Anyone have any experience with Testopel?

arm wrestler

New member
I've heard on other message boards that testosterone pellets were some patients' most preferred method after experiencing gels, injections and patches. The reason is that they provide a slow release of testosterone that minimizes conversion to E2. This most closely represents the body's own production of testosterone. Many hormone doctors only prescribe using pellets for this reason. Many say that their libido was the highest on pellets. In a study, patients were studied by the difference between TE and pellets. When given a choice, the majority chose pellets. From what i've read, it's a simple procedure.

There are a few disadvantages to them. First, they are very expensive. I believe around $75 per pellet. Many guys need around 10-15 pellets just to get to the 900 range and oftentimes insurance doesn't cover them. Secondly, there is a risk of extrusion, especially in active guys. Thirdly, you may have to get them more often than 3 months depending on your blood-work. A lot of big name T experts like Shippen and Crisler do not like pellets since they are "stone age", costly, and expose patients to unnecessary risks like infection and extrusion. However, a Dr. Gambrel of Augusta, GA is well-renowned for his expertise in using T-pellets.

sounds very similar to "Andriol by Organon" ... not sure if that's still in production, but "Andriol" were testosterone undecanoate capsules, 40mg from what I remember, and needed 8-10 capsules per day to get anything out of them... and on the pricey side