At what stage of a cycle are your lifts best?


New member
Victor Conte said on the Joe Rogan experience that when using steroids with sprinters they would perform best at about 14 days after the last injection/pill/cream etc.

Obviously this is highly dependent on the half life of the ester etc.

That said at what point if a cycle are your lifts the best?

It would be good to hear from those who have run both short and long cycles.
Victor conte talked so much shit on that podcast it wasn't funny and don't get me started on rogan with that said if your on cycle and doing everything right every week you should be getting stronger lifting more working out longer with more intense workouts so in my case the further into the cycle the better I feel and the more I lift . say I was doing a 15 week test e only cycle nothing else no front loading nothing it takes a few weeks for it to kick in being a long ester so say were at week 9 dosing 600mgs a week the whole cycle if I was benching 180 in week 9 by the time the cycle finished in week 15 I would benching 190 or closer to 200 the weight and time is just an example . I would be pissed and disappointed in my self if the weight wasn't getting heavier the closer I get to the end of the cycle . that's just my personal opinion I'm no victor conte
WHEN I cycled for power/strength/strongman stuff the last 2-4 weeks were my strongest.

Now I can t say as my bone pain limit my lift s both in weight and or rep s. I did leg presses w some young guy s over the weekend and being the vanity driven Viking show off did 18 plates on leg machine for 4 set s of 20...cannot hardly walk now ( THOUGH I m better than 48 hour s ago ) and will be bteer coming up in the week. When I did bodybuilding 6-8 weeks out my lift s got slightly lighter and my volume went up to compensate for lose of fat as fuel and trying to as now, use my 40-60 min s weights to fit in 20 - 22 set s. I do 12-14 working sets for big ones 6-9 for small ones...that s me though. Factor in my low doses and it makes me
Hmm. Sprinters getting faster after excess estradiol (water) leaves the body, but before hypogonadism sets in? Well, duh. Lol.

This is a trick question as the goal is continuous improvement, so pinpointing a specific time is silly as you should be increasing lean mass provided calories are in a surplus.

SO, to be different - I'm going to say that once I learned just how important nutrition is, is when I had my best lifts. ;)