Any woman use prop? Need advice ASAP

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oh gator I forgot the big one... DIET!!! I don't know about girl but I have a hard time gaining weight so even with a clean diet I have to eat every 2 hrs. and take in 3500 - 4000 cal. a day to gain and keep it on. said you are 5'2" and weigh 125.

I have a VERY hard time swallowing that pun :bsflag:
Masteron and Proviron are both safe for women because of their very low androgenic rating while providing strong anabolic effects.

Masteron will give you the same effects as var. 10-25mgs every third day is a good dose with min sides and min side effects, if any will be experienced up through 20mgs, injected every other day.

Proviron will give you a hard quality look to muscle. 12.5-25 mgs per day will keep any side effects to a min.

What the hell are you talking about? Masteron does not have a low androgenic rating. Proviron is not great either. You are giving low doses but these are horrible compounds for women to start with.

No women should use these for a first cycle.
I would recommend Winstrol (winny) to start out and she could even combine that with eq. Winstrol (winny) causes joint pain and can also cause a enlarged clit but as you read so can var. Winstrol (winny) is water based or can be taken in pill form. Winstrol (winny) is also a c-17 which can hurt the liver but you can go to gnc and get some milk thistle. It can take up to 6 weeks before you see results but besides myself I know many other women who love the Winstrol (winny) and eq combo.

primo is also good but expensive. it has low androgenic properties

Does she want tablets or is she willing to shoot?

Nandrolone Decanoate and Winstrol (winny) are good because dec helps with the joint issues Winstrol (winny) causes. deca has a mild androgenic nature which makes it a safe steroid for women to use without fear of masculizing side effects. it can cause a loss of libido though.

a weekly dose of 50mg - 100mg I would start out at a lower dose then slowly bump up.

Winny and Deca are too risky for a first cycle and NO FIRST CYCLE SHOULD HAVE MORE THAN ONE COMPOUND!!!! How do you know what's doing what?

First cycle for a lady...anavar or primo.
OK gals....what do you recommend a female take. I have a girl Im training that insist on doing gear. All the girls Ive trained use Anavar. She has used Ana var twice and wants something thats going to put more weight on but she doesnt want a big clit, deep voice etc.....
I dont feel comfortable telling her anything but Anavar. What do yall think.
Not hijacking the thread, just adding to the topic.


Gator start a new thread for her and include her and how long she has been training.

She sounds impatient and like she shouldn't be using roids.
Stonecold...have a hard time with what you will...

YES 5'2 125 lbs.

Started out at 105 when I started test en... put on 20 lbs. in 6 months. Gilla is not me and I am not gilla.
It's not her first cycle.. He said she is using var now and you can keep criticizing me all you want... as said before women are so catty.

Women do your own research because from what I can see on here is that no one wants to actually help you and they sure as hell don't want anyone else stepping in to help you. TRUST me var is not the ONLY thing for women.

Everything has a consequence right or wrong, good or bad.

Your best bet is to stay natural and just wait for the results because according to most of these women on here everything except var is going to turn you into a man.

Basically here's your choices

A) stay natural and wait for results
B) use the mildest shit and still have to wait for your results but also have the possibility of side effects such as a enlarged clit
C) take something that will get you there quicker but take chance of the same side effects as those of the mild class.

The best things in life aren't free. Sacrifices sometimes have to made.
Miss muscle please pay attention to what you read. I said start out with Winstrol (winny) and she could include eq. I didn't say to do all of these things together.

My very first cycle yrs. ago I started with just winny... after that I went to Winstrol (winny) and eq.

according to some on here even var causes water retention.

As you have stated many times every person is different. Some notice sides with var while others don't even at low doses.
Stone Cold,
Just because we live in the same house and are fucking like crazy every chance we get, doesn't mean we are the same person. it just means that i am married to a sexy 100% WOMAN.

For someone to say test will turn you into a man is false. too much is not good but you will not become a man. Valentines test regimen require that she take test FOR THE REST OF HER LIFE. or until she wants to stop living as a man. she could go back t living as a woman if she has not had the surgery yet.

Women already produce their own test in their ovaries. so i guess blondie is saying that ovaries are a male reproductive organ.

test is a very important building block to build muscle in men and women so to anyone thinking about it, educate yourself and use caution because there will be side effects. a drug is a drug is a drug. no matter what you put in your body it will effect you negatively as well as give you some of what you are looking for. (unless there is a new magic pill out there i dont know about)

I hope this thread is helpful to someone. we did not go into this blind. i have 22 yrs experience and only until we tried lots of hard work and other options to make the gains we were looking for did we go to AAS route.
Great thread ladies,its very informative.I just wanted to ask a question on this thread bc Im sure its getting lots of attention from the woman on 'ology.
Does any of the woman have plans to cycle S4 alone?It was bought up in another thread but its being stacked with AS.
I think from SC sarm's thread that S4 has benefits with low risk compared to AS.
I would love to see a female log of S4 in the future.
Apology's to the OP for thread jacking.
Thanks Drew're on thin ice with your women are "catty" comments so I would stop that right now. Your can give your advice but others can refute it all they want.

