Ok, here goes:
So last Spring break I meet this chick in Jamaica while Im on vacation(she lived in Ohio). Afterwords I end up going to visit her a couple times at her place and things were good. So when I finish my last year of University that May, I say fuck it, and go move in with her for the summer(I had always planned to go back home at the end of August). I wanted to do a show this summer(2003) and thought it would be good to get away from everything and just train really hard for the whole summer(Financially, I am well off as is my family). So early May I move in with her. Everythings great, training is going well,bulking diet is spot on, generally just having a good time. So of course, I am having some items delivered to the house because I refuse to pay gym prices and was waiting for this girl to go open a PO box for me because I couldnt open one without a US drivers license. Some shit being delivered was domestic, some shit international. International sources I was using were at the time known as the best in the business. But I got greedy. I had a guy who a lot of people had vouched for offering me Zambons for $4.00/amp(keep in mind I had never used this guy before, just was going on what people close to me had said). So me and 2 buddies put in an order for 200 amps. Both guys who were going in with me on the deal were both well-ranked NPC amateur bb'ers who couldnt have the shipment sent to them because they both had past steroid misdemeanor convictions. So I get a little too anxious and have the guy send the package to the place that I was staying at. Why would I do that you ask??? Good question, I'll shed some light later. So one day Im awaken to a knocking at the door. I look out the window and see the USPS postal truck in front of the driveway. This was not uncommon for the delivery guy to bring the mail right up to the door since my gf is into computers and regularly ordered hardware that came in big boxes and the mailman would bring it up to the door instead of leaving it out right by the street where the mail box is. Sometimes he would knock on the door, sometimes he would just leave it at the door. So half asleep I go downstairs and open the door. Same deal, the man is dressed in a USPS delivery guy suit, says "hey, how ya doing? Couple boxes for you and didnt want to leave them down by the road or out in the open". I accept the packages (Did not sign for anything) but keep in mind that I honestly do not know what is in them. I hadnt expected the Zambon package for at least another couple days. I just took the mail in and checked if there was anything for me. Well, there was, a huge ass green box. I shake the box and hear the glass. I quickly open it and see that the Zambon amps are sitting there with a little bit of newspaper thrown in. I think to myself "Jesus, how did this get past Customs???". SO I go to the kitchen to grab a protein shake. I check the time on the stove, 2:17 pm. Right when I see that, my first reaction was "Oh shit". The postman never comes past 12:30pm. Almost simultaneously while Im thinking this, theres a knock at the door. Pretty much knowing what is about to happen, I check the blinds anyways, yup, Cop cars parked diagonally in the street. Maybe about 10 of them, some even up on the grass. At least 15 law enforcement agents were standing facing the door with guns drawn. SWAT teams running from both sides to the back of the house. I swear to god, for a half second, I thought I was dreaming. All this for me and some fuckin Steroids????? So they keep knocking and Im standing there with my dick in my hand wondering what the fuck it is that I am going to do. So I run upstairs and tell my gf to wake up. I figured the least I could do is save her from having to wake up to guns pointed at her head. I had already accepted the fact that I was fucked. So as Im waking her up, I hear them going at the door with the battering ram. As soon as I notice that they arent going to get the door open and instead were probably going to fuck the foundation of the house with all that pounding, I let them in. Felt like a herd of Buffalo's ran me over. All the sudden I am on the ground, hands behind my back and people yelling at me to stop resisting arrest. What they didnt know was that I was so yoked that I couldnt get my hands together behind my back. When they realize this, they end up cuffing a pair of cuffs to another pair of cuffs and then cuffing me. They then show me the search warrant and begin tearing the house apart. Of course, they find the Test, Fina, Deca, Dbol, EQ and everything else that I was using or was planning on using that summer. The following law enforcement agency's were there: Local Cops, Local Detectives, Customs, Postal Inspectors, Drug Task forces from 2 different County's(Ya, I still have no diea why) and the SWAT team. Soon I realize that they are believing that I may be a dealer because of the different steroids in the house but moreso because they found a couple USPS Priority receipts that I got when I sent my sources some funds. So try and see this with me: Im in a foreign country, I have just had the place Im staying at raided, Steroids have been found, they are suspecting that I may be a dealer and then theres the fact that this girl who I have known for all of 2.5 months is sitting there being interigated and all I can think about is how if she gets thrown in jail for even one night, she will tell them whatever it is they want to hear and probably more to get herself out of trouble(meanwhile, all along, some of the shit they found is stuff she is using). So I try and quickly think, while also having this fuckin dickhead Postal Inspector telling me that if I just give up some info, I could get off this scotfree. So my instincts take over and I tell the Postal Inspector that he would get a full confession from me if he let the girl go free. I told him that she had nothing to do with it and that the gear was all for me, etc... So they agree, they let her go and they take me in. They charge me with a 3rd degree Felony possesion. Yes folks, thats between 5 and 50 times the bulk amount of gear. But what is the bulk amount? Well in Ohio 1 bulk amount is equal to 16 ml's or 200 tabs. Lets just say I barely made it over the 5 times amount. I write out a confession because Ill be honest, I had it in my head that if they brought her in, she would tell them whatever they needed and who knows, maybe that would have entailed a trafficking charge. Was I trafficking? No, but in the law, giving my buddies their Zambon amps that they paid for would have been seen as Trafficking and then the cops would have looked harder and harder to get me on the trafficking charge. Could they have got me on it? Who knows, what if the girl told them I had been doing this multiple times and had given my buddies their share of orders before? Then Im quite possibly really fucked and I didnt want to go through that. Also, keep in mind that Im in a country that I am not part of and Ill admit, that scared the shit out of me.
