stated about fear and negativity and the inexperienced. I'm not saying that you or anyone else is inexperienced but those who have not used a substance and is unable to share what they have experienced with the use is not experienced in that substance.

I have a question for gilla... do you know of any women who have used Winstrol (winny) or test or anything else that is considered a no no for women and if so what were the side effects?

I also have a few questions for blondie (not sarcastically) how old are you, what compounds have you used and what are you currently using?

The only thing I get for a woman to use is anavar and that just doesn't cut it for me.

Thank you all!
LilBiT my wife is running 60mg of prop a week.She is 7 weeks in and it has been a pleasant experience for both of us.Incredible sex with us both cycling,even after 23 yrs we still can go 3-4 times a day.
She has experienced clit enlargement but it is nothing like some of the pictures Miss Muscle posted in another thread.Her clit was tiny in the first place so it just looks normal now.

The only side we have noticed is a increase in hair growth on her legs and between them.It doesnt really matter because she is skilled with a razor.At 100mg a week she will get bad acne on her boobs for some odd reason,we backed it down to 60mg and the acne went away.She doesnt have a man voice either.
Thank you wood. I actually used test en at 150 mgs/week and yes did have the acne problem but nothing a little tanning couldn't fix. The sex drive is incredible and both me and my husband enjoy that part.
Hello.. I'm transgender female to male. Using testosterone enanthate 100mg/weekly, my voice went down,increase body hair, more masculine, clit bigger. So all I can say is everybody has their own different reaction. Its lucky to be lilbit, if you get what you want without any virilization,masculine effects. Most women will get that effect even in a small dose. I've several friends who transgender female to male too, their dose aren't same to each other, but one of them is taking 20mg testosterone cypionate weekly, and became very masculine. The dosage are variable, depends on how their body react, most of them have their own doctor to monitor, minimize side effects like aromatize(convert to estrogen) too much. Just share
Hello.. I'm transgender female to male. Using testosterone enanthate 100mg/weekly, my voice went down,increase body hair, more masculine, clit bigger. So all I can say is everybody has their own different reaction. Its lucky to be lilbit, if you get what you want without any virilization,masculine effects. Most women will get that effect even in a small dose. I've several friends who transgender female to male too, their dose aren't same to each other, but one of them is taking 20mg testosterone cypionate weekly, and became very masculine. The dosage are variable, depends on how their body react, most of them have their own doctor to monitor, minimize side effects like aromatize(convert to estrogen) too much. Just share

Welcome to Ology and thanks for your input Valentine
My girlfriend and I are finding this thread very interesting.......
Thank you for input and experiences. Everywhere we look, it is "do not do this, ect...." Im glad to see some actual experience with test......
Glad this thread is still alive.
Tazman here's a good link for you to read to aid in your decision making process.

Testosterone and Women, Alternative and Preventive Medicine from WellnessMD

Valentine... I do know that test is used for women looking to become men but I also believe that not many people know much about test and women and believe that they should do more research. There are other things that go along with test therapy to actually make you a man. For someone to say to everyone that they are turning into a man just because they had a slight enlargement in the clit is wrong and have no knowledge about test and the uses for women. I have a friend at the gym who is using a low dose of anavar and she has told both me and my husband about her clit getting large just from that. What makes the sides for test any different if they cause the same?
EVERY single person is different. Each one. Valentine has been around for awhile and she unlike most of the women her, masculinizing side effects are something she has no worries about. So her higher doses are understandable.
I didn't say she had a problem and I know why she uses them. Like you said every person is different therefore once informed that ALL of these things including var can cause the same exact sides then each person can make their choice. Pros and cons of each substance should be given rather then a constant negative so that each individual can then determine what they prefer to do.

Example... I once compared gear and alcohol consumption and smoking and the reason I can do that is because...

Smoking cause lung cancer which causes death.

Alcohol causes liver disease which can also result in death.

I have never heard of someone dying from a enlarged clit, excessive hair growth, or a deeper voice.