We want women to get the best results possible with the least amount of drug use and that is what we encourage. We encourage patience and mild compounds because most times the side effects are unwanted.

You may be the exception but I have to wonder if you are actually using real test or fake stuff. Your case is very rare and I guarantee most women will not get results like you.

And for most women the large clit, deep voice, and acne are very unwanted and not something they want even for 6-12 weeks.

Many females use steroids because they are impatient and lazy. I don't care if they are. I won't give advice nor will any other moderator her, to those women.

Also test is not an important buidling block for muscle when it comes to women. You can build muscle without extra test.

The amount of test women produce is 1/100 of what a man produces and Blondie was obviously not implying men have ovaries so enough of the smart ass comments as you are making yourself look like a jackass.

As for the comment A DRUG IS A DRUG......this is so ridiculous I can't even start with it.
Also LilBit....although this was obvious StoneCold was referring to the fact that it seems like bullshit regarding the amount of calories you intake each day...3000-4000. I know pros that do that and they weigh an extra 100 pounds over you.

I'd be interested in seeing your daily diet.
Get it straight again miss muscle... I didn't say that my husband did... yes 2 different people here.

If you don't believe people should be using steroids then why give advise on them?

People are here to learn and for help with cycles and if you don't like women using test then don't give advise on it. There are women out there who want to use it or are already using it and want to know if anyone has experience. Ok everyone knows how you feel about it but women still have questions about it so STOP knocking someone who HAS ACTUALLY used it and is trying to share their experience.

I don't see you bashing other women in other threads who have or are using test.

I suggest you research test more if you don't believe it's as important in women as it is in men.

I guess the other women on here who are using test who you haven't knocked is using fake shit also right? And actually this isn't about test... you try to discredit everything I say even about winstol, but in other threads you give advise on winstrol.

I haven't told anyone to run out and get test. I said I did it and this is what I experienced. I get that not all women want side effects and I have never denied the side effects but there are some women who can deal with the few sides that I experienced and would like to know what someone has to say that has ACTUALLY USED it.

If people actually cared about the side effects or are concerned about them then they wouldn't even consider the AAS route plain and simple. If you're scared of what could happen then stay natural how is that steering someone wrong?
If people actually cared about the side effects or are concerned about them then they wouldn't even consider the AAS route plain and simple. If you're scared of what could happen then stay natural how is that steering someone wrong?

Your ignorance amazes me to no

I suppose you've never heard of cycling responsibly and avoiding side effects.
Testosterone (T) is a molecule that originates in the same sexual organs in both men and women but circulates in different amounts. Women have one tenth the amount of testosterone as compared to men but by age forty, their level can rise to half that of a 20 year-old man. It seems somewhat paradoxical that women’s testosterone goes up as they age and men’s goes down. But maybe that’s why women live longer!

Testosterone and Women

Although men make greater amounts of T than women, the hormone is essential for the survival of all animals. When testosterone falls below vital levels, both sexes suffer diminished memory, difficulty orienting in space or bumping into things, plus a lagging sexual desire. Most people consider these problems as a normal part of the aging process.

Testosterone boosts strength and decreases body fat. In tiny amounts, it accomplishes the same effect in men as well as women. In other words, testosterone is a very versatile hormone. It can convert to either estrogen or dihydrotestosterone (DHT). As testosterone strengthens our bodies and improves our memory, it also creates that essential sense of well-being that makes us all feel wonderful and alive regardless of our age. The value of this effect is immeasurable!

This benefit allows men to improve their physique as long as they consume adequate protein and limit their fat intake while taking part in an intensse regimen. Women can accomplish the same goals, if their T levels are pushed into the normal physiologic range for their age group. As women age, they too need testosterone to help them control their weight. Men can exercise less than women while still increasing their lean body mass since they have higher levels of testosterone and can pack on muscle naturally.

1/10 is alot different than 1/100.
Hahaha.....nice copy and paste about testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for women. I did not think that was what we were discussing here. Now you are just trying to cover your woman's ass and confuse the issue.

I'll give you an "a" for effort.
blondie and MM have made some excellent points on this thread, from here its just going to go down hill in a pissing argument. up to you guys if you want to continue, but nothing is going to get resolved here...great input again girls.
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