Aussie members get in here!

another aussie from Perth checking in.
its not that easy getting gear over here, but knowing the right people helps,
I think the UGLOZ gear above is fake because they all have the same cap from what I have seen on the internet they look very different from the other Vials of UGLOZ
From newcastle here, prices are against the rules you should edit that shit out. I've heard mixed reviews about genpharma. Been getting ugloz, very good shit

I wonder if rival brands are just bad mouthing gen-pharma or if someone refilled and re-capped a bunch them.

Legit gen-pharma is good stuff, my bloods showed 133.2 nmol/L test (normal range 10-35) and free test at 4107 (range 225-725). All other blood tests I have seen for gen pharma show that its legit too.

I also have had blood tests with UGLOz, Fuerza and MOS... all legit.
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Hey buddy did you see the picture above of UGLOZ what do you think? They have ugloz caps on them just seems a little weird they all have the same caps...
Hey buddy did you see the picture above of UGLOZ what do you think? They have ugloz caps on them just seems a little weird they all have the same caps...

yeea man I seen the pic and its weird how they do have all the cap's on em. could be real/ could not be?. I have met some guys who got gear with same caps on em turns it they were all good gear depend's who you got it off? just run the test for few weeks get your blood done an then you will know..
Well my supplier knows a vet, so he told me he got it straight out of a bladder. It has no stickers on it or anything. Just clear vials. I'm also told that its 100MG per 1ML. I think this means it's vetinary grade? I'm doing my first cycle but I thought all vials are meant to have those stickers on them.

yes that's right well it's test prop then make you run it EOD. cork's so bad to!. I use to get bladder's I love the prop!.. where about in Brisbane you from? pm me!
The labels on the ones on the left look legit like what I and a few of my friends had. I'm not sure about the ones on the right? maybe are are an older batch... not sure. The latest batch has UGLoz printed on the caps but the standard flip off ones are fine too.
yes that's right well it's test prop then make you run it EOD. cork's so bad to!. I use to get bladder's I love the prop!.. where about in Brisbane you from? pm me!

Yeah I'll be running test prop at 375MG per week, and instead of injecting EOD I'll be doing Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I'm thinking about getting another vial to run a higher dose, but I think a low dose is all good to start with. I'm from the northern suburbs. I can't PM you I haven't got enough posts! Swing me a PM!
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My vials look exactly like the ones on the left hand side of the pic shown. I got bloods pre-cycle so half way ill get some more and report with results
Can't disagree with that. It's pretty unfortunate for us but oh well, at least our nation is largely safe and protected. It just means we need to be not lazy and go out and look for a local source.

Yep, customs are the worse. There's plenty of ugl getting around. I can get most stuff just as cheap as a lot of overseas sources anyway. Just gotta find a source you trust
Hey, what brands of Dianabol have you guys used?

I have a pack of the Body Research / March Pharmaceuticals dianabol which I know is 100% counterfeit. I've heard mixed reports on whether they are properly dosed dianabol still or not. Anyone got any experiences with the body research / march pharmaceuticals counterfeit? They seem to be everywhere
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Hey, what brands of Dianabol have you guys used?

I have a pack of the Body Research / March Pharmaceuticals dianabol which I know is 100% counterfeit. I've heard mixed reports on whether they are properly dosed dianabol still or not. Anyone got any experiences with the body research / march pharmaceuticals counterfeit? They seem to be everywhere

blue heart dbol from Thailand is only one's I use. blue hearts 10mg per tab
gotta question for u guys, what do u do for your bloods here?
all the othe rguys on the forums talk about the private labs, is there any here in aus? specifically perth?
got some done but had to pay a visit to the doc for it and i didn't get an accurate test level reading just a 'greater than' - >52 nmol
blue heart dbol from Thailand is only one's I use. blue hearts 10mg per tab

Yeah the ones I'm talking about are blue hearts from Thailand. Some say the counterfeit's are still good, others say are are under-dosed or bunk. Do you have the bottle still?