

If I spelled it correctly....


I never made much thought of doing it until i joined this board when it got fired up...

over at EF, if you posted the same type of any question more then once, or a different version of it, you got flamed like a turkey on Thanksgiving...

my point is..... you can get away with asking and not getting burnt, and seeing the threads on it over and over made it stick in my big thick head, so now I always aspirate....

made me think since i just did a quad shot last night, went a bit lower then normal in the quad, thought to myself, even though I always shoot there, make sure you fucking aspirate...

and i did, and good thing, that some bitch started to fill up like i was giving blood...


pulled her out, and re stuck.....

but....never thought to change the pin...DUH!!!!!

bastard felt like a pen being stuck in my leg...although I did swab the new spot...

makes you glad you can look on the board here and not see a buch of assholes burning someone for asking a question...even repeatedly...

...the only dumb question is one not asked...

...except for maybe the dbol only cycle one...:D

eastarr69 said:
makes you glad you can look on the board here and not see a buch of assholes burning someone for asking a question...even repeatedly...

...the only dumb question is one not asked...

Bingo. That's one thing we have that few other boards have. Well, we also have the token gay mod fantom. ;)
here's another reason......

I went to inject into my left delt granted I use my delts a lot, probably more than I should....I always use a 1" I go to inject and aspirate and holy shit I aspirate pus into the I had no signs of anything in the shoulder except for some slight discomfort I attributed to a training sweeling, no redness, and no discomfort when pressing on the area.....the discomfort I thought was a training injury started last I used a bunch of pins and drew out a few cc's of pus.....when I got home later in the day I did it again useing both a 1" and 1.5" pin until I aspirated bright red blood.....

So what was it?.....a sterile abscess....basically it's an infection that is completely encapsulated in epithelium.....there are no local or systemic (fever, sickness) signs of an infection.....this is not to say it would not have come to that but it could sit there for quite some time without detection......the only way I found it is by aspirating.....

If you get one what should you do?.....GO TO A not try and treat it yourself like I did.....I am a doc and am friends with many docs so I know what I'm doing.....I drained it via aspiration and put myself on a Z-pak (zithromax) for 10 days.....if any complications arise I'll get an MRI to determine what tissue damage, if any, is present.....
Always aspirate........This board is by far the best....Although I gotta say an old fashioned flame thread is amusing sometimes...LOL

TX fantom is gay???????.......LOL..
I've aspirated every shot that I've ever done, and only had it fill up once, but that makes it worth it as that could have fucked me up good