End result, Bond was set at $750,000 USD because I am not an American citizen. No 10%, they wanted it in full. Was I going to come up with that figure? Nope. Ended up sitting in a county jail(which housed Federal Inmates waiting to be taken to their parent institution) for 3 and half months until my lawyer finally got it dropped to a Felony in the 4th degree and got me 102 days time served with a huge fine.
Thoughts: Of course I should have kept my mouth shut, that was obvious from the second they knocked on the door. But, sometimes situations make you think and react differently and in my case at least, I firmly believe that not saying a word would have got me in more trouble then I ended up getting in. If the girl talks, no matter what, Im fucked. I figured that I had to get her off the hook totally or I was possibly looking at some serious time. Should I have had that shit delivered to the house? Nope. Dumb mistake, I admit it. Made the mistake of thinking that they wouldnt care about "small fish" like me. I was just some guy doing gear trying to win a show. But in the US, its not like that. Hell, I was in jail with a guy who was serving 90 days for writing a bad cheque. Some States do not fuck around and like I said, having it delivered to the house was not smart on my part and will probably go down as the biggest mistake I have ever made in my life. Up until that point, life had been a cakewalk. Got too confidant. I can own up to it. Also, should I have kept all that other shit in the house? No again. But I did and where the hell else was I going to stash it? Back at my place in Toronto? A lot of time you just dont think like that. Or at least you dont until something like this happens to you. Now you wont find a fucking particle of gear at my house. I keep everything as clean as a whistle. Are the RCMP going to come to my house and raid me like the US law enforcement did if they seize a package of mine that has some amps of gear? No, or at least its so unlikely that probably Iraq has a better chance of winning the war then me being raided for such a thing, but I wont take the chance(Please note that law enforcement here in Canada is much different then some States in the US). Not after the shit I went through will I even give anyone an opportunity to put me in a similar bind like that.
So how has this affected me? Well, I had a lot of time to think about shit while I was in jail. It actually made me a better person IMO. Just up and moving to the States for the summer with some broad was very uncharacteristic of me and I knew I just had to get back to being the real me. So What do I do now? Well, with my father I own a mortgage Brokerage. I also own this site and will also be the owner and operator(along with Tx) of our Online Store which is opening soon. Id say this year Ill make very close to 6 figures. Do I still use gear? Hell ya. Do I do it a lot smarter and more cautious then before? You fuckin bet. To me this whole thing was a good lesson but still, it didnt need to happen. I fault myself yes (99%), but I also fault the system(1%). You want to know what would have happened to me if this had happened here in Canada? Nothing. I would have maybe done one night in jail and posted bond. Then got probation and some community service hours to do. Same thing probably would have happened if I was a US citizen too. Sad, but the truth.
All in all, my best advise is to keep your place clean at all times if you can. Do not order International just to save money. If you have to do it, do it, but at least be on your toes and watch for anything out of the ordinary. Is the postman different that day? If he is, do not accept the package. Did they come at a time they normally dont deliver? Do not accept the package. Did he bring the package up to your door when in the past that has never happened? Again, do not accept the package. They are little thigns to look out for but those are about the only things that are going to save you if a controlled delivery is being attempted on you.