Any woman use prop? Need advice ASAP

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Hi "lil bit",
i had jumped onto this thread out of curiosity and saw that a couple of good buddies...."the greasy pickle, drewbolic, and a total sweetheart blondie bombshell", had commented so i kept reading. Drewbolic is always very knowledgable and well informed, and blondie bombshell and miss muscle, imo would definitely be the two females of any on this site that i would turn to for advice on female hormone useage advice for my clients. As for the "greasy pickle", i've always been intrigued by his wealth of knowledge and the amount of advice and assistance he offers to this sites members. However, i am concerned about his emotional and mental wellbeing and want to be sure for his own sake that he doesnt choke on anything bigger than all the cucumbers in his avatars..... You look to be in fantastic shape and as we all know, the use and potential side effects that may arise from aas useage definitely are a personal choice. I think you may have gotten off to a bit of a negative start on the board, espescially with blondie and miss muscle. No one is in competition here, everyone just wants to offer up opinoins and help. Being an hrt/trt specialist, i was a bit surprised by one comment that you did make stating something to the effect "that you are sure medical professionals would not prescribe these medications to women if they were not safe"???

God i truly wish i could agree with you on this point. I do agree that with you that the right dosage to fit the individual is safe. Unfortunately, in my time in this field, i have seen more so called "m.d's and medical professionals" that are so uninformed and truly don't know their asses from a hole in the wall. It gets me sick. In fact, i'd have to geuss that on average 50-60% of my clients (current and new) are always transfers from a "doctor". So if you are doing your own "prescribing" and as it seems, you and the hubby are very happy with all your results, everywhere, than i'd say stick with it. You seem to be doing just fine and as i said look to be in great shape. Hopefully, you and your wealth of knowledge will be a great addition to this community. As an hrt/trt specialist, id have to say about 98% of my clients are men. But if i had questions on therapy that i needed to administer to a female, blondie and miss muscle would be the first two ladies that i would ask for input from. It would be great if you were able to come to a friendly "meeting of the minds" with thos two, cause i'd love to ask for your input also from time to time. Welcome to the board!!!!
meal #1
6 scrambled egg whites
2 slices Ezekiel toast
1 handful of cashews

meal #2
2 cups oat bran
2 cups low-fat milk
cinnamon and raisins

meal #3
8 oz. chicken breast
2 cups broccoli
1 cup brown rice
baked potato

meal #4
peanut butter and bananas on 3 slices Ezekiel toast

Twinlabs super gainers fuel pro shake before the gym

Gym for 2 hrs.

meal #5
2 slices Ezekiel bread with ham & reduced fat cheese,
tomato and lettuce.
honey mustard
veggie sticks
1 cup low-fat milk

meal #6
12 oz salmon fillets
1 cup whole wheat pasta
2 cups brussel sprouts

Twinlabs super gainers fuel pro shake before bed

In between I snack on apples and greek yogurt and drink plenty of water.

This was yesterdays meal and it varies from day to day but pretty much the same thing. I change it up with turkey and tuna and throw in steak sometimes because I'm a meat eater. Egg whites are sometimes egg beaters. Go to the gym 7 days a week 2 hrs. a day. Once a month we take a day or 2 off to rest and have a fat day which consists of pizza or during football season hooters wings.

I don't drink alcohol at all when doing AAS because of the liver damage and other effects it could have plus I have a 3 yr. old son.

There is your answer so where are my answers blondie?
How old are you... what compounds have you taken and what are you currently taken and how long have you been using AAS?

I'm not trying to argue with either one of you. I'm just trying to share my experience with test for other women who are considering using it. I wouldn't recommend doing test en like I did because that stays in your system longer but that was my choice and I am very happy with the results. If a woman does consider using then their best bet would be test prop because it is out of your system fast so if there are harsh sides that you don't like then quite and it's out of your system. Test en has a long life so just quiting wouldn't do much of anything but again I liked my results but would never do a cycle of test like that back to back.
Oh and I didn't say it maintains 125 lb. body weight. I said that it is hard for me to put on weight and keep it on and this is what I have to do to gain and keep it on. I am still trying to gain so I'm not stopping at 125.
Oh and I forgot I like to add a banana and a table spoon of almond butter in with my shake. I don't want to leave anything out since I know how critical everyone is on here.
Miss Muscle.. has for my test being fake... It's Watson and from the pictures and what I read on this web site that's good shit.
Sorry stone cold, i thought this thread was about test and women. i didnt realize we were talking about diet now.

i Harp on her about diet, and i cant say what she does when i am at work, but i can say that i have never seen someone so tiny pack away as much as she does and not gain a pound. she was 98lbs. for the longest time. Test has helped her with that with minimal side effects.

my problem on here is i cant believe that someone would say that just by taking a drug that it can actually change your gender. yes there will be sides as with any, and i do mean ANY drug. The thing is to weigh your options and think of the concequences because everything in life worth anything comes at a price.

the process should start off with hard work in the gym with exercise and a good diet. that should go on for an enormous amount of time before anyone considers a different route. i went 12 years before i decided to take the plunge.

in lilbit's case, she went a long time as well. started off with mild then went to wild after alot of deliberation and research, and in this case, the results are extrordinary. not only the weight and strength gain but also the sense of well being and confidence.

no one is saying "just do it", but to say "just say no" shouldn't be the case either.

i copied and pasted to get the facts straight. there are things said that are debateable, but scientific facts are just what they are. they have been proven, and as moderators giving advice, it is important that they know them as well.

you say man?? i say all woman, and she felt incredible, as she quivered under me last night, as i brought her to orgasm time and time again.

i just hope someone somewhere gets something out of this thread. i did ;)
The new line that we go with is the genez and from what I have just seen on here that is also well liked.
How old are you... what compounds have you taken and what are you currently taken and how long have you been using AAS?

I'm not trying to argue with either one of you. I'm just trying to share my experience with test for other women who are considering using it. I wouldn't recommend doing test en like I did because that stays in your system longer but that was my choice and I am very happy with the results. If a woman does consider using then their best bet would be test prop because it is out of your system fast so if there are harsh sides that you don't like then quite and it's out of your system. Test en has a long life so just quiting wouldn't do much of anything but again I liked my results but would never do a cycle of test like that back to back.

This thread isnt about me. I think we should try to keep it on track as much as possible. If you stick around Im sure you can learn things about everyone on this board and their experiences.
jesus christ, a bunch of couples arguing with each other. You guys should just swing and get it over with already.
This isn't about me either but I answered your question now answer mine, This is about women and test. You kept on me until I answered yours and stonecold's question so what is so hard about answering my question?

Maybe I want to try what you are doing. How old are you and what are you using? I've been researching this site and have found many contradictions... things people are criticizing me for are on other threads stating the same as I am in this thread. Bashing me for my statements about test, winstrol, eq, and deca but yet on other threads advising people on how to use them and stating how women love some of these things together while other things they don't know about because they don't have the feed back... which I am trying to do here... give feed back from my experience.

What is so hard about typing 2 numbers for your age and it can't be many compounds to type either.
You know....I have been wanting to leave this thread open, but the longer it goes, the more off track it goes and now I am forced to end it.

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