Well I havent been on gear for almost a year now. My last cycle was 625mg of test e a week for 14 weeks. My arms went from 14-3/4" to 15-1/4". This was last June I took the measurements. Just took measurements the other night and they're still 15-1/4". My chest/lats have gotten bigger since my last cycle. Before last cycle by chest was 41-5/8", end of cycle was 42-1/8", now it's 42-3/4. Any idea why my arms just will not grow unless Im on gear? I am 5'6" and in the mornings I weigh 165 16%bf. What size arms would be considered big arms for my height?
Eat more food, i refuse to workout my arms because they are secondary in just about eery workout anyways, besides chinups i do t do anything for my arms And theyve been as big as 16 3/4.... My calves, however, are a different story.:/ ....unflexed as well.... I gotta look up this ben guy!