BB needed for test e, 250?

No need for the bb. I've never done any chemistry, but this is what the gurus in the forum have said. Even 500mg/mL of test E doesn't need any BB.
it will hold but doesnt the 20% of bb help thin out the oil and hormone to help out on post injection soreness.
Yes you can use 20% bb to thin it out, i use it with most of my conversions for this reason. Also, try grapeseed or walnut oil, both fairly thin compared to other oils.
mranak said:
No need for the bb. I've never done any chemistry, but this is what the gurus in the forum have said. Even 500mg/mL of test E doesn't need any BB.
well 500mg that means half is pure hormone so i would use BB if making stronger gear
bmass said:
well 500mg that means half is pure hormone so i would use BB if making stronger gear

test enan is soluable in oil. it dont need any solvents, period. add 1-2% ba as an antimicrobial.

you want thnner gear use thinner oil.
pullinbig said:
4 ml of 10ml that is. =0l
So, 500mg of test (enenathate, I assume) takes up .4mL ?

I guess this information is probably in a sticky here, but I'm not seeing it. Guess it doesn't matter since I don't brew, but...
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I use grapeseed oil for my gear and its a thin oil and when i made 400mg test E it was painfull and i used only 2%Ba and im not sensetive so its the hormone and not the Ba that hurts but like said here you dont NEED it but you could use some BB to make it thinner
Since TE has a low melting point, I would think that forming those fiber-aggravating crystals would not happen. And yet, some do find a high potency solution painful. Isn't the BB suppose to also hold the hormone into depot (suspension) longer while it is waiting to be absorbed?
I want to make some TE-500, especially if it is less painful than the TE/TC-500 I currently use.
I guess I should just make a small batch both with and without BB and determine for myself which is better.
mranak said:
So, 500mg of test (enenathate, I assume) takes up .4mL ?

I guess this information is probably in a sticky here, but I'm not seeing it. Guess it doesn't matter since I don't brew, but...

yup, approximately after its in solution.