beast questions

Okay guys so my last day on the beast is saturday and I had a few concerns. When the heck do I start the pct? The next day? And is it normal my balls shrunk up? I mean I've dont a few phs before and my balls have never been this small...its kinda freaking me out.
the half life of superdrol is around eight hours and u should start pct the same day as your last pill . what is your pct going to consist of ? and i think ya balls will be ok, i have had some cycles where my balls hardley shrink and some where its real bad .
The shrinkage will go away with proper PCT....beast is a strong compound that shuts you down pretty aked above...whats your PCT look like...>
Guys this stuff is crazy! Two weeks on this stuff and I went from 190 to 208! This weekend I did a jackass move and dropped my carbs and went back down to 200. This stuff is great. I havent had any sides other than mood swings. My last week on the stuff Im gonna go for the big 50. I will let yall know how it goes.

No sides? You said your taking how much? I'm just curious because I'm doing only 10mg ed + 10mg of left over masterdrol which from my understanding is same thing? I have no sides but am wondering if I should go ahead and bump up to 20mg ed
for pct im going with good old nolva@ 40/40/20/20. I got clomid and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) on hand if you guys think i should throw that in. Im doing 50mgs a day right now and I actually feel great other than the shrinkage. The only bad part for me was around the 2nd week and that was just the mood swings. Yea man if you feel good I'd bump the dosage if you feel you can take it.
I use clomid exclusively....50mgs/day for 4 a natty booster or mild Aromatase inhibitor (AI) along side and your golden IMO
for post cycle therapy (pct) im going with good old nolva@ 40/40/20/20. I got clomid and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) on hand if you guys think i should throw that in. Im doing 50mgs a day right now and I actually feel great other than the shrinkage. The only bad part for me was around the 2nd week and that was just the mood swings. Yea man if you feel good I'd bump the dosage if you feel you can take it.

if you got both i would rec it ran like this:
wk1-4 20mg nolvadex ed/ 50mg clomid ed
DONT USE Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) DURING post cycle therapy (pct)!
if your already done your cycle then its too late to run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) unless your going to extend it with a Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) testdose for a few weeks while you take the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to plump up your balls THEN start post cycle therapy (pct) acouple days after Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is stopped.