Anyone who's run s4 notice an appetite increase


New member
So im coming up on the end of my 2nd week on s4 and im noticing im getting very hungry in between meals. Has anyone else experienced this
So im coming up on the end of my 2nd week on s4 and im noticing im getting very hungry in between meals. Has anyone else experienced this

Could it be possible that the increase in appetite is due to extra physical activity? Not the S4?...I have run it several times and never noticed.
I'm doing pretty much the same amount of training, granted i do have more energy while training so i suppose that could be leading to shorter breaks in between. What do you usually notice on s4
I havent had incrase in my appetite when I ran S4. I only had a very minimal vision sides when in dark. Very good stuff.
This is the first time I have experienced any sides (vision related) after being outside in the sun. Takes a minute to adjust... No night vision problems. Will try the weekends off from taking it to see if that helps. Not a whole lot of strength difference when taking S4 but notice hardening and vascularity improvements. Cheers!
Its seemed to level off at this point, was really bad the first week. I'm guessing due to the extra energy i was pushing myself harder then i realized