Arms will not grow, still the same since last cycle a year ago

Your arms look great man. Everyone is different Mine are 18" and I still think they are small. Work on the peak. Try some circuit sets. I started doing 10 reps seated DB curl, followed by 10 reps Hammer curls, then 10 reps spider curls on an incline, then 10 reps concentration curls no rest in between. Do that for 3 sets they will be so pumped you won't be able to move them.

I found for me once I was able to work past and through the lactic acid pain that's where the growth was at. If you look like and your currently natty then good for you bro. Widen that back and keep growing them shoulders. Nice shoulder separation makes Bi's look bigger.
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Just reading this post will add atleast an inch to your arms...
Well I havent been on gear for almost a year now. My last cycle was 625mg of test e a week for 14 weeks. My arms went from 14-3/4" to 15-1/4". This was last June I took the measurements. Just took measurements the other night and they're still 15-1/4". My chest/lats have gotten bigger since my last cycle. Before last cycle by chest was 41-5/8", end of cycle was 42-1/8", now it's 42-3/4. Any idea why my arms just will not grow unless Im on gear? I am 5'6" and in the mornings I weigh 165 16%bf. What size arms would be considered big arms for my height?

Edited: FYI my measurements are done relaxed and unflexed.

to gain an inch (2.54cm) to each arm you will need to add a minimum of 12-15lbs to your bodyweight... so if you wanna put 2 inches onto your arms, you're looking at needing to gain at least 25lbs of bodyweight
Here's my diet....

Mornings: One whole egg, 2 cups egg whites, some oat meal and peanut butter.
Mid morning: 2 slices of wheat bread with peanut butter and banana, greek yogurt
Lunch: 5oz chicken breast, 7oz sweet potato, 2 cups broccoli
Mid day: 5oz chicken breast, 1 cup brown rice, 3 cups green beans/baby spinach
Post workout: protein shake (2 scoops of isoflex)
Dinner: 7oz albacore tuna, 1/2 cup brown rice, 1 cup mixed veggies
Before bed: Greek yogurt and either a banana or apple.

Any input on this?
Your arms aren't 'small' . They look a little long and that might take away from the illusion of bigger arms.

Your triceps are lacking behind your biceps a little. My arms look bigger than they are because they're short
Your arms aren't 'small' . They look a little long and that might take away from the illusion of bigger arms.

Your triceps are lacking behind your biceps a little. My arms look bigger than they are because they're short
Your arms aren't 'small' . They look a little long and that might take away from the illusion of bigger arms.

Your triceps are lacking behind your biceps a little. My arms look bigger than they are because they're short

Yeah I noticed that a while ago too. I actually do more with my triceps than my biceps. I start my tricep with dips and end it with dips. I do go as far down as I can with dips and don't lock out at the top.
Overhead extension exercises work the long head that's the belly(sag) you see when you hold your arms out straight - palms up

I'd do at least 2 movements that way and 2 bent arms in front like push downs
Personally I think you look fantastic man! No lie. But! You came here because you want to improve and so I'll throw out some ideas.

First, gains happen in the kitchen. Workouts will only tear the muscle and signal for growth and repair .. how much and what you eat will determine the extent of that repair. This of course is only true if you're pushing your body to it's limits, essentially telling your body, "hey, we need to adapt".

Take these as just my opinion, I'm not a professional by any means. Also, these suggestions don't need to be done all at once.

Your diet seems a little light for growth actually. It may be good for maintaining what you have, but like said earlier.. you'll need 25lbs of mass to see another 2 inches. 25lbs is no easy feat, steroids or not! I would shoot for 1.5 times your anticipated bodyweight in grams of protein.. so 190x1.5 = 285g of protein/day. This essentially means to increase your protein intake across all your meals by 60-70%. Your carbs could be increased by at least an additional 50% per meal, and double on the really light ones you have.

