Anyone ever used max lmg/13-ethyl tren?

hey hey hey, lets all calm down a bit.

hungry, I can understand why you are upset. you asked for info on reviews on a product, and got an opinion on a product, as well as the complete write up on it.

tmi than you wanted. okay. no need to be an ass.

max lmg is a pro hormone that converts into 13b-ethyl nor androstenedione, and then can convert into 13b ethyl nor testosterone.

it has more binding affinity for the progestin receptor than deca, another nor androgen.

It also can aromatize into estrogen in small amounts, but not enough to cause a problem on it's own.

the gains from this compound ran solo will be wet, and gyno & loss of libido is very likely running this compound solo.

the compound is best stacked with more androgenic compounds, and particularly dht derivived compounds such as dht, winstrol, dimethazine etc.

using a strong androgen will help to negate the sides of this compound.

all in all, it is the strongest pro hormone left on the market, as well as the only one not a dhea derivative.

diesel bolan is a product that contains max lmg, as well as dimethazine.

dimethazine is a dht derived steroid, and also a non aromatizing compound. it is less anabolic than superdrol, but more androgenic.

dimethazine is two methyldrostanolone (superdrol) molecules bonded together with an azine (nitrogen) bond. in the stomach, the bond is broken, leaving two methyldrostanolone molecules with a nitrogen molecule attached. this nitrogen molecule is what lowers the products anabolic ability, and increases the androgenicity.

also another reason why it stacks well with a ph like max lmg.

one wet, aromatizing compound mixed with a dry, non aromatizing compound will provide a good balance, and help bring more to the table.

and btw, pheraplex is illegal, and not in dieselbolan 2.0. it was the only ingredient in the first dieselbolan.

I can understand your anger, but since you got to express yours, I will now express my anger for people like you, which is just as justified as why you got angry.

I am not considered an expert on steroids by any mean. but a lot of people listen to the knowledge I share on steroids, and pro hormones.

I have never asked a question such as yours. and I did not just wake up knowing alot about anabolic/androgenic substances.

I have researched on my own, looked up reviews on compounds, read books on steroids, and learned myself, without ever asking to be spoon fed information like a child.

all this has led up to things like a company owner pm'ing me, and asking me to review his steroid profiles, and make corrections to them.

again, I am no expert. but if your too lazy to find information yourself, information that is just a few clicks away, you really look stupid criticizing information given.

beggars cant be choosers. dont like the info you are being spoon fed, get off your lazy ass and find it yourself.

if you need any steroid information, feel free to ask, but please, if you dont know shit about steroids, and want help, dont be an ass, or you just might be given wrong/bad information on purpose to fuck yourself up. (i wouldn't do this, but someone else might)

THANKYOU!!! such a good post man. :yesway:
yeah its funny how you had to get caught to fess up you copy and pasted what a tool

And there a sponsor on here so I rec them because I use them.
And see my sig below? Part of the NTBM team?
What do you think that for?
Umm because I’m a rep for a supp company not even the one I copy pasted from.

I never "got caught to fess up” I thought it’s clear that I didn’t write that. I mean Google the name and you go to mr.supps page and what do you see there?
What I posted.
If I wanted to "PRETEND" to know something I would have altered it a bit.

the more you post the stupider you look my friend.
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hey hey hey, lets all calm down a bit.

hungry, I can understand why you are upset. you asked for info on reviews on a product, and got an opinion on a product, as well as the complete write up on it.

tmi than you wanted. okay. no need to be an ass.

max lmg is a pro hormone that converts into 13b-ethyl nor androstenedione, and then can convert into 13b ethyl nor testosterone.

it has more binding affinity for the progestin receptor than deca, another nor androgen.

It also can aromatize into estrogen in small amounts, but not enough to cause a problem on it's own.

the gains from this compound ran solo will be wet, and gyno & loss of libido is very likely running this compound solo.

the compound is best stacked with more androgenic compounds, and particularly dht derivived compounds such as dht, winstrol, dimethazine etc.

using a strong androgen will help to negate the sides of this compound.

all in all, it is the strongest pro hormone left on the market, as well as the only one not a dhea derivative.

diesel bolan is a product that contains max lmg, as well as dimethazine.

dimethazine is a dht derived steroid, and also a non aromatizing compound. it is less anabolic than superdrol, but more androgenic.

dimethazine is two methyldrostanolone (superdrol) molecules bonded together with an azine (nitrogen) bond. in the stomach, the bond is broken, leaving two methyldrostanolone molecules with a nitrogen molecule attached. this nitrogen molecule is what lowers the products anabolic ability, and increases the androgenicity.

also another reason why it stacks well with a ph like max lmg.

one wet, aromatizing compound mixed with a dry, non aromatizing compound will provide a good balance, and help bring more to the table.

and btw, pheraplex is illegal, and not in dieselbolan 2.0. it was the only ingredient in the first dieselbolan.

