Avavar and voice change


New member
What do you think of Cephalexin, T3? I was told the first is for acne due to roids? and T3 speeds up your metabolism? I am wanting to loose about 5lbs of fat and put on a few pounds of muscle. I'm at 18% body fat now, but I wann aget down to 12%. I am about to start my second cycle of Winstrol (winny) and stick with it for three months. I only did 2 last cycle because i broke out way too much and my hair was falling out more, but wheni tried ana Anavar (var) my voice dropped! I have been off Anavar (var) for 3-4 months now and its still a little deep, do you think it will go back in time? thanks
What do you think of Cephalexin, T3? I was told the first is for acne due to roids? and T3 speeds up your metabolism? I am wanting to loose about 5lbs of fat and put on a few pounds of muscle. I'm at 18% body fat now, but I wann aget down to 12%. I am about to start my second cycle of Winstrol (winny) and stick with it for three months. I only did 2 last cycle because i broke out way too much and my hair was falling out more, but wheni tried ana Anavar (var) my voice dropped! I have been off Anavar (var) for 3-4 months now and its still a little deep, do you think it will go back in time? thanks

If you would have come on as soon as your voice began to change, I could have stopped it with a protocol that I have used of a few different drugs.

Your voice will never go back. It is one of the risks you take when you use anabolics.

Anabolics should no be used to get "lean" ever, anabolics build muscle.

Post up your diet/training/stats, if you want to drop fat the answer lies there.
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what were the steps you take if your voice was changing? I was only taking 10mg/day. What can I take as a leaner/hardner? I would like an injectable like Winstrol (winny), but Winstrol (winny) makes my hair fall out after about 2 months, so any suggestions? HELP PLEASE. I want lean cuts, rippled in my muscle cause I'm so lean.
I can't help you gear wise because I don't use any, but, you can get lean and hard by having the right diet for your goals, sufficient cardio, and proper resistance training. I've seen a few of your threads and you seem to rely a lot on the use of anabolics to get ripped when diet manipulation and proper training will do that. You can't run gear forever but you can keep track of what you eat and how you train. Plus you don't mess yourself up in a way that you maybe can't come back from.

You also seem to have very unrealistic goals for what you can achieve and maintain. that's a dangerous cycle to get into. Just my honest opinion, but something tells me you have to figure that out through trial error for yourself..

what were the steps you take if your voice was changing? I was only taking 10mg/day. What can I take as a leaner/hardner? I would like an injectable like Winstrol (winny), but Winstrol (winny) makes my hair fall out after about 2 months, so any suggestions? HELP PLEASE. I want lean cuts, rippled in my muscle cause I'm so lean.
no your right with diet, exercise. I am very stricked, and have been told I have no weight to loose, and have lots of muscle, as I am 13%bf. But I am always looking for something more. My voice changed a little with anavar so I stopped taking it, and am going to stop taking Winstrol (winny) as well. I am afraid my voice is changing with that too! I don't want it to go deeper/ Are there any tools to help with keeping my voice the same, or anything to take to make it go higher? The voice is something you shouldn't mess with, but it always sounds like im sick, or loosing my voice now because of the Anavar (var), and i only took it for a month and stopped right away!
It's a lot to do with what's in your head. It is an emotional thing and your goals are very unrealistic which is why you look for dangerous methods to maintain this. Competitors have an off season bodyfat % of near around 15% some even more, so why you want to be even less than what you are now is beyond me. You'll mess up your hormones and have all sorts of problems, trying to maintain it will take over your life. I learned the hard way after competing that you can't keep pushing yourself and dieting to maintain an image.

I burnt out completely and was all over the place. My husband didn't enjoy my moods for the sake of keeping body fat low, plus I have a toddler who got my short temper in the neck! Not worth it if you want to maintain relationships!! You can keep a healthy weight and reasonable body fat levels with good diet habits and exercise. Why dabble with gear if you're not trying to compete? I understand the body image deal, but you want something you can maintain whilst living an enjoyable life which means striking a balance which you can live with without potentially harming yourself. Trust me, it gets all too consuming and depressing to keep looking for that thing that will melt it all away so you can look like Monica Brant Peckham year round, she doesn't even look like herself year round! She has sponsorship deals which help her get to her amazing conditioning, but off season she just looks fit without ripped. There's a reason for that....

