BA and BB math...


New member
how do i figure out how much BA and/or BB i would need for certain conversions?

masteron and NPP specifically....i know i dont need BA or BB for test prop, test enan, deca and EQ (all put in oil only...i believe so...). And Winstrol (winny) is suspended in PEG...
gymphreak said:
how do i figure out how much BA and/or BB i would need for certain conversions?

masteron and NPP specifically....i know i dont need BA or BB for test prop, test enan, deca and EQ (all put in oil only...i believe so...). And Winstrol (winny) is suspended in PEG...

masteron goes with 3% ba and 9% bb.

you will need solvents for prop.

winny holds in peg with no solvent but nobody has tried a shot yet to test pain factor. i made some with 2% ba and 15% bb and used peg as the carrier. 50mg/ml was pain free.

never made NPP. it should go with 5% ba and 15% bb no prob though. a friend said he had boldenone base holdin with this ratio. so it should work with npp as well.

one thing you gonna find out weed hopper is that this stuff aint an exact science. what works one day dont work the next. cyp is a great example of that. it is listed as being soluable in oil. i have had it to hold at 400mg/ml with no solvent. i have had t to crash with 5% ba and 10% bb at 200mg/ml. go figure. same batch of cyp too.

i will say this there are only a handfull of hormones that wont hold at 5%ba and 15%bb. this amount of solvent has never caused me any pain either.
Thanks Sensei...what i was more aiming for was when i try to figure out the ammt of BA and BB, do i find the percentage from the full ammt of sol'n or from just a specific ammt?
does this look good for masteron?? getting 6grams of powder..making it at 150mg/ml...

6grams Masteron
2ml BA
3.6ml BB
28.4ml sesame oil

this should yeild 4 10ml vials of masteron at 150mg/ml if my math is correct?
up /\/\.....another Q....IF i did a mixture and it started crashing, do i just keep adding more BA untill it starts holding? is that how to get it to sucessfully hold?
I'd heat it first and see if you can get it back into solution, and then I'd add minimal amounts of solvent.
Well, I'd shoot for more bb because I'm a big pussy and can't deal with ba very well, but it depends. If a little heat won't get you back into solution, you might have to bring out the big guns (ba).
masteron at 150 may hurt. prop esters normally dont like that high a concentration. but hey you could let us know how it goes. we need another guinnea pig around here.


40ml total solution ! 150mg/ml

ba= 1.2ml
bb= 3.6ml
dros= 6g
oil= 31-33ml.

i dont measure oil. i use a graduated beaker/cylinder. add solvent and powder. heat til it clears then fill to approriate line with oil. always add about 5% more oil as there is some lost in processing and heat causes expansion so readings will be a bit on the high side til solution cools. comprende' amigo? assuming "dros" is masteron powder.....
and as far as mixing everything, its all understood now...

So i pretty much i sterilize the oil in the oven, dissolve the sludge into the BA and BB, mix oil into newly made sludge, filter into sealed vials, and then bake....
gymphreak said: assuming "dros" is masteron powder.....
and as far as mixing everything, its all understood now...

So i pretty much i sterilize the oil in the oven, dissolve the sludge into the BA and BB, mix oil into newly made sludge, filter into sealed vials, and then bake....

dros-drostanalone proprionate

No need to sterilize the oil on it's own, you are going to be sterile filtering it at the same time as the gear, as well as baking it at the same time.

Anybody else get the feeling that we are about to see a new underground lab, DryPoke Labs or somesuch?

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TxLonghorn said:

Anybody else get the feeling that we are about to see a new underground lab, DryPoke Labs or somesuch?

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I wasnt going to call him out on it, but if a new lab pops up offering a hell of a deal on dbol and a grandopening sale of amps im gonna run the other way.