Ditch the simple carbs before bed in favor of putting them in your post workout, maybe do a veggie or a larger portion of a slow digesting protein or BOTH! You've just destroyed your body and want to direct your system to use the proper nutrients for the right job... having only a protein you may simply be sipping an energy drink! lol Not completely of course, but we recognize carbs as a go-to energy source.. always over any other macro nutrient, wouldn't want to waste 2-3 dollars on a couple scoops of protein to simply be burned up with no benefit.

Breakfast is light.. You just came off a 6-10hr fast.. eat well and plenty. Don't skip on the meal that will get everything running. Add more of everything.

I see a lot of room for increases.. each suggestion diet-wise can be added slowly. Every time you stop growing just add a little more until you're growing again. No need to add 1000+ calories, if all it takes to get you moving 1lb a week is 300.. who knows.

Your diet looks well structured aside from that, the lay out is good.


In terms of training (I've been reading a lot lately lol), whether you've been focusing on strength, size, endurance, hypertrophy, form, the pump! lol, whatever.. just focus on always hitting the point of failure!

-Failure will signify the final blow to your body.. the last straw.. all you can take. It will want to grow and become better than that failure. Work to failure on every set, every exercise on every muscle group.

-If you're going to failure on every set, do not settle for a single rep range! You have different muscle fibers that need stimulated and buried!.. If you've been going to failure, but only working in a rep range of 3-5, 6-7, 8-10, or 12-15.. stop... hit at least one set in all ranges so you get a good breakdown of both fiber types and experience a full spectrum of growth. Preferably hit the low rep/ high weight sets first as these fibers will not be capable of being hit later into a workout as you'll be too tired to put up a true max weight after 5-6 sets.. Always do a warm-up set or two before starting.

-Focus on rep tempo. Tempo determines the time your muscle is under tension. Aim for 30-70 seconds of time under tension per set! This means for a 4 rep set, with a generally high weight if you're going to failure, you will go incredibly slow! Example : To hit 30 seconds of time under tension on Bench Press on my 4 rep set, I'll do 225lbs, at a pace of 7 seconds down, 1 second up for each rep.. or alternatively, 6 seconds down and 2 seconds up. Most likely you'd like to be powerful on the pressing part of the movement, and your body is build to better suit fast movement in that range of motion so it's best to train it that way. Slow down, Fast up.

-Leave ample time between sets to recuperate. Low rep / High weight sets will require a longer rest period as they're more difficult to recuperate from. Low weight / High rep sets will take much less time to recover from. It's recommended within Poliquin's Principles to have 2-3 minutes between heavy sets, 1-1.5 minutes medium sets, and 45 seconds on low weight sets if I remember correctly.

-Lastly, unless you're on the anything at the moment (steroids), training a single muscle group every day of the week, and taking no time in between for rest will likely wear you down. This will make it difficult to keep up with recovery.. Combine muscle groups and leave a day of rest between each training day, while taking the entire weekend off as well. As a natty you'll need extra time than someone similar to you but on drugs.. Specifically train alternate muscle groups set by set to get a more effective workout.. Example : Bench Press Set 1 to Barbell Row Set 1, Bench set 2 to BB Row 2. Do opposite movements back to back and just watch how well each exercise prepares the opposing muscle group for it's exercise! I am now doing a push/pull routine; Monday - Chest/Back, Tue - Rest, Wed - Bis/Tris/Calves, Thurs - Rest, Fri - Quads/Hams/Shoulders, Rest, Rest. I've felt well rested at every workout and have no excuse to not go all out! Seems good so far.

This is what I think. Hope it helps in any way! Good luck and hope to see you around.
Personally I think you look fantastic man! No lie. But! You came here because you want to improve and so I'll throw out some ideas.

First, gains happen in the kitchen. Workouts will only tear the muscle and signal for growth and repair .. how much and what you eat will determine the extent of that repair. This of course is only true if you're pushing your body to it's limits, essentially telling your body, "hey, we need to adapt".

Take these as just my opinion, I'm not a professional by any means. Also, these suggestions don't need to be done all at once.

