Anyone use AAS and have anxiety or anxiety attacks


i havent cycled yet, but had was considering cycling soon.. problem was 3 days ago i was sidelined with an anxiety/panic attack in the moring.. i started getting massive head pain.. thought i was going to throw up.. pass out then i broke into a shivering shaky mode.. where i felt like i was freezing..

i seriously thought it was over..the pain was that bad.. then i called the paramedics.. took me to the hospital.. and checked my bloodwork, said it was fine, and it coulda been anxiety..

then yesterday i was going to the neuroligist and i broke out again even worse.. i started shaking.. crying from the pain in my head.. felt like vomiting.. ibiprofen didnt do anything.. luckily my parents were able to take me to the neurologist to check me out.. but the whole time i was crying from the pain..and shaking like i was in a seizure he finally said i might have anxiety/panic attacks..and getting an MRI wasnt that important.. weird. because i am a very calm person..

thing is i came out with an elbow injury last month and stopped taking my supplements.. multi vitamin.. protien shake.. fish oil.. n my dad thinks its because my body was used to these vitamins and i stoped cold turkey that i went into a state like this.. today i got a little better since i took my multi.. but i was shaking like a crack addict missing his powder.. like this for three days.. everyone telling me i look like i'm on drugs.. and i cant even step outside from the fear of passing out or fainting.. can barely walk too.

my question is has anyone ever experienced anything like this and if so have you still used AAS.. this shit is pissing me off because now i'm thinking twice about using it.. Sorry if its too long..
aas is actually hard on ur mood man. i have never gotten roid rage befor, im actually a preaty easy going guy. but when i do get on cycle i do get a litttle short of a fuse if people rub me the wrong way. i wouldnt recomend it if u allready have axiety, the worst for u would come when ur off and ur estrogen levels r high. if u think ur anxiety is bad now, wait till ur about 2 weeks off ur cycle. sux. just stick with creatine, no2, longjack stack. u can make really good gains using that stack with a good diet and training regement.
AAS makes anxiety and stress worse. if you already have problems i would highly recommend you do not use AAS.
dont get me wrong though, the increased test levels give u a sense of well being, u might b ok on them, besides maybe the mood swings. but i wouldnt recomend it till u got ur anxiety under check. just my opinion though bro. not a doctor here
Try Lexapro. It works wonders for anxiety such as yours. It will really mellow you out and works in two weeks. After two weeks no sides. Only side in the beginning are minor dry mouth and libido decrease. Goes away later.
look bro,
i think you should move away from steroids.
dont take it hard man but, in my opinion your already hypochondriac and thats explain all of your anxietys.
lets think for a sec, you are suffering from anxietys and steroids certainty gonna worsen your condition.
so if you dont wanna finish like a mentally ill patient dont become close to it.
or treat your problem and solve it... good luck :)
yo fuck that man. i got pretty bad anxiety too and they say its from the war but i never had it before until i finished my cycle before last. the va is giving me pills for it and i am talking to a crazy doctor as well. i dont think that shit will ever go away for me. so i just deal with it. i dont get it as crazy as you do, i just feel like i am gonna throw up when im in a public place. it sucks. but im not gonna stop taking juice
joshhutch said:
yo fuck that man. i got pretty bad anxiety too and they say its from the war but i never had it before until i finished my cycle before last. the va is giving me pills for it and i am talking to a crazy doctor as well. i dont think that shit will ever go away for me. so i just deal with it. i dont get it as crazy as you do, i just feel like i am gonna throw up when im in a public place. it sucks. but im not gonna stop taking juice
LOL, one thing you can't "just deal with it", is anxiety. You gotta get drugs for that. Anxiety can be caused by many things. It may take a few years to set in, but once you get it, it will almost never go away. Gotta treat that with some good meds.
oh yes anxiety sucks lexpro great but its like major wirhdrawl and extremly hard to stop. Anxiety can really make you think your going crazy. Get a grip on it cause gear will send it on tail spin of mind fuks. Meds is only hope for it if its bad SSRI like lexapro will save you
Ive had anxiety problems since I was little. Sometimes if it gets really bad my doc will medicate for short periods if nessesary. I wont lie, I find it get a little worse with Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) but if you keep an eye on it and keep your blood levels as steady as u can I havent found too many issues. Just my 2 cents.
How old are you?
Did you take any meds (painkillers) for your elbow injury?
Are you still having anxiety attacks?

People can give really good advice here but please..
don't take anything your doctor hasnt prescribed for you!!!

You say you haven't cycled yet???
I am a little confused cause this statement kind of sounds like you have...
Why would you be taking nolva n clomid if you haven't done a cycle?


deffinately after you finished your cycle you had a hard crash... we take nolva and Clomid and aromasin for post cycle therapy (pct) to cushion the crash.. but in you case taking bunch of test boosters was all you had.. umm its not dangerous.. it would just take a while for you to regain your testosterone at a normal level which is passed 3 years by now.. and your erections should be up and running.. it really might be phsycological like hal said.. dont be down.. your test levels are normal.. my balls sag to the floor.. but doesnt hurt to get another doc.. GL

And this is dead on:
AAS makes anxiety and stress worse. if you already have problems i would highly recommend you do not use AAS.
IMO Get whatever it is that's going on under control before you try Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) or
any OTC products or your symptoms will more than likely get worse.

Let us know how you are doing....