
DougoeFre5h said:
80mcg a day with very specific site injections, tris and delts only. Havent been on long enough to make any real judgements.

Alrighty keep us posted. How are the injects?

P.S. Aromasin rules stfu Mranak :wiggle:
Injects are wondeful. Ever so slight sting with the 100mM acetid acid only during the inject. A little site swelling is notcable for a day or two which actually looks nice on the tris and delts. No latent pain though, its really no biggie.
DougoeFre5h said:
mranak what dont you understand when i say NOT on a mg/mg basis.
You still don't get it.

1mg of Arimidex/day will lower estrogen (in woman, at least) more than 25mg of Aromasin/day. In fact, 1mg of Arimidex/day will lower estrogen more than 100mg of Aromasin/day.

DougoeFre5h said:
Yes mg for mg adex kicks the crap out of aromasin. It also has a LIMIT to what it can bind and unbind because its not suicidal like aromasin.

Forget all of this binds and unbinds scientific bullshit (sounds like a theory, anyway). I'm talking about results.

DougoeFre5h said:
So until you get your fucking ass of your office chair and get 2000mg test floating around your body and you try BOTH and see the difference is, i dont want to read 1 more gay fucking study you found doing a late night pubmed search. Got me?
I may have said that Arimidex is stronger, but I never asserted that it was better. If I wasn't so damn cheap, I would probably buy the Aromasin.

I have enough Arimidex to last me a good while.
RJH8541 said:
this is why i like you so much... cause like me i never know when you are kidding or not.

not that I give a fuck,just stating the obvious.:D
I'm just busting everyone balls since I found out that's what we do in this forum.
mranak lets just put this one on the back burner.

For your effort in doing multiple quote editing...I give you an A+

For knowlege of how women react to AI's... B+

For your recent realization that ball busting skills are a prerequisite for posting in the forum....A-

For your pubmed search skills...A++++

And ill admit to defeat in that yes, all boiled down adex IS stronger than aromasin. I suppose I was drawing from my personal and intimate experience with both AI's and thier effects on my body. I did NOT however take into consideration the fact that I used a lower dose of adex and a higher dose of aromasin compartively and relatively (if you see what I mean).
Thanks DougoeFre5h. I'm too small right now to bust balls at the gym (one of the problems with working out with really strong guys), so I have to get my fun in somewhere.

For all that shit that I've said here, I'll go ahead and mention that it is more than possible that Aromasin is stronger than Arimidex in men.

And I also suspect that estrogen probably doesn't have the 'rebound' jump after discontinuing Aromasin. In the case of Arimidex, estrogen can actually spike before returning to baseline and that isn't cool.
DougoeFre5h said:
Your on the money about the adex stoppage spike, and lack_there_of with aromasin.
Hence my harping about not using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during post cycle therapy (pct) (except maybe Aromasin :) )
clear as everclear

I put 5grams into 400ml of eveclear and heated it with a warm water bath and it
looks like pure goodness
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i'm using 100mg of Aromasin a day +
1 clomid
and 500iu of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) a day for my pct... this combo has been very effective for me.