Your diet seems a little light for growth actually. It may be good for maintaining what you have, but like said earlier.. you'll need 25lbs of mass to see another 2 inches. 25lbs is no easy feat, steroids or not! I would shoot for 1.5 times your anticipated bodyweight in grams of protein.. so 190x1.5 = 285g of protein/day. This essentially means to increase your protein intake across all your meals by 60-70%. Your carbs could be increased by at least an additional 50% per meal, and double on the really light ones you have.

Ditch the simple carbs before bed in favor of putting them in your post workout, maybe do a veggie or a larger portion of a slow digesting protein or BOTH! You've just destroyed your body and want to direct your system to use the proper nutrients for the right job... having only a protein you may simply be sipping an energy drink! lol Not completely of course, but we recognize carbs as a go-to energy source.. always over any other macro nutrient, wouldn't want to waste 2-3 dollars on a couple scoops of protein to simply be burned up with no benefit.

Breakfast is light.. You just came off a 6-10hr fast.. eat well and plenty. Don't skip on the meal that will get everything running. Add more of everything.

I see a lot of room for increases.. each suggestion diet-wise can be added slowly. Every time you stop growing just add a little more until you're growing again. No need to add 1000+ calories, if all it takes to get you moving 1lb a week is 300.. who knows.

Your diet looks well structured aside from that, the lay out is good.


In terms of training (I've been reading a lot lately lol), whether you've been focusing on strength, size, endurance, hypertrophy, form, the pump! lol, whatever.. just focus on always hitting the point of failure!

-Failure will signify the final blow to your body.. the last straw.. all you can take. It will want to grow and become better than that failure. Work to failure on every set, every exercise on every muscle group.

-If you're going to failure on every set, do not settle for a single rep range! You have different muscle fibers that need stimulated and buried!.. If you've been going to failure, but only working in a rep range of 3-5, 6-7, 8-10, or 12-15.. stop... hit at least one set in all ranges so you get a good breakdown of both fiber types and experience a full spectrum of growth. Preferably hit the low rep/ high weight sets first as these fibers will not be capable of being hit later into a workout as you'll be too tired to put up a true max weight after 5-6 sets.. Always do a warm-up set or two before starting.

-Focus on rep tempo. Tempo determines the time your muscle is under tension. Aim for 30-70 seconds of time under tension per set! This means for a 4 rep set, with a generally high weight if you're going to failure, you will go incredibly slow! Example : To hit 30 seconds of time under tension on Bench Press on my 4 rep set, I'll do 225lbs, at a pace of 7 seconds down, 1 second up for each rep.. or alternatively, 6 seconds down and 2 seconds up. Most likely you'd like to be powerful on the pressing part of the movement, and your body is build to better suit fast movement in that range of motion so it's best to train it that way. Slow down, Fast up.

-Leave ample time between sets to recuperate. Low rep / High weight sets will require a longer rest period as they're more difficult to recuperate from. Low weight / High rep sets will take much less time to recover from. It's recommended within Poliquin's Principles to have 2-3 minutes between heavy sets, 1-1.5 minutes medium sets, and 45 seconds on low weight sets if I remember correctly.

-Lastly, unless you're on the anything at the moment (steroids), training a single muscle group every day of the week, and taking no time in between for rest will likely wear you down. This will make it difficult to keep up with recovery.. Combine muscle groups and leave a day of rest between each training day, while taking the entire weekend off as well. As a natty you'll need extra time than someone similar to you but on drugs.. Specifically train alternate muscle groups set by set to get a more effective workout.. Example : Bench Press Set 1 to Barbell Row Set 1, Bench set 2 to BB Row 2. Do opposite movements back to back and just watch how well each exercise prepares the opposing muscle group for it's exercise! I am now doing a push/pull routine; Monday - Chest/Back, Tue - Rest, Wed - Bis/Tris/Calves, Thurs - Rest, Fri - Quads/Hams/Shoulders, Rest, Rest. I've felt well rested at every workout and have no excuse to not go all out! Seems good so far.

This is what I think. Hope it helps in any way! Good luck and hope to see you around.

