One particular study selected 12 healthy young male test subjects, and were administered random Aromasin doses of 25mg and 50mg for a 10 day period, and not only was Estrogen suppressed by a significant amount (38%), but Testosterone levels in the test subjects were observed to increase by an incredible 60%[1]. Boosting the endogenous Testosterone production in men by an impressive 60% is not the only major benefit that Aromasin possesses. Aromasin also holds additional benefits that essentially make it the ***8216;king***8217; aromatase inhibitor for the purpose of HPTA and Testosterone recovery during PCT above all other aromatase inhibitors. The stimulation of endogenous Testosterone secretion is a characteristic common of all aromatase inhibitors and is due to the fact that excess Estrogen will cause a negative feedback loop response of the HPTA to initiate Testosterone suppression.