Your voice, I think blondie already commented on that before..

no your right with diet, exercise. I am very stricked, and have been told I have no weight to loose, and have lots of muscle, as I am 13%bf. But I am always looking for something more. My voice changed a little with anavar so I stopped taking it, and am going to stop taking Winstrol (winny) as well. I am afraid my voice is changing with that too! I don't want it to go deeper/ Are there any tools to help with keeping my voice the same, or anything to take to make it go higher? The voice is something you shouldn't mess with, but it always sounds like im sick, or loosing my voice now because of the Anavar (var), and i only took it for a month and stopped right away!
It's a lot to do with what's in your head. It is an emotional thing and your goals are very unrealistic which is why you look for dangerous methods to maintain this. Competitors have an off season bodyfat % of near around 15% some even more, so why you want to be even less than what you are now is beyond me. You'll mess up your hormones and have all sorts of problems, trying to maintain it will take over your life. I learned the hard way after competing that you can't keep pushing yourself and dieting to maintain an image.

I burnt out completely and was all over the place. My husband didn't enjoy my moods for the sake of keeping body fat low, plus I have a toddler who got my short temper in the neck! Not worth it if you want to maintain relationships!! You can keep a healthy weight and reasonable body fat levels with good diet habits and exercise. Why dabble with gear if you're not trying to compete? I understand the body image deal, but you want something you can maintain whilst living an enjoyable life which means striking a balance which you can live with without potentially harming yourself. Trust me, it gets all too consuming and depressing to keep looking for that thing that will melt it all away so you can look like Monica Brant Peckham year round, she doesn't even look like herself year round! She has sponsorship deals which help her get to her amazing conditioning, but off season she just looks fit without ripped. There's a reason for that....

Your voice, I think blondie already commented on that before..

Excellent post Detour, I agree with u 100 %, I think women have to set realistic goals, or you'll set yourself up for dissapointment.
It's good to be determined and be dedicated, but you have to keep in mind what you are sacrificing... and compromise.
Thanks Mrs P, love your avatar btw! :)

Excellent post Detour, I agree with u 100 %, I think women have to set realistic goals, or you'll set yourself up for dissapointment.
It's good to be determined and be dedicated, but you have to keep in mind what you are sacrificing... and compromise.
Thanks Mrs P, love your avatar btw! :)

Thank ya Girl ;)

Don't u wish u had super powers ??
Hey, If I did I wouldn't have to say this prayer anymore.


Lol !
LMFAO! With my black genetics no matter how small I get my ass is still out there! I'm now 5 months pregnant and my ass sticks out as much as my bump, it's not fat, just African made muscle lol!

I used to pray at night for god to take my ass away, now I realise that people go through hell to build a butt that stands up and says hello so I don't fuss anymore :)

Thank ya Girl ;)

Don't u wish u had super powers ??
Hey, If I did I wouldn't have to say this prayer anymore.


Lol !

I am currently on my second week with Anavar (var) and having a bit of a sleep issue, with the other stuff.

I was looking up @ the complications aka side effects and they are much less then Winstrol (winny). I've not taken Winstrol (winny), but was a bit curious.

I am on 10 mg of Anavar (var), I was told if taking a lot of Anavar (var) the hair issues can come in. Can Aldactone render this problem? I am taking Aldactone, because I am stacking, so this particular issue is not mine, but I am now curious.
LMFAO! With my black genetics no matter how small I get my ass is still out there! I'm now 5 months pregnant and my ass sticks out as much as my bump, it's not fat, just African made muscle lol!

I used to pray at night for god to take my ass away, now I realise that people go through hell to build a butt that stands up and says hello so I don't fuss anymore :)

Haha, I used to think the same when I was younger, I was always thin but let's just say I have enough junk in my trunk..lol
Be proud of it girl, Better to have some than none...... right ? lol ;)

Congrats on your pregnancy !! such an exciting time, is this your first ?

I am currently on my second week with Anavar (var) and having a bit of a sleep issue, with the other stuff.

I was looking up @ the complications aka side effects and they are much less then Winstrol (winny). I've not taken Winstrol (winny), but was a bit curious.

I am on 10 mg of Anavar (var), I was told if taking a lot of Anavar (var) the hair issues can come in. Can Aldactone render this problem? I am taking Aldactone, because I am stacking, so this particular issue is not mine, but I am now curious.

Welcome NatureBeast :)

What are your stats, age, height, weight ?
Var could give you insomnia, I know some ladies have been posting they are getting this side.
If this is what you are experiencing I suggest you try a natural sleep aid, or maybe an OTC aid. See if that helps.

What other sides are you having ?
Aldactone is a prescribed medication that treats hair loss in women.

Good luck to u !
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Oh I accept it now, it's genetic gotta work with it! So squatting exercises with weights aren't for me because the ass just gets bigger! Coupled with my small waist it stands out even more, I appreciate my shape a lot more now. My second pregnancy. Less cautious with everything I do, still doing gymnastics and back bends, leaps jumps and overstretched training.

Bet my junk beats yours!! Actually in 3j's diet thread there are some pictures of me posted around page 47 or maybe a page or two later, you can see what I mean. .

