jj23 said:I guess I better start buying bigger hats then..
AP2 said:I already have a fat head! LOL
FTC said:im gettin that on enanthate. relatives/family say im gettin fat. they dont know the truth.
jj23 said:This morning the back of my neck, just under the hairline is swollen causing a big crease in the skin. Is this water retention to blame again? It's not painful but kind of tingly when rubbed.
bigp106 said:My fuckin buddys all say " Dude your head is gettin so damn big I dont think we can get it through the door no more" Body looks good but head is very big on Mass cycle. Does go down little with L-Dex but Im at 700mg Test Prop ED / 700 mg EQ ED / 50mg Winstrol (winny) ED. The Winstrol (winny) I just started 2 weeks ago and its also helping. I also cut out all extra salt and drink 2 gallons water per day instead of 1 gallon seams to be helping me.