Basic peptide cycle info?


New member
Im 20 years old, 5'11'' and 80kg. Workout 11 times a week (twice a day, once on Saturday.) Im looking for something to help recovery as well as put on a bit of mass. Training is cardio/muscle endurance in the mornings, some days its swimming. Afternoon is strength/ hypertrophy and endurance work.
Also ive heard it doesn't show up in a piss test?
For people who think im over training, im in the military and training for SF selection at the end of the year so i have a specific program.

Any help with what types are good for my training, dosages and min/max run time would be good.

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My fave is ghrp2 or 6 with cjc no dac easy basic cycle if you want to see better gains throw in some lgd goodluck