Haha, I used to think the same when I was younger, I was always thin but let's just say I have enough junk in my trunk..lol
Be proud of it girl, Better to have some than none...... right ? lol ;)

Congrats on your pregnancy !! such an exciting time, is this your first ?
Oh I accept it now, it's genetic gotta work with it! So squatting exercises with weights aren't for me because the ass just gets bigger! Coupled with my small waist it stands out even more, I appreciate my shape a lot more now. My second pregnancy. Less cautious with everything I do, still doing gymnastics and back bends, leaps jumps and overstretched training.

Bet my junk beats yours!! Actually in 3j's diet thread there are some pictures of me posted around page 47 or maybe a page or two later, you can see what I mean. .

You go Girl !!!!:elephant: I saw the pics,
"Baby got back" Fo So !! lol
You look great ! Those are Genetics for sure,
I'm from Cuban, Spanish decent and I know what u mean.

I do squats & lounges & I love it, thankfully it doesn't make my :bootyshak

Good luck to u !!
~~ Enjoy your pregnancy ~~ ;)
lol! Thank you. Over halfway now so I'm sure it will be over in a blink of an eye and I'll have my body back. Will miss having him in my stomach moving around though. That's special!

You go Girl !!!!:elephant: I saw the pics,
"Baby got back" Fo So !! lol
You look great ! Those are Genetics for sure,
I'm from Cuban, Spanish decent and I know what u mean.

I do squats & lounges & I love it, thankfully it doesn't make my :bootyshak

Good luck to u !!
~~ Enjoy your pregnancy ~~ ;)
Leanmeat, I hope our posts to you are making you think differently? You really should have a more objective view about your goals and how you'll achieve them. I have nothing against women who want to use gear it's their choice, but if you go into it expecting miracles you're just setting yourself up for a fall.

Good luck, train smart, eat smart and enjoy life, it's way too short to get fixated on things that are too hard to obtain and maintain.
"Welcome NatureBeast

What are your stats, age, height, weight ?
Var could give you insomnia, I know some ladies have been posting they are getting this side.
If this is what you are experiencing I suggest you try a natural sleep aid, or maybe an OTC aid. See if that helps.

What other sides are you having ?
Aldactone is a prescribed medication that treats hair loss in women.

Good luck to u ! "

I have yet to get my stats, but my age is 45, and I am 5'9. I will be getting the weight issues on Thursday. Better explain...I've been on gear off and on for over 5 months and have more in the time following. I am currently on Anavar (var) and Tren. Yes, I said Tren (low dose) with DSMO. Just for a bit, then over to Primo. I am getting some Clen shortly as I 've been advised off the t3 and the ephi for a while. So, 4 weeks more with tren and then moving on.
Currently, I've had some headaches and with a slight case of sleepliness but with pills to render this problem. Since I stopped the t3 and the ephi, it is less then before.

I started 1 year and 9 days, so I can say, my newlywed to workouts and gear and such is over. Now, I am into this for the long run and finding that I am wanting to work out a lot and get my butt on to the other sports for fun too.
I thank you for the good luck and wish to learn and be a part of this groups forum, so thank you again.

Lookin forward in learning from you all!
"Welcome NatureBeast

What are your stats, age, height, weight ?
Var could give you insomnia, I know some ladies have been posting they are getting this side.
If this is what you are experiencing I suggest you try a natural sleep aid, or maybe an OTC aid. See if that helps.

What other sides are you having ?
Aldactone is a prescribed medication that treats hair loss in women.

Good luck to u ! "

I have yet to get my stats, but my age is 45, and I am 5'9. I will be getting the weight issues on Thursday. Better explain...I've been on gear off and on for over 5 months and have more in the time following. I am currently on Anavar (var) and Tren. Yes, I said Tren (low dose) with DSMO. Just for a bit, then over to Primo. I am getting some Clen shortly as I 've been advised off the t3 and the ephi for a while. So, 4 weeks more with tren and then moving on.
Currently, I've had some headaches and with a slight case of sleepliness but with pills to render this problem. Since I stopped the t3 and the ephi, it is less then before.

I started 1 year and 9 days, so I can say, my newlywed to workouts and gear and such is over. Now, I am into this for the long run and finding that I am wanting to work out a lot and get my butt on to the other sports for fun too.
I thank you for the good luck and wish to learn and be a part of this groups forum, so thank you again.

Lookin forward in learning from you all!

That's great that you enjoy the sport, keeps you young for sure... right ?
I'm doing my first cycle now (Primo) 150 mg a week.
I'm only on my second week, so far no negative sides..I'll let u know how it goes for me.

Good luck with your goals :)