I can understand your anger, but since you got to express yours, I will now express my anger for people like you, which is just as justified as why you got angry.

I am not considered an expert on steroids by any mean. but a lot of people listen to the knowledge I share on steroids, and pro hormones.

I have never asked a question such as yours. and I did not just wake up knowing alot about anabolic/androgenic substances.

I have researched on my own, looked up reviews on compounds, read books on steroids, and learned myself, without ever asking to be spoon fed information like a child.

all this has led up to things like a company owner pm'ing me, and asking me to review his steroid profiles, and make corrections to them.

again, I am no expert. but if your too lazy to find information yourself, information that is just a few clicks away, you really look stupid criticizing information given.

beggars cant be choosers. dont like the info you are being spoon fed, get off your lazy ass and find it yourself.

if you need any steroid information, feel free to ask, but please, if you dont know shit about steroids, and want help, dont be an ass, or you just might be given wrong/bad information on purpose to fuck yourself up. (i wouldn't do this, but someone else might)
Hey man,

Its funny how my question has yet to be answered. You tell me to research, yet I already know absolutely everything you have said in this post.
I just want to know what people who have actually run this compound thought of it. There is very limited feedback of it online, and many different opinions. One log I read of Black China labs super tren mg(13-ethyl) mentioned how incredibly dry it was, and how he leaned out dramatically in a calorific surplus.
Hey man,

Its funny how my question has yet to be answered. You tell me to research, yet I already know absolutely everything you have said in this post.
I just want to know what people who have actually run this compound thought of it. There is very limited feedback of it online, and many different opinions. One log I read of Black China labs super tren mg(13-ethyl) mentioned how incredibly dry it was, and how he leaned out dramatically in a calorific surplus.

If so, what did you think of it?

Did you find it gave wet gains?

max lmg is a pro hormone that converts into 13b-ethyl nor androstenedione, and then can convert into 13b ethyl nor testosterone.

it has more binding affinity for the progestin receptor than deca, another nor androgen.

It also can aromatize into estrogen in small amounts, but not enough to cause a problem on it's own.

the gains from this compound ran solo will be wet, and gyno & loss of libido is very likely running this compound solo.

the compound is best stacked with more androgenic compounds, and particularly dht derivived compounds such as dht, winstrol, dimethazine etc.

using a strong androgen will help to negate the sides of this compound.

all in all, it is the strongest pro hormone left on the market, as well as the only one not a dhea derivative.

diesel bolan is a product that contains max lmg, as well as dimethazine.

dimethazine is a dht derived steroid, and also a non aromatizing compound. it is less anabolic than superdrol, but more androgenic.

dimethazine is two methyldrostanolone (superdrol) molecules bonded together with an azine (nitrogen) bond. in the stomach, the bond is broken, leaving two methyldrostanolone molecules with a nitrogen molecule attached. this nitrogen molecule is what lowers the products anabolic ability, and increases the androgenicity.

also another reason why it stacks well with a ph like max lmg.

one wet, aromatizing compound mixed with a dry, non aromatizing compound will provide a good balance, and help bring more to the table.

my bad, I guess im not sure what you are asking.

I gave you all the information known on this compound, what type of effects that will be seen from it, and how to negate the side effects that will be seen from this compound.

as well as information on how to use it effectively, and another steroid.

I dont think people like you should be anywhere near steroids. you obviously are not intelligent enough to use them.
Hey man,

Its funny how my question has yet to be answered. You tell me to research, yet I already know absolutely everything you have said in this post.
I just want to know what people who have actually run this compound thought of it. There is very limited feedback of it online, and many different opinions. One log I read of Black China labs super tren mg(13-ethyl) mentioned how incredibly dry it was, and how he leaned out dramatically in a calorific surplus.

Hey man,

if you weren't such an asshole on these boards maybe people would answer your questions, ever thought of that? Ripping on people, especially well known members such as juced, is not going to get you anywhere on this site and you are not going to learn anything