anyone ever have any experience with 1-test cyp?


New member
has anyone ever used this compound(dihydroboldenone)? ive been thinking of including it to a tren mast test cycle, but I hear the PIP is worse than winny suspension, I can handle winny susp. but I don't know about any much more than that lol. anyone care to share their results?
I've had good results with it in the past. It burns a little when you inject it, but I didn't get much PIP.

It seems to kill my sex drive after a few weeks. I'm not sure why. I didn't get blood work at the time to figure out what was going on.
Yes , its very good product, BUT its not Test , not even related . More like very strong Masteron.
If you will use without Test , like all cycles without test , you libido will go by time
Combine this stuff for a purpose of lean bulk or cutting cycle, you will like results.
And Yes Optimum Pharma have it, i used OP 1-Test
I combined it with Tren and Test
I'm on test, HCG, and aromasin year round. With my last 1-test cyp cycle I was taking 400 mg/week 1-test cyp and 250 mg/week test e.

I read afterwards that 1-test can lower estrogen levels over time. I didn't get blood work at the time, but it's possible my E2 was too low with my regular aromasin dose along with the 1-test.
My first cycle in 2005 was actually 1-test transdermal along with 4AD transdermal (a prohormone for testosterone). I had dramatic results at the time. I gained 40 pounds on my max bench and 60 pounds on my max squat in 4 weeks.

My 2 cycles with 1-test cyp weren't as dramatic because I had already been "on" for a few years. I still got good results with strength gains and muscle hardness in a caloric deficit.