Further more people should be better educated on the effects of alcohol and gear. People on here talk about going out and getting smashed when on a c-17. Come on that's a double whammy. Winstrol (winny) and var c-17s. c-17s can cause liver disease alone then you're going to add drinking on top of that which also causes liver disease?!

People need to be educated in every aspect not just the things that some people feel is more necessary the others.

Yes test can have harsh sides which I HAVE NOT denied but it can also have it's good sides.
OK gals....what do you recommend a female take. I have a girl Im training that insist on doing gear. All the girls Ive trained use Anavar. She has used Ana var twice and wants something thats going to put more weight on but she doesnt want a big clit, deep voice etc.....
I dont feel comfortable telling her anything but Anavar. What do yall think.
Not hijacking the thread, just adding to the topic.

I would recommend Winstrol (winny) to start out and she could even combine that with eq. Winstrol (winny) causes joint pain and can also cause a enlarged clit but as you read so can var. Winstrol (winny) is water based or can be taken in pill form. Winstrol (winny) is also a c-17 which can hurt the liver but you can go to gnc and get some milk thistle. It can take up to 6 weeks before you see results but besides myself I know many other women who love the Winstrol (winny) and eq combo.

primo is also good but expensive. it has low androgenic properties

Does she want tablets or is she willing to shoot?

Nandrolone Decanoate and Winstrol (winny) are good because dec helps with the joint issues Winstrol (winny) causes. deca has a mild androgenic nature which makes it a safe steroid for women to use without fear of masculizing side effects. it can cause a loss of libido though.

a weekly dose of 50mg - 100mg I would start out at a lower dose then slowly bump up.
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oh gator I forgot the big one... DIET!!! I don't know about girl but I have a hard time gaining weight so even with a clean diet I have to eat every 2 hrs. and take in 3500 - 4000 cal. a day to gain and keep it on.
Masteron and Proviron are both safe for women because of their very low androgenic rating while providing strong anabolic effects.

Masteron will give you the same effects as var. 10-25mgs every third day is a good dose with min sides and min side effects, if any will be experienced up through 20mgs, injected every other day.

Proviron will give you a hard quality look to muscle. 12.5-25 mgs per day will keep any side effects to a min.
Masteron and Proviron are both safe for women because of their very low androgenic rating while providing strong anabolic effects.

Masteron will give you the same effects as var. 10-25mgs every third day is a good dose with min sides and min side effects, if any will be experienced up through 20mgs, injected every other day.

Proviron will give you a hard quality look to muscle. 12.5-25 mgs per day will keep any side effects to a min.

Many IFBB use proviron before their competition, they say they get same results as masteron. And masteron more expensive than proviron. I think it depends on what is her goal? I'm thinking about arimidex. But not nolvadex,because it can rebounds estrogen levels after they stop it
Deca can cause a lot of water retention, and most women(not all) who aren't competitors didn't like it, but its all up to the person. Winstrol (winny) is ok, but start with a small dose. Many women love Winstrol (winny) and also hate it. Primo and var are most women choice.
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Tazman here's a good link for you to read to aid in your decision making process.

Testosterone and Women, Alternative and Preventive Medicine from WellnessMD

Valentine... I do know that test is used for women looking to become men but I also believe that not many people know much about test and women and believe that they should do more research. There are other things that go along with test therapy to actually make you a man. For someone to say to everyone that they are turning into a man just because they had a slight enlargement in the clit is wrong and have no knowledge about test and the uses for women. I have a friend at the gym who is using a low dose of anavar and she has told both me and my husband about her clit getting large just from that. What makes the sides for test any different if they cause the same?

I think, its all about high risk and low risk with every type of steroid
AAS are bad and women shouldn't use them at all because of the side effects. while we are at it, cigarettes and alcohol as well.

Yes you are

The question I have is who's the real person and who's the or LilBit.

IP check confirms somethings fishy here.
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