Anyone has used HGH as part of a cycle?


New member
Hi guys! So I've done a couple cycles here and there and didn't have that much success except for the first one I did which was simple Test E fot 12 weeks that's it. Now I'm thinking of combining test and Hgh for my next one but I have a few questions about HGH. First of all I have no idea how to dose it and when to use it. But my biggest concern is, will taking the hormone artificially shut down my natural production of it and take months to recover in the same way it does for Test? Should I worry about that? Any other helpful comment is welcome. Thanks!
Your main concern should be staying on it for 6+ months. 12 weeks of Hgh is a waste. It's not very cheap either. Find out why u weren't making gains on your previous cycles first before moving on.
Yeah you should plan on running hGH a much longer time...

I personally had great results with it except it was an addition to a fairly heavy cycle
and I did run it for longer than six months as tbonexl mentions.

When I ran it I had blood work done and knew I was running very GOOD hGH... the results were great
and I loved it... it also had some unexpected benefits that were very cool.

There's a lot of debate on what times and doses are best... but that would be for another discussion
once you have the whole cycle planned out - and how long you could run it for.
If I could start over I would have just bought hgh and igf with insulin and never touched test or any other anabolics till I was 35. But too late for that.
You're real main concern should be cardiomegaly...

Research shows the use of anabolics and gh can cause the heart to grow...causing, obviously, an enlarged heart which leads to serious complications

In other words if you are going to run gh and aas make sure you get a baseline check up. With a doc and close doctors supervision
You're real main concern should be cardiomegaly...

Research shows the use of anabolics and gh can cause the heart to grow...causing, obviously, an enlarged heart which leads to serious complications

In other words if you are going to run gh and aas make sure you get a baseline check up. With a doc and close doctors supervision

Could you elaborate on this. Is this purely based on supra-physiological doses of aas with gh or are those on trt who take hgh for anti-aging purposes or do small hgh/igf-1 cycles at risk of this as well.
Could you elaborate on this. Is this purely based on supra-physiological doses of aas with gh or are those on trt who take hgh for anti-aging purposes or do small hgh/igf-1 cycles at risk of this as well.

Sylvester stalone is still alive so I guess it can't be too bad lol
Could you elaborate on this. Is this purely based on supra-physiological doses of aas with gh or are those on trt who take hgh for anti-aging purposes or do small hgh/igf-1 cycles at risk of this as well.

I would suspect and recall the article being on cycle dosage not trt...
If any of the older guys here remember steroid guru - Bill Phillips - creator of Muscle Media magazine... he consulted Stallone.

Gosh damn I was all natural when I use to read that magazine... I remember learning so much about steroids back then
I just wish we had another mag like that around today!!!
If any of the older guys here remember steroid guru - Bill Phillips - creator of Muscle Media magazine... he consulted Stallone.

Gosh damn I was all natural when I use to read that magazine... I remember learning so much about steroids back then
I just wish we had another mag like that around today!!!

Cutting edge in its day, even had Dan Duchaine as a contributor. MM2K and Phillips Anabolic Reference Guide were worth their weight in gold back then
yep, and I highly doubt anyone in his situation/environment runs less than 10iu per day all year round... and that's not me bullshitting

10iu a day? At his age 5iu would be like 15iu to
Me lmao, I don't think he's running that much.
My main concern was the long term negatives it might bring.. Will doing a cycle shut down my natural GH production and make it hard and long to recover it afterwards like it does with test? And is there anything to take during the cycle or during PCT to help recover?
I love Stallone, great actor.

But he isn't running hGH solo, he is also on Test/TRT. Not hard to find that info. He's never had a watery, bulky look, seems to love the DHT based shit based on how he looks especially in Rambo.
My main concern was the long term negatives it might bring.. Will doing a cycle shut down my natural GH production and make it hard and long to recover it afterwards like it does with test? And is there anything to take during the cycle or during PCT to help recover?

hgh is not "cycled"... I mentioned this above, you should make a commitment to run gh for minimum a year (some say 6 months, but that's only when the good stuff will start to be happening)... and if you're not going to run a decent dosage (min 5iu, 10iu would be better), then don't do it
hgh is not "cycled"... I mentioned this above, you should make a commitment to run gh for minimum a year (some say 6 months, but that's only when the good stuff will start to be happening)... and if you're not going to run a decent dosage (min 5iu, 10iu would be better), then don't do it

Yes I understand that but what about after that year? What about my natural level, is it very hard to recover?