Thanks bud, I appreciate that. I thought my breakfast was pretty big. I actually have a hard time getting it all down. The protein I take only has 1g crab per scoop. Real clean stuff. My diet is something like 290g protein, 260 carbs, 70g fat and 3000 calories. I'm in the gym 6 to 7 days a week. I feel as if I recover pretty quick, even being natty at the moment I feel fresh the next day after my workout.
Thanks bud, I appreciate that. I thought my breakfast was pretty big. I actually have a hard time getting it all down. The protein I take only has 1g crab per scoop. Real clean stuff. My diet is something like 290g protein, 260 carbs, 70g fat and 3000 calories. I'm in the gym 6 to 7 days a week. I feel as if I recover pretty quick, even being natty at the moment I feel fresh the next day after my workout.

I have 10 egg whites, 1 cup of oats (steel cut), and 1/2 cup of cashews. :)

I would add calories in the form of carbs first considering its pretty low. Most people keep carbs quite a bit higher than protein unless they're specifically doing a ketogenic diet, or cyclic ketogenic diet..
My arms have always been tiny compared to the rest of me and the only thing that works for me is working them a lot. I've heard CT Fletcher talk about working arms everyday, I've never done that so I have no clue how that works but I know for me working my arms a few times a week helped me more than anything else. Like tury said, have a designated arm day and then work them other days during the week, not saying do and entire arm workout everyday but do a few sets of curls after your back day or close grip bench after chest day etc, just enough to burn them out a bit and get some blood flowing to them.

CT Fletcher is full of shit. if you were on his regimen of drugs and had his genetics and body make up it might be different. biceps trained in that fashion would be well over trained. Biceps are only a third of your arm width up there. tris are 2/3. in my humble but experienced opinion most guys overtrain biceps and don't pay enough attention to tricep training.
standing bicep barbell curls and a few sets of dumbells curls once every four or five days should do it if trained properly.
triceps built only with close grip bench will grow but won't be very well shaped. if you do the close grip bench then follow them up with some skull crushers. or dips while keeping your body upright, not leaning forward. hope this helps. my 2cnts.
CT Fletcher is full of shit. if you were on his regimen of drugs and had his genetics and body make up it might be different. biceps trained in that fashion would be well over trained. Biceps are only a third of your arm width up there. tris are 2/3. in my humble but experienced opinion most guys overtrain biceps and don't pay enough attention to tricep training.
standing bicep barbell curls and a few sets of dumbells curls once every four or five days should do it if trained properly.
triceps built only with close grip bench will grow but won't be very well shaped. if you do the close grip bench then follow them up with some skull crushers. or dips while keeping your body upright, not leaning forward. hope this helps. my 2cnts.

^ This....

It has always been my pet peeve that "some guys" will work their biceps like a mad man, but not work their triceps. Bi=2, Tri=3....Your tricep is 3/5 of your arm size. I am very specific in my routine, and while I engage my arms at least a little bit EVERY workout, I only specifically target arms once a week. Additionally, I absolutely SWEAR by more that 2 heavy left exercises per muscle group (5x5's @ 95% of my 1 Rep Max), and 2 (or sometimes 3) finishing exercises which are normally 3 sets with a relatively medium/light weight to failure. This is to avoid over training..... I have added 3 1/2" to my arms since April 2012....from 15 1/2" to 19"
If there is one pro to watch and learn from its Ben. A wealth of knowledge he is. I have grown so much since implementing his strategies and theories it fucking unbelievable.

One of the few pros that actually teaches guys how to grow with proper techniques,, and doesn't do "educational" you tube and other stuff just to be in front of a camera..
If there is one pro to watch and learn from its Ben. A wealth of knowledge he is. I have grown so much since implementing his strategies and theories it fucking unbelievable.

Adding him to my list of gurus to research about. Thanks! Love the fact that a single post about arms can bring about a plethora of good information and sources ofan knowledge. Maybe we can develop some sort of list in the training section of our favorite sources for information.