Baking gear in vials to sterilize


I am banned!
So long story short, I received some prop I went to pop the lids off and the entire cap and everything came off.... Awesome quality from the ugl.....

Luckily I had a couple empty (Pre-sterile) vials from rui that I bought so I transferd the gear into them, I also had another prop vial the I just finished off (different brand)
So I had enough to transfer all 60ml into new vials. But just because afew of them got open air exposure I would like to be safe.

I remember reading somewhere about baking the vial with a needlie through the stopper to sterilize the gear.
How do I go about doing this?

Thanks guys.
You must have vented the sterile vial to inject the juice in right? Just leave that vent in the vial if want to bake. The temp required to sterilize your gear is going to degrade the hormone. How many mgs loss could be a few to hundreds.

I would NOT bake it man, but if you do a twice bake is recommended. Search auto claving times and temps and also melting points for that particular hormone. Exceeding that melting point is going to cook your mgs down a little at least.

"open air" isn't going to infect your gear.
I would consider re filtering if anything and honestly I probably wouldn't even do that based on what you are saying.

Baking was a big thing on the boards back some years. Now the claims are that you can't bake it long enough to really sterilize it without damaging the hormone and or melting the rubber stopper. I don't know the answer either way :)
Ill just filter then, I thought it might be ok.
Thanks for the help guys.

Thats the best route to go, make sure you use a .2 um filter as .45um won't sterilize.

Oil is such a viscous liquid that a conventional oven cant produce steady dry heat evenly throughout the gear. Auto claves are the only way around this.

Many think that ovens still work but all they're doing is just wasting time. If the stopper just popped off for a second and nothing touched it then you really don't even need to re filter.
Thats the best route to go, make sure you use a .2 um filter as .45um won't sterilize.

Oil is such a viscous liquid that a conventional oven cant produce steady dry heat evenly throughout the gear. Auto claves are the only way around this.

Many think that ovens still work but all they're doing is just wasting time. If the stopper just popped off for a second and nothing touched it then you really don't even need to re filter.

Filter, and re filter if you like.

Ultimately you can always toss it out and go from another source. Otherwise you have to rely on two things. Faith you will be fine, and your bodies immune system to back you up if anything funky does get in there.
air exposure really isn't a concern here. The gear (hopefully) has BA in it and that is what keeps it sterile....not the absence of air. All filtering will do is remove any micro particles that may have gotten into the mix during the transfer. But the worst micro particles will do is possibly increase PIP. I used to have a friend that would mix up some test and draw straight from the measuring cup to shoot. He never filtered and he never had any problems....