Anybody hear of the site that actually tests ugl gear ?


New member
I'm on oner sites as well as this one and the talk of this site that actually tests ugl gear is everywhere. The site is run on donations alone and they claim to do a bias professional test of ugl gear. Thought, opinions, remarks ?
I know which site you are referring to. I contacted the owner months ago about maybe testing some PSL products so we could post up some mass spec results. Ended up falling through, but I can't be fully sure this guy's tests are unbiased or not. He could be from another lab or paid by labs to put out fake results. You just never know.
sounds like a good way for the owner of that site to get a whole bunch of free gear, sources, and donations $.. (wouldn't put it past the feds to make such a play)
Yeah it's a little to early to tell. I've been watching it now for bout two months. Some of the results are a bit surprising. It's got all these UGLs stirred up a bit though lol.
I know which site you are referring to. I contacted the owner months ago about maybe testing some PSL products so we could post up some mass spec results. Ended up falling through, but I can't be fully sure this guy's tests are unbiased or not. He could be from another lab or paid by labs to put out fake results. You just never know.
I think the way ot works is that they buy from labs while the labs are unaware that their going to be tested. Anyone can send good gear knowing its going to be tested. They just want to be the average guy buying gear then test it. That way they know if the lab is always selling good gear or just hear and there.
Simec is a testing facility in Switzerland . The lab I run posts reports from a lot of their gear . I'm actually in the process of sending a sample now .