Aromasin Only Cycle??????


New member
Hey Guys, First off I don't have any intention on doing this So No Need To flame. This is more or less just a discussion. Aromasin is suicidal , And raises Test levels, As we all know,
Also With no Estrogen rebound Couldn't one Technically take Aromasin Alone As a sort "Super Test Booster?"
Hey Guys, First off I don't have any intention on doing this So No Need To flame. This is more or less just a discussion. Aromasin is suicidal , And raises Test levels, As we all know,
Also With no Estrogen rebound Couldn't one Technically take Aromasin Alone As a sort "Super Test Booster?"

Yes and No.. Yes it will boost your test big time but it will also kill your estrogen. If you do not have estrogen you will not make gains my man. We need some estrogen to function properly. If you were on cycle and had a bunch of estrogen floating around it would be ok to knock out some of that but off cycle by it self is a no no.
Yes and No.. Yes it will boost your test big time but it will also kill your estrogen. If you do not have estrogen you will not make gains my man. We need some estrogen to function properly. If you were on cycle and had a bunch of estrogen floating around it would be ok to knock out some of that but off cycle by it self is a no no.

What if your estrogen is to high withouth being on cycle? Could it then perhaps be used to level things out?
what is wrong with you ?

What are you looking for really ?

The potential variables are limitless dude.

U wanna lift to get big or contemplating a sex ?

Age ?
what is wrong with you ?

What are you looking for really ?

The potential variables are limitless dude.

U wanna lift to get big or contemplating a sex ?

Age ?

I've made a thread about it here:

Im 30 years old. 184cm tall. Weight is 70kg and body fat is 15%. All that fat is located around my belly and breasts.

A test showed that i have to high estrogen compared to my testosterone. Thats why im considering taking a low dose of aromasin to see if that would lower my estrogen to a healthy level.

I have never done any kind of steroids. I ecsersise regularly and eat healthy.
I just saw this thread and thought it was relevant to my situation. Im on the other thread as well
Hey Guys, First off I don't have any intention on doing this So No Need To flame. This is more or less just a discussion. Aromasin is suicidal , And raises Test levels, As we all know,
Also With no Estrogen rebound Couldn't one Technically take Aromasin Alone As a sort "Super Test Booster?"

Yes, this will work. It is sometimes used to treat hypogonadism. It will not crash estrogen levels if the dosage is within reason since the HPTA feedback loop is still open.

Here is a study for you showing that it works.

Effects of aromatase inhibition in elderly men with low or borderli... - PubMed - NCBI
Yes, this will work. It is sometimes used to treat hypogonadism. It will not crash estrogen levels if the dosage is within reason since the HPTA feedback loop is still open.

Here is a study for you showing that it works.

Effects of aromatase inhibition in elderly men with low or borderli... - PubMed - NCBI

I noticed they used arimidex rather than aromasin in that study. Isn't aromasin more effective than arimidex both in raising testosterone and reducing estrogen?

One particular study selected 12 healthy young male test subjects, and were administered random Aromasin doses of 25mg and 50mg for a 10 day period, and not only was Estrogen suppressed by a significant amount (38%), but Testosterone levels in the test subjects were observed to increase by an incredible 60%[1]. Boosting the endogenous Testosterone production in men by an impressive 60% is not the only major benefit that Aromasin possesses. Aromasin also holds additional benefits that essentially make it the ***8216;king***8217; aromatase inhibitor for the purpose of HPTA and Testosterone recovery during PCT above all other aromatase inhibitors. The stimulation of endogenous Testosterone secretion is a characteristic common of all aromatase inhibitors and is due to the fact that excess Estrogen will cause a negative feedback loop response of the HPTA to initiate Testosterone suppression.

Im unable to provide the link here. Im guessing its because of post count?
I noticed they used arimidex rather than aromasin in that study. Isn't aromasin more effective than arimidex both in raising testosterone and reducing estrogen?

Im unable to provide the link here. Im guessing its because of post count?

Yes, they used anastozole in the study I posted. I don't see why exemestane wouldn't work as well. I don't know if it would be any more or less effective. Anastrozole does tend to be stronger than Aromasin though. That may make a difference.
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